Seven Versus Nine

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 The long roads leading into massive city of Osaka a portal opens near the side of the road, the distorted air causes the red leaf trees to rustle in the breeze. Izuku is the first to step through the green and black swirling portal and take a deep breath as he gets through the other side. Bakugou stumbles out of the portal and falls flat on his face upon exiting, All Might merely walks over him as he exits behind the explosion quirk user. A feeling of melancholy takes over Toshinori as he walks up to Izuku. He hadn't been here since the death of Nana over 40 years ago, all that time spent not knowing what to do with All for One and how to find a successor. He had nothing left after her passing and had to start over at square one. He didn't know what he was going to say to her even if this insane scheme worked and Izuku manages to actually bring her back from the dead.

"Follow me. I'll bring you to the shrine I made to her memory." He says to the two boys before starting off into the surrounding forest towards the foothills. He walked further ahead of the two not letting them see the tears welling up in his eyes.

A similar scene played out to the boys childhoods, both of them walking in the shadow of All Might as he led them through the forest. Bakugou walked a couple paces behind All Might and Izuku was a few paces behind Katsuki. The two reminisce on the time when they were younger and how they would play games in a forest much like this one. The red autumn leaves dancing in the temperate breeze. Neither hot enough to make one sweat or cold enough to make them shiver, it was a perfect day. A day similar to this one long ago, a man had to bury the woman who he saw as his mother. The pain in All Might's face always hidden behind his iconic smile, but it hid fear, guilt and loss. Down an old path the three walked, seemingly in the footsteps that Toshinori had taken long ago leading up a hill overlooking the city and it's many many skyscrapers. The forest was silent, like a predator was stalking prey, it's stillness irked the younger two. It felt as if someone or something was watching them.

She wasn't visible to Izuku or All Might at the moment, but Nana watched from the afterlife as the trio walked the same path Toshinori walked with the urn that contained her earthly remains. She watched him cast that urn with all the money she had left him in her will, a beautiful burial urn made of pure gold. The golden urn haunted Toshinori's dreams for years as a constant reminder of his failure to protect her. To Nana, she knew he would have just died in that encounter and One for All would have been lost forever. She didn't want him to blame himself for as long as he did and even now she can sense his soul is in turmoil. She watches from above the trees as they near the edge of the mountain where a stone shrine had been built up. This was where she and Toshinori spent days, weeks, months and years training for him to become her successor. It was fitting that this seemingly be her final resting place after her death, she left the mortal world with so many regrets. She wondered if that is why she couldn't truly pass on to the next life.

"We're here." All Might says stopping in front of the Toro shrine, a mound of rocks with a carved stone lantern at the top. The two young men stop at All Might's side and look at the rocks that have been growing moss and a candle that looks like it hasn't been lit in a long time. "I buried the urn she is in, under the shrine. Every single yen she left me went into casting the urn that holds her ashes. She was a golden light in a world darkened by evil, so..." He takes a pause to wipe a tear from his eye and a deep breath to regain his composure. "That's why I buried her here, in an urn of solid gold."

"It's ok Dad. we're going to bring her back." Izuku says rubbing his hand on All Might's shoulder trying to sooth his pain. Izuku turns to the shrine and extends his hand to lift the rocks off the grave. All Might grabs his hands and pushes it down.

"I was the one to bury her, I will be the one to bring her back." All Might says as he stands up straight and walks to the stones before lifting all of them in one swift motion.

"You said you want to be the one to bring her back, then why not have Deku give you the rewind quirk?" Bakugou asks, causing All Might to stop just as he lifts the golden urn from the soil.

"He would have to learn how to use it. It took me days to turn it on and off and weeks to use it properly. Let him take all the time he needs for this, then I will bring her back." Izuku responds as All Might still remains motionless holding the golden urn and studying it over.

"I know. It would be for the best if he does it. If I were to, there would be a chance I would mess it up and I could do something irreversible..." He pauses again turning to face the two of them and walking a distance away from the Toro shrine. "Sensei... I'm sorry for failing you. Leaving you to face that monster alone, these past 40 years I've spent trying to atone for my cowardice... It should be me in that urn. Not you."

