Looking for Answers in the Past

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"Power is what All men strive for. The lack of such makes you helpless, power is needed to hold dominion over others and over creatures. Born with such a power is a blessing, and one you squander. Using a power that makes you a God to spare the lives of these worthless puny things you call people. To men like you and I, they are nothing and only exist to revere us." The voice of his father echoed around the blackness in his mind, soon coming to a physical form revealing itself. The eerie solid black suit, it's jacket left unbuttoned revealing a solid white button-up collared shirt underneath without a tie present. His eyes and top of his head shadowed out by a black and red miasma. "My son. My own flesh and blood. My spitting image squandering my power on beings that only exist to revere us. All they are, are sheep to the slaughter. Their usefulness taken from them and then disposed of like trash. Men like you and I, we are wolves that prey on the sheep that walk the earth. We dress like them so as to not raise fear but in actuality... We are Wolves, in sheep's clothing." Zencho Shigaraki states as he gestures his arms wide in front of him standing in a pose as if to accept worship.

From his chest, another miasma appears, black and green smoke leaches out from his chest and takes a human form in front of him. As it clears, Izuku is staring back at his reflection, as it stares back at him. It's eyes as black as the darkest night, hero suit ripped from a ferocious battle that had seemingly taken place. His hair was as white as the purest snow, not showing a single strand in his curls of hair. All of it looking as a single entity, only showing the curls on the outer edges of it. The power of All for One seemingly drew on the darkness around him as if to cast as shadow on the darkness itself. This version of Deku jerks up right in a super natural manner, as if possessed by some sort of entity before turning his head to the side as if studying his reflection. Before Izuku has a chance to react, this version of him lunges right at him and slashes at him with a hand that had been transformed into a blade made of viscera and bone.

Izuku snaps awake with a gasp, clutching at his chest as he sits upright in bed. Ochako is jerked awake by Izuku's sudden action, she sits up to find him clutching his chest and breathing heavily, drenched in sweat. She places her hand on the top of his back before pulling him into her to sooth the nightmare from him. "It's alright Izu, it was just a nightmare." Ochako says pulling him in a way so he turns and rests his head on her chest. "You saw him again didn't you?" She says rubbing her hand on his shoulder. He turns and wraps his arms around her and buries his face in her chest. She lovingly strokes a hand through his hair to calm his nerves and alleviate the fear from the vision. Neither knows how much time has passed as the two lay there in near silence but the sun peaking through the blinds of his dorm room window was an indicator of how long they were awake for. The tired eyes of Izuku look up into Ochako's own showing fear of what he saw in his dreams.

"I didn't just see him. I saw myself." He begins, his voice horse and groff as most are in the early morning. "I was standing in front of him, but I looked like Shigaraki. My hair was as white as snow and my eyes looked so dark they cast a shadow on the color black." He explains, "The power radiating off of him was terrifying and he moved unnaturally. Like a zombie."

"That isn't you, it's just him trying to mess with your mind through your All for One. how long has it been since you've taken a quirk? It could be that you're quirk starved and this is the quirk showing you that you need to feed to gain power and control over it." Ochako asks, trying to think of a reason as to why this may have happened.


"I almost forgot that you not only rewound Gentle Criminal to our age but also convinced Nezu to let him attend UA as a hero student." Ochako says after wincing from the shouting.

"He has a good heart and wants to be a hero, but was forced to be a villain after an accident had happened to him." Izuku responds before shaking the memory of the dream from his mind. "Let's go eat breakfast, then I have to go to Osaka then Sendai today. This will be my first atonement for what my father had done." Izuku states as he gets up from their bed and stretches.

"You're not going anywhere without changing the sheets on the bed and taking a shower first. I don't want the sheets smelling like your sweat post work out." Ochako chastises as she gets up out of bed.

"Yes dear." Is all he responds with, in one fluid motion he rips the bedspread and blanket off the bed before leaving the room.

"Come on Eri, it's time to wake up, breakfast is ready." Ochako says as she nudges Eri, who somehow managed to sleep through Danjuro's bullhorn.

"Tired." She groans turning over in her small bed and hiding her face in her pillow. Aoi yawns and chirps before crawling over and mimicking the young girl and doing the same thing.

