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The power of the name. It radiated with purely raw, power. The Creator. The Shaper of Worlds. Spoken to with nothing but respect. Nothing but a myth to the lower beings known as humans.

The regal form of this myth stood before The Council of Legendaries, authority rolling off of him in waves. No one dared speak or move without his permission.

The reason for the gathering of the Council was remembered all to well. And that reason had a name. Ash Ketchum.

The small trembling figure of a human stood before the very Council , the weight of all the scornful glares making him quake with fear.

"You must stop human," Arceus stated, simple and to the point.
Murmurs of agreement sounded behind him.

"W-what if I don't want to?" came the shaky reply.

"You insolent fool! How dare you question me!?" Arceus boomed, knocking the figure down with the shear power of is voice. The king of all Pokemon slowly walked towards the human, the menace of what he was about to do apparent in every step. The attending Legendaries, even the wild ones such Darkrai and Yveltal, all held their breath, in fear of their Creator's power.

Arceus looked straight into the human's crystal blue eyes, the amusement on it's face coming from the immense amount of fear in his eyes. The Legendaries all closed their eyes as a blinding flash filled the room.

"OK OK! I'll stop!" the desperate cry filled the room, pouring into ears of all in the room. The Creator, deciding to have mercy, stopped the move and growled at the human.

"But the next generation won't. And the one after that. You will always be hunted. Whether you like it not," Ash said. With that, the human ran out, to fulfill the threat he had just made.

And he had. The human had gone back to earth and declared that all Legendaries be hunted every 100 years to be pitted in a to-the-death battle.

Arceus looked before the Council, knowing with a heavy heart that some would be saved from this horrible battle, and most would not.

After an extended period of silence he spoke, "This Council is called to order," and watched in satisfaction as the Legendaries surrounding him nodded in acknowledgment. "We start with the Water Types," he spoke commandingly. The huge form of their speaker, Kyogre, rose and nodded solemnly.

"It is time again Arceus. The humans have forced this. I must go to sleep in order to avoid capture." He spoke with all seriousness in his voice, earnesty intertwining with it. Arceus nodded slowly and beckoned the ancient blue Legendary forward.

Placing his right front hoof on Kyogre's forehead, he began to chant, the tune long forgotten by time.

"Slumber. Rest. Take refuge in the deepest trench."
"I command you now, to do as I say."
"Descend into the blackness, until you sway."
"Sleep for the most of your days."

Kyogre disappeared in flash of blue mist, seemingly evaporating into the air. The rest of the water types all made their request, resulting in Manaphy and Phione to also evaporate in blue mist. Arceus nodded towards the Electric Types, who had elected Zapdos as their speaker.

"Raikou, Thundurus, and I have decided to retreat into the clouds, high in the sky," his deep voice spoke, sending spark-like feelings up the spines of most of the Pokemon in the room.

"Haha you coward! I refuse to back away from a challenge!" Thundurus bellowed, making Arceus shake his head in disappointment.

"As you wish," Arceus sighed, sending Raikou and Zapdos up in a sparking yellow cloud of electricity. Turning to Thundurus he sighed once more and gave another chant, this one speaking of the land below, and making him disappear in a dust cloud.

And that was how the meeting went. Type after type, cloud after cloud. The Legendaries retreated into volcanoes and caves, or even islands. Finally there was one type left.

"Grass Types. Who is your speaker?" he asked. A small Legendary, with the form of a deer, shakily stood, attempting to gulp back the fear that clogged his throat. Shaymin finally managed to speak.

"W-w-well um, Virizion, Celebi, and I have um chosen to retreat to the peaceful m-meadows of an island." Arceus paused, seemingly to ponder over the request. Finally, he gave a reply.

"I refuse to send you Shaymin. This is the sixth time I have given you a free pass. This time I shall not. You are to participate this year. Understand?" Shaymin nodded sullenly at his superior's harsh tone.

"Yes, Creator," he replied. The bigger Legendary sighed, feeling as if he were fathering over Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina again. Arceus preformed one last chant and sent Shaymin up in a cloud of dirt and grass. When the last wisp of smoke had cleared, Arceus noticed it left behind the bitter scent of a rotting rosebud.

The regal Legendary took one more look at the Council room, and faded back into the myth most thought he was.

Leaving behind a scent of fresh roses to combat the burnt ones.

After all, the God Pokemon couldn't have his Castle smelling like death now could he?

📖Word Count: 869📖

This chapter is boring AF. But it gets better I promise so......stick around?


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