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That night I was resting when I heard sounds of screaming coming from downstairs, I leapt up and ran down the stairs, I instinctively reached for my blade but forgot I didn't have it. I panicked and kept to the walls, Dwayne was bent over, his bones were breaking and resetting themselves. "Gilda run!" he wheezed. 

"How can I help you?" I panicked. 

"Y. . . You can't!" he said.  "Just run!" he leapt at me and all the flesh melted off him and now a big black wolf stood in front of me, it just growled and sniffed me before throwing me into the hearth as it left, I just stared at the beast before everything went dark. The next morning I feel someone shaking me gently, they're saying my name but its muffled and I cant focus. "Gilda are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and pulled myself off the floor. 

"W. . ..What are you?" I said shrugging him off and running towards the stairs. 

"I'm complicated." he said looking down.  He walked towards me but I leapt back and ran up the stairs I shut the door behind me and locked it. "Gilda please!" he begged. 

"No, how do I know you wont hurt me?" I asked. 

"I only change on a full moon you're safe with me in the day." he said. 

"Really?" I asked. I unlocked the door and poked my head out. 

"Yes," he said looking at me with concern and offered out a hand which I took and he led me down the stairs and into the living room. He sat me down on the couch and looked me over. "Are you hurt?" he asked. 

"No." I said shaking my head. 

"Next time I tell you to run you run!" He said getting up, he tore off his shirt and walked outside, I followed him and watched him as he began to chop wood, his muscles strained and relaxed as he swung the axe onto the wood. 

"Need a hand?" I asked. 

"No," he said turning his head to me slightly he offered me a smile then went back to chopping wood. I couldn't help but watch him, we stayed in silence for a little while till he finally sighed a laugh and looked at me. "Can I help you?" he asked. 

"No," I said blushing and looking away, I then walked back into the house but found Loki in the kitchen, I picked up a knife and threw it at him, but it travelled right through him and into the wall. 

"Nice, is that really how you greet me?" he asked. 

"Yes for betraying me!" I snarled. 

"Can't we just put that behind us?" he asked getting up and walking towards me. 

"Put this behind us? You're not even man enough to face me!" I said clenching my fists. 

"Just listen to me!" he interrupted me. "My brother needs you!" 

"Needs me, why?" I asked. "How can I trust you, I don't believe your words, but I can't help but have this feeling you're lying to me." 

"Gilda please. . .!" he then disappeared, Dwayne then walked in. 

"Can you get a me a. . . Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and turned to the fridge and handed him a beer.

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