Twisted by Words

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Izuku situates himself as best he can in the chair across from the faceless former leader of the league of villains. The ear to ear smile plastered on his face seeing his own son. Izuku swallowed a lump in his throat feeling shivers of nervousness pass over him. All Might stood behind him with his arms folded showing off the fact that he is back in his prime.

"Wh-what did you want to talk about?" Izuku asks breaking the silence in the room, All for One turns his head looking about the room as if searching for something.

"Well, I felt an awakening. I can feel the power ebbing from you, I see Dr Garaki did a fine job restoring you to your full potential. You even killed several high ends and hood. I'm impressed." He says looking directly into the soul of Izuku. "I know far more than I'm led to believe, I don't get the news on my TV here but I am aware of what is going on. Perhaps one day I may meet my granddaughter."

"She's dealt with enough evil in this world." Izuku replies, stunning his father.

"I never said I would harm her now did I? I may be evil but there are some things even I won't do. Take young Tenko for an example, his quirk manifested one night about 15 years ago now and it was nothing like his parents or grandmother. I took him in when the world turned their back on him. Helped him get past a tragedy and accepted him as my own. Infact you and him were brothers before I had left. Though when I brought him home that evening all those years ago, you were still an infant." All for One explains.

"Why did you take my quirk?"

"To make you my successor, I groomed Toumura to take over my place as the leader of the League. I wanted you to take my place as All for One. I took your quirk from you with the intention of you developing a hatred of the quirk society and desire to change it."

"Was he born just to be your successor?"

"Come now All Might, this is a family matter regarding me and my son." All for One says in an annoyed tone seeing as the former number one interjected in their conversation. "But, seeing as Izuku wishes to know the answer as well I will tell you. The answer is no. He was born because I loved his mother. You may think it is impossible for me to feel compassion and empathy but I truly loved her. Why do you think it was impossible for you to find me after our first true battle?"

"You tried to leave the villain underworld?" Izuku asks getting the attention of his father.

"Indeed. I knew that I was no longer strong enough to beat the current holder of my brother's quirk. After Shimura Nana and I had our duel I tried to move past the villain underworld. Part of me did this because I was fed up with the constancy of you heroes attacking me and me defeating you. After all, the definition of Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again expecting different results. So, I decided to change my identity and try to live out my life experiencing the simple pleasures. I met Inko not long after and for the first time in centuries I felt something for this woman. Later we married and had you my son. You found me out when Izuku was barely able to walk and our battle cost me my eyes and you your lungs. I'm rather impressed that Izuku was able to heal that extensive of a wound perhaps he can heal mine but. I doubt that."

"What's the thing you're not telling us?"

"Why I took his quirk, Izuku Midoriya only exists because I needed a perfect successor but I stole his quirk for two reasons. One, for him to brew resentment for the society that scorns the quirkless and to protect him from you All Might."

"Why would you want to protect me from All Might?"

"It was my own paranoia that thought that if All Might discovered my son he would kill you to prevent another All for One from rising. I realise now that I was foolish to think the symbol of peace would attack a defenseless woman and infant. You hold both All for One and One for All. Something I have been striving to do for centuries, to be whole once more. A part of me resides in that quirk since I am it's creator. Shigaraki Izuku possessed half of my quirk allowing him to give quirks between people willingly. I have that ability but I am also able to take them."

"Wait? So the first had a form of All for One but wasn't able to transfer the quirks?"

"Precisely, and I can sense his presence in this very room as well. I thought he was quirkless and I felt bad for him so I gave him the stockpile ability that I had... procured on my rise to power. Izuku then tried to stop me and managed to destroy my entire regime causing me to go into hiding. Then his widow tried to kill me out of rage, I merely defended myself from her wrath."

"The holders that you killed, all those evils you committed I am going to atone for."

"That trait of yours is detestable Izuku, your uncle had that same trait. Even now that I no longer have my eyes, I can still see. Though I had white hair all that time ago I can assure you that you are the spitting image of me. If you do manage to somehow bring them back from the dead. Be ready for a fight."

"I will be with him to ensure that they know Your own son is the one atoning for your sins." All Might declares with All for One seemingly rolling his eyes.

"Congratulations in advance then, but how are you going to do that when I still possess the quirks of some of the previous users hmm? Is it that mythical rewind quirk that restored your power All Might? Bring them back as many times as you wish. I or another will rise to return them from whence they came." He says with an evil grin.