Izuku and Bakugou watch for the first time as their idol sheds tears, they had viewed him as this invincible symbol of peace their entire lives. Seeing him vulnerable, in pain and grief, made him human, at the end of the day even heroes are still just people. Toshinori places the urn at the base of a lone sakura tree overlooking Osaka. He turns and claps his hands using One for All in the first time in almost 6 months to create a shockwave that stops the wind around them. He motions for Izuku to go to the urn and resurrect his master. Izuku walks up to the golden urn, channeling all the power of One for All he can muster as he does so. Rewind on it's own isn't strong enough to bring people back from the dead, but boosted by the near full power of One for All it will be strong enough to rewrite the pages of history. He lifts the ornate lid off of the urn and pulls the ash from it using a telepathy quirk he had stolen from his own father.

A rolling cloud of ash is pulled from the urn and circles in front of Izuku as he extends his hands out towards the ash. The horn on the side of his head prominent and glowing a golden light that twinkles in the aura he creates around himself. He pushes One for All to the limits adding in the power boosting quirk he took from All for One. Fitting that something he stole would be taken back and used to undo his wrongs. Izuku walks forwards placing his fingers into the flowing ash causing it to be enveloped by the golden aura. The green lightning crackles around him, arcing into the grass, the urn, the trees and sky. Some bolts create thunder-cracks from the power that is being produced. Bakugou and All Might have to shield their eyes from the light and energy being produced and expended enveloping Deku and the cloud of ash in front of him.

Toshinori lowers his arm from in front of his eyes after the light fades out. Izuku falls to a knee out of breath from all the power he used, the horn now gone from his head after turning off the quirk. In front of them, in a torn hero costume exposing the area on her stomach that once was the mortal wound that took her life, Nana Shimura stands once more in the mortal coil. She breathes in deeply now being returned to life and opens her eyes. Taking in her surroundings, she sees Toshinori standing several paces away from her, a boy in a UA uniform with green hair panting for breath in front of her and another boy in the same uniform standing beside Toshinori.

"Nana?" Toshinori questions, seeing her once again. "Is that really you?" He asks, walking up to her. He reaches out to touch her face but she quickly grabs his hand and karate chops him on the top of the head.

"Of course it's me you blonde idiot! Who else would I be?" She asks rhetorically before looking around. "This isn't Tsuishima... where are we?" She asks looking around the hill and trees.

"We're outside Osaka, at your grave. You were killed by All for One almost 41 years ago now." All Might replies, all of a sudden he grabs her tightly under her arms and wraps her into a tight hug. Years of anguish, blaming himself for her death, and grief spilled out in that moment. The former pro breaks down in the arms of his predecessor wetting the shoulder of her hero costume with his sorrows.

"How long did you blame yourself for my death?" Nana asks, rubbing her hand on Toshinori's back.

"Since the day you died... Today. 41 years ago." He answers.

"How come you look like you haven't aged a day since then?"

"That would be because of my successor. He is the perfect successor, extremely powerful, kind hearted, he possesses every trait you need to be a hero." Toshinori replies, after wiping the tears from his face and regaining his composure.

"I'm also your grandson. It's nice to finally meet you Grandma." Izuku says turning around to face her.

Nana turns around and looks at Izuku, a look of shock and horror overtaking her face. Izuku's expression quickly turns from happiness to concern seeing the shift in her emotions. "Are you-" "ALL FOR ONE!!!" She screams seeing his face. "Oh... Crap baskets." Izuku thinks as she lunges forwards using One for All and lands a punch to the side of Izuku's face. The punch doesn't phase him due to the shock absorption but it doesn't stop Nana from unleashing a series of consecutive punches and kicks on Deku before he had any time to react. "Calm your shit Lady! That's not the wrinkly bastard!" Katsuki shouts using an explosion to jump into the fray.

"I'M NOT ALL FOR ONE!!! I'M IZUKU MIDORIYA YOUR GRANDSON!" Izuku shouts blocking a punch aimed for the side of his ribs.

"DON'T LIE TO ME YOU DAMN MURDERER!!! YOU STOLE AND USED QUIRKS TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE A KID!!!"She shouts before spin kicking him in the shoulder sending him crashing through a tree.

"Stop this Master! He is not All for One!" All Might shouts jumping in to stop her, Nana uses her float quirk to evade All Might as he tries to tackle her before dive bombing at Izuku ready to hit him again.


