3. Team 7

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I was finally called in.

There was a lady inside the cabin with blonde hair. She was looking at the file in her hands and she motioned for me to take the seat before her. I would be lying if I said that I was not excited for this interview and work.

"I read your reason of joining AWIYN. And I personally think that you are at a right place to seek your answers."

One of the columns in the job form  contained the question as to why we want that job...

The guide said to answer truthfully. So, I stated my true reason of joining AWIYN.

'To know if there's any possibility of my parents being alive.'

"Thank you."

I reply curtly.

"There's no need to be formal with me. I am like a second mother to all the employees here."

She says while moving her hand in a dismissive manner.

Mother ??!!

She looks like she's 23 !

She must have sensed my shocked expression as she started laughing really hard.

"I am 38. Not some 20 or 23 year old teenager as you may think."

She replied in between her laughs.

"How did you guess that I thought you are 23 ?"

"Honestly, it was just a hit-and-trial."


"So, these things aside. You see I'm planning to try an experiment."

She said. And then, two people enter the cabin and get seated beside me. One on each side of me.

One of them is the guy I met before. And the other is a guy with brown hair and red eyes. His eyes are just like blood.

Terrifyingly beautiful...

"In today’s highly diverse organizations, the ability to work with people having diverse values and cultures is extremely important. An organization’s culture is driven by the values throughout that organization. Employees need to feel included -- that their values are being recognized, understood and respected. They need to feel that their ideas and concerns are being heard. Those conditions create strong motivation and momentum for strong satisfaction and performance in their jobs.

It can be a major challenge to work with people and cultures where others have values, beliefs and certain conventions that are distinctly different from yours. Differences can lead to increased resistance to leadership and change because others might not understand and trust you.

Do you all understand my point ?"

"Yeah. But, why are you giving us a lecture on 'unity is diversity' Claire ?"

"Will you let me finish Kio ?"

So, his name was Kio...

Cute name.

He nods for her to go on. And I am forced to look at Claire again.

"Diversity is not just a feel-good move; it’s good for business. Study after study has shown that diversity leads to more creative teams and increases a company’s bottom line. I want diversity in not only my working area but also in the missions. But, if we want diversity, we should all be bringing people to work who are not like us."


Blue eyed guy said with some uncertainty in his voice.

"So, I want you three to make a team."

"What ? Why ?"

Red eyed guy said. He kind of looked offended by Claire's statement.

"Because you all are from three different countries and are having three different mindsets about supernatural things. Imagine what kinds of wonders you can create."

"But, I am perfectly happy with my own team."

Red eyed guy reasons out.

"You are not working here for your happiness Kio."

Claire states firmly.

"But, she's... " Red eyed guy looks towards me and points an accusing finger in my direction.

"She's what ?"

Claire and blue eyed guy asked in unison.

"She's a noobie."

"She is here to work. And you should know it better than anyone else that one learns while working."

"Don't you have any problem with this arrangement Tyler ?"

"I don't think so. Besides it will be fresh to see someone who is not that experienced about these things."

"Great. Now, no comments about this matter Kio. You three will be working together. Let me introduce you."

Claire stands up and introduces me to Kio (red eyed guy), Tyler (blue eyed guy) and herself.

I got to know that Tyler is from Team 1 which is the most experienced team of AWIYN. Together, they have helped more than 100 people in getting rid of their supernatural problems. He works in a team which contains people exclusively from England.

Kio is from Team 3 which contains people from Japan. They travel and live mostly in Japan. He is not as  experienced as Tyler but, he is a quick learner. He has helped 30 people in their supernatural problems in just a span of 3 months.

And, I am an Indian.

Together, we form Team 7.

I understand what Claire meant when she said that diversity speech of her. We were her guinea pigs in the experiment to see if three people from three different countries can join hands to get rid of fear...

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