A Requested Audience.

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"Your meal is coming through the feeding tube Mr Shigaraki." A female guard says through the intercom into All for One's cell. The reinforced steel room mounted with sentry guns aimed at the faceless man. He doesn't so much as move as the light at the other side of the room comes on and displays what is being fed to him.

"Well, I have television, life support and three meals a day. This isn't too bad. It's almost tolerable." All for One thinks to himself as he ingests the liquefied meal the warden had prepared for him. The bio scans on him showed that his stomach was unable to process most solids and that he cannot swallow on his own due to the neck injury. A feeding tube is attached next to the respirator on his face mask. "For prison food, the taste isn't disgusting. Surprisingly enough." he monologues.

"I have a request for you Warden." He says in a somewhat raspy voice seeing as he hasn't spoken in several weeks, since All Might had been there. "Would you be so kind as to contact UA? There is a particular person I would like an audience with."

"After the things you have done, you're lucky you're alive to begin with." The warden says with a venomous tone through the PA system.

"There is no need to speak so cruelly when one is being kind when they speak to you." All for One retorts before the display in front of him flips on to show the warden's face.

The warden is an older fellow with graying hair in his beard, his nose scrunched to look as if someone ripped ass in front of him. His eyebrows were furrowed and angered above his hazel eyes. "Speaking kindly yet having committed all sorts of cruelty in the past doesn't change how I am going to speak to you." He retorts glaring at the faceless man.

"You know of the boy that defeated Overhaul yes? I wish to have an audience with him." All for One says completely mulling over what the warden had stated. "It has been far too long since I've seen a friendly face, even longer when that has been of my own flesh and blood."

"Even if he is your family, you don't have the right to request any visitors!" The Warden shouts back at glaring at the frail former villain.

"Yet you granted my audience with All Might, but won't grant me an audience with my own son. I'm beginning to wonder who is the actual bad guy here." All for One replies with a grin on his face. "I wouldn't leave your face in that expression for very long. It can freeze like that."

A vein bulges on the side of the warden's head as he starts to turn red with anger. He knows All for One is trying to manipulate him with what he is saying. The warden calms himself by taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He opens them to look back at the scar tissue covered visage just above All for One's mouth, the perfect white teeth and shadowed eye sockets look back at him through the monitor, as if he can see through the screen and is looking right at him and not the television. The sight unnerves the warden, so much so he gives into All for One's wishes. "Fine then, I will let them know but I won't make any promises." He replies, turning off the television and slumping back in his office chair. He exhales as he rubs his hand through his thinning hair. He turns and looks at the phone on his desk before picking it up. "Hello Nezu? He wishes to see one of your students. The one who defeated Overhaul. Midoriya Izuku." He says before hanging up before he can hear the answer.

At UA.

The news was bustling with the same article. "All Might is back, Is he to come out of retirement?" That was the question everyone wanted to know. All Might himself even wanted to know the answer to that. His body has been completely healed and is at a point where he can once again use One for All. Recovery Girl had told him that Izuku had rewound his body by 33 years bringing him from 58 to 25 now. His prime age and the same year he made it to number one hero. Everyone at UA was shocked to know what Izuku had done. The rumors of his quote "Villain side" Were all but forgotten. Mirio was now dead set on fighting Izuku seeing as he didn't get the chance to beat him when he fought the class. So that is where the two are, All Might is looking over the gymnasium making sure it doesn't come crashing down on their heads. Eri is sitting happily in her 'Grandpa's' lap watching her dad and her unofficial uncle stretch before starting their slugfest.

"Alright Young Midoriya, Young Togata. Here are the rules for your fight, no quirk taking or deactivating, no touching of the hair or face. Knock your opponent unconscious. BEGIN!" All Might exclaims as the two tear off at each other, Izuku immediately whiffing an attack as Mirio phases through the floor into the ground. Dropping his pants in the process. "Time out! Togata, go put your permeable trousers on please, you have an audience."

"And a fan club from the looks of it." Midnight says with a suggestive grin as she stands next to Nejire and Mina who have the same look on their face. All Might face palms with his free hand, seeing as his left hand is covering Eri's eyes. Mirio quickly apologises and runs off to go get his pants from his hero suit so that they can fight.

"Damnit Yagi! I was enjoying the show!" Midnight shouts, her head comically huge compared to her body as she leans over and shouts at All Might who is now covering Eri's ears.

"You do know Eri is right here." All Might says with a blank face before picking up Eri like a cat and holding her towards the R rated hero. Eri squeezes her eyes tight and sticks her tongue out.

"Yeah Night lady, you like him much ten mawwy him." She says, causing Nejire and Mina to start laughing, the two of them start laughing even harder when Midnight pulls out her phone and looks up engagement rings.