At this moment, Bakugou even steps in to try and help hold the seventh user back. "EASY YOU HAG! IF IT WASN'T FOR DEKU HERE, YOU'D STILL BE DEA-" He was stopped by an elbow to the jaw.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING AN OLD HAG YOU RUGRAT!?" She immediately turned back to Izuku to continue sending punches at him. Knowing he'd be better off not fighting back. Izuku ran into the woods hoping to avoid any danger to the city or his master and best friend.

"I told you already! I'm not All For One! My name is Izuku Midoriya and even though I do look like him, I'm nothing like that man!"

"Like I'm going to believe that! I won't let you harm anyone else anymore you bastard!" Nana was able to get in front of Izuku to punch him right in the face and send him flying towards the cliff. The young boy started to stand up before the dirt he was on started to give way.

"Oh, this day keeps getting better and better." Izuku fell with the dirt before activating a levitation quirk to avoid any discomfort.

"WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU, YOU'LL WISH YOU DIED FROM THAT FALL!" Nana came back at Izuku again for him preparing to run. Before he could however, a voice caught his attention.

"Mommy, what's that guy doing?" Izuku turned back to see a mother and her daughter behind him.

'And this is gonna hurt now.' Izuku gritted his teeth and prepared to take a punch from Nana right to the jaw to avoid the mother and daughter from obtaining any injuries. A shockwave was made upon impact causing the two behind them to slide back a bit. When the dust settled, Izuku was seen with a fist dislocating his jaw to somewhat shock Nana.

"Why did you take my attack full force?" Izuku pointed to the mother and daughter who were scared out of their minds. "Why would you care for a parent and child you sociopathic little-"

"Khan whe pweashe twack upw with Aww wight and kwackwan." Izuku tried to speak with a dislocated jaw before popping it back into place and having it heal. "AH! That really hurt! If you didn't understand what I said, can we please talk up with All Might and Kacchan." He reiterate.

Suddenly, Nana was a little more prone to hear what was said to float back up to the top of the cliff. "Alright. You've got five minutes before I go at you again. So start explaining who you are and why you look like All For One?"

"So long as you don't go hitting people before they can try to explain something." Izuku responds in an annoyed tone before crossing his arms and falling backwards into a portal that opens underneath him. Nana sees another portal reappear at the top of the cliff in front of the tree she was before the fight started.

"As much as I love slugfests and sparring. I don't think beating the shit out of your grandson is considered parenting." Katsuki says sarcastically as Nana floats up from the city streets below and lands in front of them.

"Explain then." She says folding her arms and scowling at Izuku.

"I'm Midoriya Izuku, or Shimura Izuku after my mother's maiden name. I look like that potato faced suit wearing old coot because I'm his son. He married your daughter Inko after trying to get away from the villain scene when All Might, IE Toshinori Yagi and Your successor nearly beat him. I was born 16 years ago because All for One didn't want to spend eternity fighting One for All holders, he tried to escape that life but was brought back into it after All Might discovered his identity and the tragedy of your son's family. I might look like him and possess All for One but I am nothing like him. I'm the ninth holder of One for All for crying out loud and, why would I heal All Might and resurrect you if I was the real one? Now, can we have a civilised conversation without my head being introduced to a tree for no apparent reason aside from me looking like some villain which I confined to life support and almost killed when I ripped nearly every quirk he had from him."

Nana was going to reply, but stopped after hearing the last part. "You put All for One on life support?"

"To be fair, he was kinda on that to begin with. My fight with him led to him being severely injured to the point he was only alive due to some quirks he had." All Might pointed this out for Nana to jump to the next factor she wanted to understand.

"So who's he then?" She points to Bakugou who was kinda aggravated.

"A friend who tagged along, he also knows of One for All."

"And one that's not exactly proud of the fact you tried to fucking kill your grandson. Well one of them at least. The other bastard was groomed to be that old bastard's successor of evil."

"Charming mouth on him. Has your mother ever tried to wash your mouth out with soap to get rid of the garbage spewing out of it?"

"I'd like to see you try!" Izuku popped a bar of soap out of his pocket dimension while holding a devilish smirk. "You give that to her, I'm lighting firecrackers off while you hang out in the tub with Round face."

Izuku pulled the bar back in his pocket dimension before Nana continued. "So let me get this straight. My daughter married All for One. You're his son and my grandson with a quirk that is the same as his. You're also the ninth holder of One for All and second holder of All for One. The real All for One is in a prison holding on by being strapped on life support. Meanwhile, my grandson from my son is some kind of person who seems to have some connection with the real All for One."

"That's about right."

