∆ Chapter One ∆

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The Prophecy of the Seven must fall into place, or his power will leave the land a waste.

''Oi Rob-a-dob-flob, wake up!'
A thick Australian accent cut through Rob's dream like a knife would to butter, causing the young Canadian to groan and swat the air tiredly 'Five more minutes Mother'

'I'm not anyone's Mother, but Rob-'
'Don't you dare'
'...I am your-'

'Screw this!' Robert jumped out of bed and sped into the Bathroom connecting to his cobalt-coloured Bedroom 'I thought you were supposed to be back in Aether anyway, with that peace treaty signing between your land and the Star Kingdom'
The Blond Australian looked down as if he was embarrassed 'Well...I am supposed to be there, but I'm also going to meet the Prince and you know I'm not good around new people so I came here instead. Also it's tomorrow'

Prince Robert walked out from behind his Bathroom door and stretched, now wearing his iconic blue hoodie, black jeans, and his Mother's blue pendant tucked under his shirt 'Let me guess, you want me to go with you because you don't want to mess up and blurt out something random'
The conversation starter remained silent, and Robert smirked triumphantly 'Lachlan, just relax. All you're doing is meeting the Prince of the Star Kingdom for the first time'

Lachlan Power, one of Prince Robert's closest friends and Prince of Aether. His ancestors were from Australian origin so he had a soft accent to detect. With his kind yet mischievous personality, ocean-blue eyes and sandy blond hair, he was quite popular with the ladies of his Kingdom.

'About that...' Lachlan started to rub the back of his neck nervously 'It's not exactly for the first time, we have history but I don't think he knows I'm gonna be there'
A moment before Robert had time to react, there was a soft knock at his door 'Prince Robert? Your Mother has requested a meeting in the Throne Room' One of the Earth Prince's closest friends, Brandon "Pete" Hutt spoke 'Thanks Pete, tell her I'll be there soon'
'You might want to hurry-' The American was cut off with a small cushion being thrown at his head 'Stop sounding so formal Pete, you can drop the act around us' Robert dragged a hand down his face and groaned, causing his friend to grin sheepishly and start playing with his hands 'Sorry Rob, I forgot again'

'You said that the last twelve times' Lachlan sighed dramatically, causing the other two to giggle before they composed themselves 'I should go and see what Mother wants anyway, before she forgets'
Begrudgingly opening the door, Robert walked out with a straighter posture as he made his way to his Parents' Throne Room, trying to avoid looking at the room that used to house his real Father before the incident. He hurried past, checking to make sure his hoodie was straight and pendant was hidden before jogging to the end of the hallway where the all so familiar dark oak doors were closed, waiting to be opened to let Robert receive his news.

The intricate patterns on each door depicted what looked like Robert's ides of what Doomsday would look like, with fire raining from the sky onto the trees below. The stained glass windows pictured the same image as Robert walked past, nodding to the guards on either side.
They signalled back and pushed the door open, allowing the Prince to walk down the red carpet leading up to the four thrones, three being occupied by his Mother, Step-Father and Sister 'Robert! How wonderful of you to grace us with your presence' His Step-Father welcomed sarcastically.
The Prince ignored him, and turned to look at the Queen 'Good Morning, Mother' He greeted with a slight bow, and the female nodded while his Sister waved slightly and smiled 'Robert, I'm sure you know about us keeping Ignis' treacherous scouts in our underground dungeons, correct?'

'Yes, Step-Father' Queen Marzia shot an slight glare at her Son, but his gaze was locked on the flag above their heads 'We've found some more of their kind, and I want you to execute them'
Robert was shocked into silence, and the room seemed to tilt 'You...You want me to kill something?' His voice was soft, and it cracked over a few words 'You want me to murder something in cold blood? Whatever's down there might have a family, you can't force me to do this!'
'Robert Aaron Latsky, you're acting like a complete and utter child! Stop it this minute and listen to your Father!' The Queen scolded, and Robert snapped 'I'm not acting like a child, and he,' A hand was gestured to the older man sitting on his large throne 'He's not even my real Father!' The words seemed to echo around the room as the two adults gasped, their daughter raising her eyebrows and sliding from her seat towards the door.