Mirio returns a few minutes later with his pants on, and a belt, before returning to the ring to fight Izuku. The two of them prepare themselves with Izuku limiting himself to only One for All for the bout. All Might shouts "Begin!" before the two of them launch at each other for the first attack. Izuku once again phases right through Mirio as he whiffs a punch, the air force shockwave blasts from his hand and destroys the wall all the way on the other side of the gymnasium. Mirio pops up from the ground and plants a punch to Izuku's gut, this stuns him for a bit but not enough to knock the wind out of him. Mirio sinks back into the ground before a punch slams into the concrete floor of the gym cracking it in a 50 meter diameter around Izuku. Using Float, Izuku starts to levitate off the ground looking to where Mirio would appear next. He wasn't expecting for Mirio to appear from right in front of him before hammer striking him back on the ground, just as Mirio tries to phase through Izuku again, he actually manages to have a kick land. The heel of Izuku's foot connects with Mirio's shoulder launching him towards the bleachers. He manages to phase through Midnight and into the floor before he crashes into them. Midnight was a bit startled after this had happened and shouted at Izuku for doing so.

"My my, looks like we are having some fun here." Nezu says walking out from a hidden door behind the bleachers the others were sitting on. "I am assuming that young Mirio wished to fight Midoriya seeing as the two of them hadn't fought when Mirio trounced his entire class."

"POOOOWWWWWWWAAAA-" Mirio exclaims before is poked in the forehead by Nezu's tiny paw. Mirio stops dead in his tracks from the forehead poke seeing as Nezu didn't even look in the direction of where Mirio was coming from. Both he and Izuku were shocked by this, Nezu just chuckled to himself before his face turned serious.

"Young Midoriya and All Might. Come with me, you may continue the battle later but I ask that you do it outside. One more strike from Midoriya would have collapsed the weight supporting beam and brought the entire building down on your heads." Nezu says before walking over to All Might and hopping up onto his shoulder.

All Might picks up Eri and sets her on the shoulder opposite of Nezu, Izuku deactivates his quirk and walks over to the two of them. "We'll continue this when you get back from doing whatever Principal Nezu wants you to do." Mirio calls out resting his hands on his hips. Suddenly his trousers fell down once again eliciting cheers from Midnight, Mina and Nejire who were watching. Apparently he had forgotten that his belt wasn't permeable but his pants were. Izuku stifles a laugh hearing this before opening the door for All Might. Once outside the gymnasium and earshot of anyone nearby Nezu brings up why he had come down there.

"All for One wishes to speak with Young Midoriya, the warden had called me this morning telling me this. It is the first time he has spoken since your conversation with him All Might." Nezu says causing both Izuku's and All Might's blood to run cold. It was so noticeable, Eri commented on her seat on All Might's shoulder suddenly feeling like Todoroki's right side.

"W-why would he want to talk with me?" Izuku asks with a slight stutter to his voice.

"I wasn't told the reason, he just wishes to speak with you. You shouldn't fear this conversation if you choose to have it. You are stronger than he was at Kamino, his data shows he only has 15 quirks in his arsenal at the moment and strangely most of which are used to merely sustain him. The offensive ones he used against All Might are only 7, the others are for his own life support system in his body and his ability to see without eyes." Nezu explains getting Izuku to calm down slightly.

"While you may have double the amount of quirks he possesses, you should be wary of how he will manipulate you with his words. He toys with people's emotions, he may try to elicit you to start to doubt yourself or even lash out and attack him." All Might explains as they continue walking towards Heights Alliance.

"We're going to drop off young Eri with her mother before possibly heading over there. It is up to you if you wish to have this conversation with him." Nezu states with Izuku going silent for a few minutes.

"He wants to speak with me? What does he want? I haven't seen him in 13 years, well I saw him at Kamino but we didn't speak. I was more abducted by him back there. Should I speak with him? What do I do?" Izuku mumbles to himself, Eri leans over and taps Izuku on the head getting him to snap out of his word vomit. "Oh, was I muttering?" He asks.

"Yes, words thingies everywhere." Eri responds pointing at the Mutter kanji floating around the air.

"How do you do that?" Nezu asks with Izuku shrugging in response, having no idea how or why it happens.

As the small group enters, they're met by most of the class in the common space with Ochako sitting on the couch watching TV alongside some of her female friends. "Hey Izuku, how'd the fight go?" She asked while walking over to take Eri from her grandfather's shoulder.

"We had to call it a draw for now. But something else happened...." Izuku trailed off a little unsure what to do.

"What happened? Did something bad happen?" Ochako asked and somewhat worried seeing Izuku's face turn rather worried.

"AFO wants to speak with me."


"I don't know. All I know is that this was the first thing he said since All Might visited him back when you all took the provisional license exams. I...I'm not sure if I should or not." He began explaining why he's hesitant. "All Might said that he could just be using this as a way to get into my head. If this is the case, I'm scared he may actually mess with me to a point I turn out like him."