"I thought you liked Satou's and pancakes?" Ochako says, Eri once again groans in complaint about being woken up. "There will be apple butter~" Ochako says hanging onto the last word of it to try to entice Eri to get up. The young girl lazily rolls over in the bed and lifts her arms up for Ochako to carry her.

Ochako sighs before walking over to Eri's bed and picking her up, Eri wraps her arms around her mother as she picked up. Aoi lifts his head up before stretching and yawning. He notices Ochako picking up Eri and stands up before stretching his back up and his front paw out to touch her arm. Ochako smiles at the kitten before sitting on the edge of the bed allowing him to jump up on her shoulder. She makes Eri weightless in her arms before standing up and making her way to the door with a sleeping child and sleeping cat in her arms. She mentally prepares herself for the usual morning chaos of the dorms.

"Aoyama that smells gross. What the heck is that?" Izuku shouts trying to shove Aoyama's hand away from his face.

"That monisssure is pont l'eveque. It is supposed to smell that way. It's a fragrant cheese." He responds by trying to force Deku to eat some of the cheese.

"Fragrant? It smells like Death! That's not healthy!" Izuku protests before starting to float off of the floor to escape the odor of the cheese.

"Just try it monissure Midoriya, you trust me do you not? I can assure you that it is not harmful and is rather pleasant to the taste."

"I swear if you're lying about this-"

"I do not tell a lie. Here, as an olive branch. I will have Monissure Bakugou try some as well. Bakugou?" Yuuga presses on before turning to Katsuki and offering him some of the gelatinous cheese on a cracker.

"This better taste great Frenchy." He says before taking the cracker and biting it.

"Is it any good Kacchan?" Izuku asks studying the facial expressions of his friend as he chews the cracker and cheese.

"I've had some weird ass cheese before but despite it's smell. Not half bad. Granted, it's no pepper jack cheese but I like it." Bakugou stated with a thumbs up and giving his honest answer to Izuku.

"Kacchan If this is a prank I'm throwing you through a window." Izuku grumbles before landing back down on the floor and walking over to Aoyama.

"Like to see you try biatch." Katsuki mocks, Izuku shoots him an annoyed look before taking the cracker and cheese from Aoyama. He eyes over the horrid smelling cheese with a slight look of nervousness on his face before timidly taking a bite out of the cracker.

"See this is what I don't understand about cheese." Izuku states after swallowing the rancid smelling cheese.

"What is that?"

"How something could smell so bad but actually taste good." He admits getting Katsuki to slap him on the back.

"See? I told you." Aoyama emphasises. "You should expand your horizons with foods and try some of the finer things every once in a while."

"You know what? Find some for me then, some fancy wine or foods and I'll try them." Izuku responds before walking to the bar in the kitchen where Tobita is plating up breakfast.

"What's for breakfast Tobita?" Izuku asks as Ochako walks up to him and sets Eri next to him on a stool. Ochako kisses Izuku on the cheek before walking to the other side of him.

"Anything and everything. Coffee straight from Cuba, Imperial golden tips tea, green tea, earl grey tea, chai tea, pancakes, Okonomiyaki, Waffles, american biscuits and gravy, steak and eggs, Omurice, lobster scrambled eggs, oatmeal, cereal, apple crisps, donuts, sliced fruit, and toast with your choice of peanut butter, nutella, jam, marmalade, apple butter, preserves and a home made preserve that I have made." he responds turning around with the last waffle on a spatula revealing a kiss the cook apron and Manami standing near him.

"make sure that none of the stuff containing nuts gets anywhere near Eri. She has a severe allergy to them." Ochako states, causing Tobita to nod and move the peanut butter jar and a couple plates further away from the others.

"Oh, morning Manami, I thought you were in general education." Izuku replies as the young woman nods to him.

"Morning to you too Midoriya, and no. Nezu has me in Class 1-B, he changed the entrance exams so people with less combat oriented quirks like myself can attend the hero course." She replies before hopping up on a stool across from Eri. "Would you like some coffee? You look like Shinso."

"Yes. please." He says before covering his mouth and yawning.