"Shut up." Izuku says starting to show the annoyance and anger in his voice.

"Who are you telling to shut up Boy." All for One questions his tone shifting to embody that of anger. "I am your father, I am the leader of the League of Villains. You only exist because I wanted a successor. You should be grateful for your existence."

"I said Shut up."

"It's deplorable that my own flesh and blood became a hero, always putting others ahead of himself. I guarantee my current successor will undo all that you strive to protect, I know the perfect little girl to be the next successor of All for One. Perhaps a one. Midoriya Eri as you have named her."

"You lay a hand on her and I kill you."

"Oh, the little one has moxy, let's test it shall we. Go on then, strike me down and take your rightful place as the new ruler of the league of villains and, of the world. When my successor frees me from this deplorable prison I will find the girl. She will restore me to my prime and then no one will stop me. Tomura will undo the world as we know it and destroy everything you hold dear. Your precious friends, your loved ones and you. You're on the wrong side of this war and it will be the last mistake you ever make." His voice laced with venom, suddenly all the turents power on and turn to face him, aiming lasers at his forehead.

"YOU GET ANYWHERE NEAR OCHAKO AND ERI I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD BASTARD!!!" Izuku shouts in rage, his eyes shifting from green to yellow in anger.

"You might be complete but you will never be able to defeat me nor any other holder of All for One. You still have 2 others with my power who won't hesitate to slaughter you and all those pathetic hero whelps. My successor will turn this world to dust, the holder of my power will restore me with the quirk he is searching for and I will rip every quirk from your body. You worthless filthy hero." The knife drove further into Izuku's psyche, his eyes starting to turn red from rage. All Might tries to calm Izuku but to no avail.

"Control the boy and leave the room. Your visitation is over."

"Of course, they won't let this go any further it's no matter. I will be out of here soon enough and when that day comes... There will be Reckoning." All for One glares scowling at them, teeth clenched and the muscles in his face forming an angered and enraged expression.


Izuku snaps himself free of the grip of All Might and crashes through the bulletproof glass separating the rooms. Instantly all the turentts turn and fire at Izuku bouncing off of his flesh having subconsciously activated the barrier quirk he stole from the eight precepts. He grabs Zencho by the face and slams him into the headrest of the iron chair, his hand ripping the light from the air. Veins of red power burn in his skin as he embeds his fingers into the scarred flesh of All for One. The old villain screams in pain as quirks are ripped from his body. Then an expression of rage on Izuku's face is ever present as he glares into the pitch black soul of the villain restrained in front of him. The heart rate monitor starts to beep sporadically before slowing starting to fade as his heart begins to give out. Suddenly, the fire on Izuku's hand vanishes along with the present power of All for One as he falls unconscious. All Might had struck Izuku in the neck knocking him out in a single blow before he could kill the blight of man. All for One was unconscious, his heart barely beeping and marks of Izuku's fingers still present in his flesh. All Might picks up his successor and leaves the room with the emergency security system kicking in and reinforcing the room behind him. Nezu and Tsukauchi awestruck at the outburst the ninth holder had. The three heroes exit the room with All Might carrying the unconscious Izuku unsure of if he stole all the quirks from the former All for One.

"I've never known Midoriya to show any signs of aggression let alone an outburst like that. He nearly killed him." Tsukauchi exclaims in the elevator back up to the ground floor.

"I knew All for One was going to try to twist his mind. I was trying to get him away from there and to leave the room when he lashed out." All Might says holding the unconscious Izuku over his left shoulder.

"Regardless, he was stealing quirks from All for One. we don't know how many but I think if he would have taken all of them then All for One would have died. His heart was starting to fail due to the strain of having quirks ripped from him. I can assume that he didn't take all of his quirks but there is a chance that he possesses two of the 4 All for One quirks apparently in existence." Nezu says as they get to the top floor. The warden greets them at the exit to the elevator.

"He is still alive, barely. That little episode there nearly killed him, we had to inject an adrenaline shot into the old bastard to keep him from going into cardiac arrest. We will up our security in case the league makes a move to free him." He says showing the heart signs of the former leader of the league.

"That would be best, we are going to head back to UA and see what quirks Izuku did infact take from him." All Might says before bowing to the warden and exiting the facility. 

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