Ochako knew Izuku well enough to know he's a good person, but he was holding himself back for other reasons. "Are you scared to go just because of that or other things?" Izuku turned his head a little, giving an indication it's more. "Look, I know he's a villain and probably one of the worst people in the world. But he's also your biological father. This will probably be the first time you would've spoken to him. If this is the case, you owe it to yourself to at least meet and talk to the man who is technically your father. If you don't and all you see is the villain that's your dad, you may regret this for the rest of your life. Can you live with that guilt?"

Izuku didn't know what to say until Todoroki walked up. "We don't choose our dads Midoriya, but fighting them and not at least trying to see eye to eye with them to attempt a civil conversation doesn't fix things. You taught me that."

"Mnnn..." Izuku thought this over before sighing in defeat. "I may regret this later, *sigh* but I at least need to try and talk with him once to see the type of man he is behind the mask he wears."

"That's the way Izuku. Good luck and remember that me and Eri support you through this." Izuku smiled seeing his girlfriend and adopted daughter raise their arms punching the air as a way to show their support.

"Thanks you two. It really helps knowing you're both on my side." Izuku went upstairs to change into his hero costume as a way to both prove he will become a hero and show his unwavering devotion to what is right to his father all things considered. He left with All Might and Nezu as Ochako and Eri left. Meanwhile, Bakugou heard the whole conversation to somewhat worry for Izuku's well being.

'Whatever happens, don't fuck up and turn into that monster of an old man you've got. Those two need you to be strong for their sake.' He walked out of the dorms to train trying to keep his mind off the conversation his renewed friend is having with the symbol of absolute evil that was to happen.

Izuku said nothing as All Might and Tsukauchi drove them from UA to the Tartarus facility. The detective had been made aware of why they were heading to the Tartarus and he was nervous, even more so than Izuku himself. Outside his ability to be a human lie detector test he essentially was quirkless and relied on conventional weapons for self defense. All for One, as far as he knew, was as close to unkillable as it can get; despite his frail appearance and reliance on life support systems like his helmet. Izuku was lost in his thoughts, desperately trying to contact the spirits within One for All for any sort of guidance that he needs. None of them knew what to do or even say. Shigaraki Izuku made it a point to manifest in the real world as his own spirit to witness this first hand. Both All Might and Izuku saw him appear in the vehicle next to the ninth before reaching and grabbing at the seat belt. Tsukauchi doesn't notice or see the seatbelt buckle itself in the empty spot next to Izuku. The silence, aside from the road noise, was dreadful and deafening. The already lengthy trip was made longer by the looming silence, the last turn and last mile felt the longest. Ahead of them was the large mega prison known as the tartarus, it looked as if it consumed most of the horizon itself. The walls outside looked like they were impenetrable, nothing could get in or out of this facility. A tomb made for the most evil criminals in all of the world were kept in the 50 levels of this supermax prison.

"We're here... All for One is being held on sublevel 51, a room made specifically for him. He is almost 3 miles under ground and it is impossible for him to escape." Tsukauchi says as they pass through several different security gates.

"That's what they said about Alcatraz but still four prisoners managed to escape the facility." Nezu replied from his spot on Izuku's shoulder. "If you don't mind Young Midoriya I would prefer this spot. I feel the safest here." He says in a small voice, it is the first time Izuku had heard fear in the principal.

The massive steel and titanium alloy door took what felt like hours for it to be pulled open by the hydraulics and gears. The four heroes took a deep breath before walking through the massive gate to the facility. The courtyard to the building felt like hundreds if not thousands of eyes were on them from every single angle. The half mile to the main building felt like an eternity to walk across. Another set of doors opens as they make their way to the entrance, these reinforced steel doors almost 2 meters thich of solid metal. Izuku rubs his hand against the metal feeling the waves in the grain of the steel. The door starts to move back as they enter the building, closing with the creaking of metal and slamming shut. Nothing leaves the Tartarus. The walls itself are so thick that the souls of the villains who die here either of old age or at the executioner can not pass on. The elevator on the way down to the sublevel took almost an hour to descend the 3 miles below the earth's crust. As the elevator slowly comes to a stop, the doors slide open revealing a dark hallway. The lights all click on simultaneously leading down a hallway covered with cameras on the walls. At the end is a single steel door with several locks and latches on it.

The door opens after a buzzer sounds, revealing a room in front of All for One, more steel and concrete make up the room with what looks like a glass panel in front of the faceless man. All Might, Izuku and the first enter the room with him floating inside. All for One simply sits restrained to his chair his head facing the glass in front of them. As Izuku takes a seat in the chair opposite the window, All for One smiles. Odd how he can have perfect teeth yet have his arms restrained and unable to brush them.

"Ah, I should have tidied up the place before your arrival. I wasn't expecting guests." He says in a snarky tone widening his grin.

"Hi... Dad." Izuku says looking where the eyes should be on his father's visage.

"Hello to you too. My son." 

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