"I think you're leaving out the part where his version is probably a lot more powerful and harder to control than the original. As of right now you have, What? 35 quirks?" katsuki asks, turning to Izuku.

"47, but I don't know if there's a limit. I have issues with the drawback of All for One. it acts like a vampire, the longer I go without taking quirks the stronger it gets and the less control I have over it. So far I've gone 10 days without taking quirks and I'm getting weird visions when I sleep."

"So you've got a madman holding One for All with more power in him to the point I'd argue he's power drunk." Nana socks Toshinori in the guy for him to kneel down. "Did you honestly have to choose someone like this for your successor?"

"When I met him, he was a weak, quirkless and frail little boy. Neither of us had any idea who his father is, and he was as thin as a toothpick. I at first told him he couldn't be a hero because he was quirkless but he proved me wrong. He ran into a situation where none of the other heroes were doing anything to save Bakugou here behind me. He was the only one to act and managed to almost free him before I took care of the villain. I didn't always look like this, that fight where I almost killed All for One cost me my lungs and stomach almost killing me as well. I could only use One for All for 3 hours a day and was searching for a successor. He is more than the perfect successor. He is the perfect hero, oh and before I forget, he also single handedly taken down an S class Villain who body merged with several others. He's the only reason why I am alive, why you are alive again and why several of his classmates are alive today. He also left All for One Brain dead." All Might shouts at his mentor. Nana remains silent for a while after hearing this.

"Do you not remember anything we talked about when your soul was in One for All?" Izuku asks. Nana shakes her head.

"Not at all. All I remember is the blast that ripped a hole in my stomach then waking up here." She replies.

"Well great. Just when we thought we had answers we get more fucking questions. I have an idea. Stop denying the fact that you're not like All for One and prove that you're someone else. You're Deku, the holder of All Might's quirk and All for One! The most powerful motherfucker on the damn planet due to both of these quirks and are acting like a whiny bitch just because your father is a massive cunt. Get over it, you think my kids are gonna be happy when they find out I used to bully you. You need to figure out who you are and not try to prove who you're not!" Bakugou rants before slapping Deku across the face with an explosion.

"Again I'm pointing this out, you need to wash your mouth out with soap. Actually, bleach might work better from what I heard." Nana tries to sum up Bakugou's conversation a bit without the profanity used. "He does kinda have a point though. You can say that you are nothing like your father all you want, but this will not do anything. Actions speak louder than words. Take it from me, I spent my youth trying to be like My predecessor. When he died to his injuries caused by your father, I spent the next 10 years trying to be him. You need to find your equilibrium between your predecessor and your identity. All for One and One for All are Yin and Yang. Polar opposites one representing good and the other evil. If you want to prove that you're not him, prove to yourself that your past doesn't dictate who you are. Have you ever used both quirks at the same time? Try to balance out All for One and One for All within yourself not allowing one to over take the other." Nana's advice and suggestions seemingly caused something to click within Izuku.

"I'll try it." he replies, he walks to the clearing before the cliff and looks towards the sky clearing his mind. Breathing slowly and calmly he begins channeling both his quirks at the same time. Power begins flowing through his veins and lighting up his skin with the veins lighting up with red power. A x appears across the bridge of his nose and random lines appear across his body. Then he let's lose a small portion of All for One. The power radiates up from his fingers the power causing his hands to turn as black as night. Arcs of more red electricity dance around his fingers. The power crawls up further and further on his arms until reaching his wrists. The others watch as the veins of power arc about and streak around his skin before two of them meet. Suddenly, Izuku's eyes snap wide open before blackness pours in from the corners turning them completely black. His hair begins to float as if under water and the light in the midmorning air seems to be pulled from the surroundings. The others feel an unearthly chill run up their spines seeing this new reaction power from him.

Somewhere in Japan.

Doctor Garaki is typing away on his computer watching over the life support of Shigaraki in the capsule behind him. He notices the brainwave data from the machine suddenly spike and the activity continues. He turns to look at Shigaraki in the capsule, the long hair flowing in the water but no emotion or visible consciousness present on his face. He doesn't know what is going on, but there must be something causing the brain activity. He turns back to his work, making sure to keep a closer eye to the medical readings on Shigaraki. His current project he is working on is meant to deal with the escaped test subject and will be needed to retrieve him. A new pet project similar to the one meant to defeat All Might, but this one meant to defeat Deku. 

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