Chapter 1: Twilight Mode Sucks

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"Shadow Ball!"

An orb of darkness sailed over my head, slightly grazing my left antler. Another ball of inky, purple-black soared towards me and a growl escaped the attacking Umbreon's throat as I veered to the left.

"Shadow Claw!" Another command was barked and the Umbreon leapt towards me, his paw covered in shadows. Feeling slightly annoyed, I ducked under the pathetic attempt of an attack, earning myself another growl.

Charging a ball of green energy inside my throat, I patiently waited for the next attack. The Umbreon leapt once more, his claw of shadows aimed right for my throat. Ducking below him once more, I released the Energy Ball I had been charging in my throat through my mouth, hitting it square in the stomach. It fell to the ground, having fainted from the attack.

I sighed and flew away, leaving the Umbreon to the angry rants of it's trainer. I mumbled softly to myself, complaining about Arceus and humans and the unfairness of it all. Don't get me wrong, I love Arceus as much as the next guy, and not all humans are bad. But there was one human I absolutely despised, and every time I though of him, I imagined him in a pit of lava, burning to death. Ash Ketchum.

I can only think of that slimeball for more than a few minutes before I go on and on and on about that souless creature. I'm glad he's dead. Honestly. Did he take into consideration how we legendaries felt when he started hunting us down? I wasn't surprised when Arceus personally appeared to that human, or whatever you call something with no soul. And how does that coward, yes that's the word, deal with that? Does he simply stop hunting us? Does he simply just, lay down his Pokeballs? No, the coward, yes I am definitely liking this word, pits us against each other in an endless death match, with no hope of survival unless we avoid capture.

My thoughts came to an abrupt stop as the cave I have been taking residence in appeared from behind the cliff that conceals it. But it's not the simple sight of the cave that so harshly brought my busy thoughts to a halt. It was the sight of the usually cold gray walls of the cave are now a slight orange that does. My mind instantly slipped into a different mode all us legendaries have, our twilight mode.

My senses are heightened. The slightest breeze against my fur makes my nose twitch. I can hear the slight chirp of a Pidgey, who is intently watching, me being the most interesting thing it's seen all day.

I slowly enter the cave, my vision studying every inch of the dwelling. The dim light from it's source leads me further into the cave.


I silently scold myself for my clumsiness and discard the halves of the broken twig. The source of the dim light is quickly extinguished, probably in hopes of scaring me off. I give a silent chuckle, despite my usual kind nature. This should be fun.

You can't hide in the darkness human.

I project the thought with enough strength to brush the human's mind. I earn a feeble attempt at a mind barrier, which easily shatters after I send a single, charged Magical Leaf into the darkness.

"W-what do you w-w-want?" a voice so shaky and fragile, I fear I might here it shatter. The soft pop of a Pokeball echoes through the darkness.

Your Eevee and Riolu won't hurt me.

As if to respond to my comment, I am met by a blue ball of complete and pure aura, big enough to destroy a boulder. I however, disperse it with a simple Leaf Tornado. Razor sharp stars appear from out of seemingly nowhere, closing in on their target. Countering with an energy ball, I leap upwards as if to fly, but plummet back down to the ground, the cold stone floor knocking me out. As the tendrils of darkness close in on me, a single pink petal floats in front of my face, and the darkness closes in.

"Wake up child."

My eyelids casually release the darkness surrounding me as I slide them open. I rise to my paws and make five observations.

I'm in a field, that is full of plants thriving impossibly well.

The sun is at the perfect angle, allowing that, not to much, not to little but that just right, amount of sunlight to each plant.

I'm in my primary form.

The Gracidea flower that transforms me into my other form is missing a petal.

Arceus is here.

The Creator Pokemon is seemingly amused by my baffled expression, as a slight chuckle follows his quick glance at my expression.

"Hello Creator," I said, attempting to hold back any trace of fear in my voice.

"Hello child," Arceus replied, the amusement on his face making its way into his tone. A silence of utter awkwardness followed as we blankly stared at each other, neither of us knowing what to say.

"Why is my flower missing a petal?" I blurt out the question so quickly, it barley processes in my brain before I have an answer.

"It is what happens to everyone. An entity of such power must have a flaw in their astronomical design. We can't be all powerful," Arceus answers. Probably at the look of confusion blooming on my face, he laughs, a deep guttural laugh one might here from an experienced fisherman. "Think of Darkrai. A Legendary of such ruthlessness must have entered his twilight mode a plethora of times. Do you understand?" he asks. The Creator sighs when I shake my head. "Come here, child. Let me give you a memory." Arceus places his hoof on my head, much like he did to send me to Earth, and I'm enveloped in a flash of white.

I'm looking over two worlds. One light. One dark. Mirror opposites of each other.

Suddenly, I'm viewing these worlds through Arceus' eyes. He lands in the dark world, among twisted branches and gnarled tree roots.

"So you have come to see me, Creator?" a voice asks from somewhere in the darkness.

"Step out Darkrai, I have no wish to play your games today," came Arceus' harsh reply. A figure that looked like Darkrai, but furrier, a dark obsidian gem placed on his forehead, and legs, appeared out of the darkness.

Suddenly, I was pulled out of the memory and back to the present. I was still confused and said such.

"So....what? Why did you show me this?" I asked him.

"OK. Did you see the gem on his forehead? That gem used to power up any dark type move he used. But he entered his twilight mode so many times, that it completely shattered. There was nothing left to take away from him, except for, him. His legs slowly eroded away every time he continued to entered his twilight mode," he answered. I finally understood, but before I could tell him that, fuzziness surrounded me and I began to lose conciseness.

"Don't resist child. Its time to go back," Arceus said, and everything faded to black as I returned to the human world.

📖Word Count: 1213📖

First chapter up! Yay!!!!!!!
Only 1213 words though :'(
Sadness!!! So much sadness!!!
But eh. IDC lol. As long as you guys are happy.


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