∆ Chapter Two ∆

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The fate of the World is in their hands, before the Hunter gives his demands

'I understand my orders Father. I won't let you down'
These were the words ringing in Preston Arsement's head as he lay in bed, wondering about his life options.
Being Prince of Ignis wasn't exactly a choice, he knew that, but it's not as amazing as it may seem. Endless demands from his Father, when all he wanted to do was explore the Savannah his kingdom was placed in.

'Prince Arsement?' A soft knock at his door drew the Prince from his thoughts 'Come in!' Was the teenager's reply, slightly muffled by the pillow his face was currently buried in 'I'm going to take that as a yes...Should I even ask why you're slowly eating your pillow?' The Texan Prince's head slowly lifted to meet the eyes of his semi-advisor, Kenny.
'I'm not eating the pillow, I'm tasting it'
'Sure you are'

Kenneth "Kenny" Purton, Preston's most trusted friend. He was found as a baby outside the castle during a nightly patrol and was taken to the Queen. It was decided that he would grow up as a friend and guard for the Prince, becoming one of the best scouts in the Kingdom. With his Blond hair and teal eyes, he looked out of place in the Ignis Kingdom, but soon adjusted. His skills with a bow are quite impressive, and he can usually be found in the Archery Grounds near the walls of the Castle.

'What's up? You're not as...I don't know...cheerful as usual' The Prince groaned and pushed himself up, twisting around so that he was facing upwards 'I have no idea Kenny, none whatsoever' He muttered sarcastically 'I've just been feeling weird lately...It should pass'
His Blond friend tilted his head in concern, before gently resting a hand on the Texan's forehead 'Jesus Christ Preston, you're burning hot!' A pale arm lazily slapped the Scout's arm, who furrowed his brow 'Preston...You're not well, you're way warmer than the usual human temperature'
'Are you saying I'm hot?' Preston grinned cheekily, and Kenny sighed 'Don't try to turn this into a game, Preston. You've hardly had any energy the last few days, you're way too hot for it to be good for you, you've even stopped eating! This isn't like you'

'Maybe I'm just not-,' The Prince's sentence was interrupted by a small coughing fit '-not hungry' Kenny shook his head and stood up from the bedside chair, fixing his grey hoodie 'I'm telling your Father about this, it could be serious'
'But Kenny-,' Another cough '-I'm f-fine! I've probably just got a cold or something...Please don't tell Dad' The Scout sighed again and ran a hand through his hair 'I know you don't like your Father, but he should know about your health. You are his Heir after all'
'He probably wouldn't notice if I did die, anyway' Preston sighed and sat up, instantly being hit with a headache that made his world spin 'Ugh...bad idea' His voice was faint, and his arms suddenly gave way as crashed back onto the bed 'Preston! We need to get you to the Infirmary, right away'
'I'm fine Kenny, just tired'
'You're not fine, you're ill and I'm gonna take you to the Infirmary so you can get better, no arguments, let's go' Kenny managed to get the Prince out of bed, but his legs were weak 'Okay, new idea. I'm gonna carry you'

'What? But I'm too-'
'Light for me to even feel you're up there, now hold on, I don't want to drop you' The Blond joked, securing his grip 'To the Infirmary!'
'Kenneth Purton, what on Earth do you think you're doing?!' A sharp voice stopped Kenny in his tracks, and Preston let out a small squeak as they turned 'I'm just taking the Prince to the Infirmary, Mother. I'll be back in a few minutes' A woman with amber eyes and black hair had her arms crossed as she gazed upon the two, a disapproving look on her face 'That still doesn't explain why you're giving the Prince a piggyback'
'I was too tired to walk Miss Purton, so Kenneth offered to carry me instead' Preston slid off his friend's back and weakly stood next to him, causing the woman's face to pale 'I-I sincerely apologize Prince Arsement, I'll let you continue on your way' She bowed and hurried off, causing the two Americans to exchange confused glances 'Why was she out here anyway? I swear her division's on the other side of the Castle'

'Yeah, this isn't her...Division...' Preston had to lean on the wall for support, causing the Blond next to him to turn back 'Preston, you look way more pale than - Preston?!' The Prince fell to the floor, his knees buckling beneath him 'Kenny...I c-can't see anything!' A surge of panic and adrenaline shot through the Scout, and he felt something like a glass ball shatter in his chest before water burst through the ceiling.
'Holy-!' Smaller trickles of water slithered across the ground, pooling around the fallen teenager and slowly lifting him up 'Uhhh...'
'Kenny? What's going on?' Some of the clear liquid splashed on the Prince's face, causing him to groan and shake his head 'Ugh, too bright - Holy freaking-!'
'Don't ask me about this, I have no idea what's going on' Kenny moved his hand slightly, making the water shift in synchronization with his moves 'Why's it copying me?!'
'I don't know, all I know is that it's magical water that lets you see again' Preston slurred, obviously still weak 'I got that, thanks Preston...C'mon, we've got to get you checked out' The water started to drain away, leaving no evidence of what had just happened as Kenny picked up his slightly delusional friend 'Let's go Preston, you're still going to the Infirmary'

'No...' The Texan whined 'Yes, now stop complaining or I'm telling your Father' Preston's eyes widened, and he shook his head vigorously before wincing 'Note to self; Don't shake head'
'I worry about your sanity sometimes' Kenny smiled lightly at his younger friend, who yawned and hugged his arms to his chest 'W-Why's it so cold?' His voice was barely a whisper, and the Blond held his friend tighter 'We're nearly there Preston, don't worry'

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