Amelia Zhang Latsky, Princess of Truncatis. Prince Robert's half-sister was born three years after him, from the union of Marzia and Felix. Her unusual hazel and blue orbs drew some attention to her as a child, as nobody had seen such a condition before to have two eyes different colors, but she learnt to mask her eyes with the light brown hair that lowered to her waist. Due to her adventurous personality, she could often be found outside the castle gates.

'Mother, Father, I'm going to take Robert outside with me for a bit' She took her older Brother's hand and guided him out as the boy began to shake 'Oh God...What have I done? They're going to be so mad at me oh my-' The door behind them slammed open, and the King stormed out 'Robert, you're in so much trouble!'
'Hide!' The young girl hissed, pulling her Brother behind a different door and quietly shutting it before turning back to Robert, who's eyes were wide with fear 'I-I've never snapped at anyone before! I mean, I've been mad at people before but I've never actually yelled!' The Prince was close to having a panic attack, and his Sister knew that 'Robert, calm down, breath, breathe in. Now breathe out' He tried to match his breathing with his younger sibling's, and looked around slowly.

'Where are we?' He whispered, as if afraid to notify anything of their presence 'I don't know...We should probably check it out' Robert looked at his Sister like she was crazy, and she probably was judging by the slight smile on her face 'We can't just do that! We'll get into serious trouble if we get caught' Amelia rolled her eyes and dragged a hand down her face 'One of us is already in trouble genius, besides, you don't have to go, you can wait here while I go and look by myself'

One thing the Prince cared about the most was his Sister, and she knew it 'I suppose if I went missing you could-'
'No! I'm going with you, even though I know this is a bad idea that will end up with one of us dying' The boy sighed with an eyebrow raised, and Amelia grinned cheekily 'You know you love me. Now let's go!'
It was true. Robert always regarded the female as a full Sister even though she came from Felix's bloodline, which neither of the two were happy about.
'If we die I'm blaming you for this' and similar protests were heard from the Prince as the siblings walked down a long, stone corridor before reaching a set of spruce doors, bolted and locked 'Well, looks like we can't go any further, let's go back' Robert started to walk away, but his female counterpart was already examining the door 'Huh...I should be able to pick it, hold on a second'

The Princess slipped a hand into the sleeve of her jacket, pulling it out a moment later with a hairpin in her grasp 'Amelia, we should go. it's not safe!' Robert begged, tugging on the girl's arm impatiently and looking around 'Robert, calm down, I've nearly-' The padlock fell to the ground with a resonating clink, and she laughed triumphantly 'Let's go! I want to see what's in here'
'We should really go back, like right now' Robert flinched as Amelia rammed her shoulder against the stuff door, causing it to swing open and for the Princess to fly across the room before tripping over a loose stone and landing flat on her face 'Amelia!' Robert cried worriedly, jogging over to his sibling to see if she needed any medical attention, but the hazel-eyed child simply brushed him off and rolled onto her back 'I'm okay! Probably'

'Don't yell! You might alert something that we're here' A slight breeze wafted through the room as he spoke, causing the temperature to drop as the two shivered 'I-I think you're right, we should go'
'Too late, I already know you're here'

Matthew "Nooch" Johannesburg , another one of Prince Robert's and Princess Amelia's close friends. He became a member of the Royal Guard at the young age of Ten, making him one of the youngest swordsmen. Though he may seem childish with his kind yet fiesty personality, dark brown hair and pale-blue eyes, he's saved the Royal Family multiple times with his almost inhuman skills behind the blade.

'Matt! Thank the Gods it's you' Robert sighed in relief, and the Swordsman's gaze changed to a look of confusion 'Robert? Where have you been? You Mother's been worried' Matthew reported, taking a few steps towards them before noticing Amelia on the floor 'Princess! Oh my goodness are you okay?' His voice was filled with concern for the girl as she propped herself up with her arms 'I'm okay! But what're you doing down here?'

'Your Father's sent out a search party for you, something about you running off' The Earth Prince looked up and started to mess with his hands nervously 'About that...it's a long story'
Amelia looked at her brother with concern as she stood up, dusting her skirt off and leaning against the wall 'I guess you could say that,' She said, and Robert averted his gaze to the ground 'Well, you need to get back anyway, the Queen's starting to panic'

'I guess...'

Little did the Trio know, they weren't alone in that place. A pair of curious caramel-coloured eyes peered out at them, hidden by the fabric of his cloak as he whispered a few words.
'They seem look as bad as people say they are'

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