"Round face have you been keeping him up at night by breaking the bed?" Bakugou asks, looking over his shoulder at the brunette.

"What?! No! We haven't done anything like that! He's been having nightmares for days! That or really creepy visions. He keeps seeing his father like he's inside his head and I'm starting to get concerned." She protests, now blushing profusely at what was implied about her and Izuku.

"I doubt that, but what do you mean by Visions? Deku? Answers. Now." Katsuki demands standing up and walking towards Izuku.

"Can I atleast finish my coffee first?" He asks spinning on the bar stool to face the rabid blonde man.

"No, it can wait and besides it looks like it is boiling." He replies before placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder and forcing him to make eye contact. "Tell me Everything that you've been seeing in these visions. Or, we can go bring this to All Might because this." He points to the bags under Izuku's eyes. "Isn't healthy. I don't need a quirk hungry and sleep deprived version of you. It's bad enough that I can't beat you as is but when you're in a hunger rage and not thinking straight from lack of sleep is a recipe for the apocalypse."

"Fine, We'll go after breakfast and my coffee alright? Besides... I'm hungry." He says and Bakugou quickly retracks his hand at this statement.

"It would be such a waste to let all this food get thrown out, don't you think?" Tobita says trying to change the subject. "Dig in! I hope you enjoy it!" Manami adds in.

Though the others were hesitant at the inclusion of a former villain into their class, Izuku has made it abundantly clear that Tobita wants and deserves to be a hero, he was just forced into his circumstance. He explained that Tobita possesses one of the natural born instincts of a hero, his body moved to try to save someone but due to his quirk he was unable to do so. Not being evil by most villain standards was a plus as well. Tobita has demonstrated that he is trustworthy, and not to mention, Eri likes him and Manami. Due to their similar height, both Eri and Manami have become good friends despite Manami being 11 years older than little Eri. The class gathers around and practically inhales Tobita's breakfast spread. The white haired man got a compliment from the other cook in class 1-A in Sato who was amazed at how fluffy the waffles he had made were.

As a way to procrastinate having to go talk with All Might, Deku continues eating more and more food. Most of the class don't question his insane appetite but Bakugou was starting to get annoyed with Izuku trying to postpone his travel to the pro hero.

"Deku, I think you've eaten enough." Ochako says this for Izuku to make up an excuse.

"Sorry. I'm just really hungry today." He says this after swallowing what was in his mouth to go for more. This was where Ochako realized how much he was fibbing.

"You look like you're gonna puke. I think you've had enough. Besides, it's important you find out about this now in case it's something bad. You keep postponing it, it'll only get worse and worse until you can't get someone to help you anymore with possible long term damage already being done."

Izuku let out a sigh before answering. "Fine. I'll go see him during free period toda-"

"We're going now." Ochako touched Izuku's shoulder to make him float in the air. "Momo, can you make me some rope?" The creation user did as she was asked before passing it to Ochako who tethered Izuku down. "Eri, would you like to hold your father like a balloon while walking to see grandpa Might?"

"Yay! A daddy balloon." The small girl held the rope that was connected to a tied up Izuku for the three to start walking out.

"I'm telling you all, it's not that ba-"

"What is bad to you when you look like a smaller version of Skele-Might and you literally soak the sheets in sweat like someone left the covers out in the rain?" Izuku remained silent after this as they continued walking towards the faculty lounge to find All Might.

At the faculty lounge

The small family found their way to the faculty lounge to be greeted by Midnight opening the door.

"Hello Uraraka. Hello Eri." The R rated hero looked up to see Izuku tied up and hung like a weather balloon. "Is there a reason Midoriya is tied up like that, because I'm starting to wonder if a dark interest of yours has come ou-"

"I'm being brought here against my will. This has nothing to do with a dominatrix fetish. Not to mention she gave me to Eri so I wouldn't just float away or cut the rope. Ma'am." Izuku stated bluntly to make the pro let go of her first thought.

"Is All Might inside. Izuku Needs to talk to him."

"Why yes, he is." Midnight allowed the three to walk inside or float in Izuku's case to gain a few stares from the teachers in the faculty room. "All Might, you have some visitors."

The former #1 hero now back in his prime got out of his seat to lead the three towards somewhere away from wandering eyes. Once they were in a closed room, Ochako released her quirk to let the AFO user drop on the sofa.

"Now what can I do for you three?" All Might asked for Ochako to reply.

"Izuku's been having reoccurring nightmares that are starting to really take their toll on him. They're always about his father and how he's trying to prove that he's no different than him. It's getting kinda bad now to the point he's waking up every morning with sweat pouring off him. We've had to replace our bed three times now and, we're not exactly sure if it's related to his father in general, or if it's his quirk giving him withdrawal symptoms in regards to him not having a powerful quirk for a while. He keeps letting it go to the point I literally tied him up just to get him here."

All Might thought on this with some worry before giving his opinion. "Young Midoriya, you really should've said something about this the first time before it got to this extent. You remind me of how I looked not long ago."

"I'm not saying it because I'm not concerned. I'm not saying it because everyone shouldn't worry about me. They have their own issues to deal with and I shouldn't trouble them with mine."

"But in doing this, you may make a bigger problem later on." All Might cleared his thoughts before speaking. "When did this start and how much did this progress since then?"

"Uhh, probably around the time I attacked All for One in his prison cell. Before then I'd get the occasional One for All vision. It only recently had gotten to this degree though."

"Hmm. I can't throw the chance you had something implanted in you thanks to your father's little stunt, but it sounds like your mind right now is at a crossroad of whether you're truly good or evil. You may consciously know this answer, but you're still struggling subconsciously with that. You've seen your worst so far with the quirk to hold extreme fear in what you can do. Seeing that, no natural human would hold some kind of concern for it. My best suggestion for you is to find a way to prove to yourself among everyone that you are not All For One." All Might suggests for him to do, Izuku remains silent hearing this only sighing instead of speaking.

"It could be a conflict between One for All and All for One over which one will be your dominant quirk. We don't know much about either quirk but why has All for One been attacking and killing all the One for All users?" Katsuki asks in a rhetorical fashion. "I'm not sure about this, but maybe the past users will know why All for One has been doing this. He probably wants One for All back for himself."

"That actually makes a lot of sense, when we spoke in tartarus he asked what it was like to feel whole. To possess both quirks, I still don't know what he meant by feeling whole. It might be that if he had it he wouldn't need to take others but does because he wants to." Izuku answers, pressing his fingers together in a similar way to how All Might would when he is thinking.

"Perhaps it's time to ask her yourself. You said you were going to resurrect the previous users with the rewind quirk. It's time to speak with Nana Shimura." Ochako says, this gets the attention of All Might and Bakugou.

"Nana Shimura? She was a holder? She was a top pro around 50 years ago. My grandma used to tell me stories of her heroic deeds and she even saved my grandfather." This statement from Katsuki catches All Might's attention. "From the stories I was told of her, she was like Superman or Supergirl from the old DC comics of the 20th and 21st century. Super strength, flight, speed. She had all of that. You're telling me she was a holder of One for All?"

"She was my predecessor and she died 40 years ago. Young Izuku has actually used her quirk in the past, remember how he seemingly flew during the attack on the Yakuza? That was her quirk in use. But I agree with Uraraka, we're going to head to Osaka." All Might states before standing up and pulling open his suit revealing his hero costume underneath it. The heroes in training and his successor stare at him blankly after doing this.

"Did you really just pull a superman shirt pull revealing hero suit cliche?" Katsuki asks in a monotone voice.

"You don't like it?" All Might asks.

"No, it was cool. Just cheesy." Izuku replies as he too gets up from his chair.

"I'm going to stay here at UA with Eri, she needs to go to her speech therapy today and we are going to talk to Aizawa about getting ehr another therapy animal." Ochako states as she gets up from her chair next to Izuku and picks up Eri.

"Another Kitty?"

"Yes, you can get another kitty." Ochako answers the young girl as they leave the room. Their voices being hushed by the closing door.

"So, portal or car?" Izuku asks as his hand turns to a black and green mist similar to that of Kurogiri.



"Portal it is, I get car sick." Izuku declares before seemingly unzipping the air creating a black and green portal which he walks through without hesitation. 

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