Journal 37, November 24

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Dear Lauren,

God, people are such idiots. I saw this one video about American coca-cola and how terrible it was to European soda which was fair, other countries always seem to make it taste better. But then that just seemed to encourage people in the comments.

I swear, it was just one person, but it's made me so frustrated! They seem to think everything came from Europe and that makes their country or continent or whatever superior to all the others! They act like the UK invented all these amazing stuff and Americans have nothing of their own. According to them, the Wright Brothers didn't invent the airplane first unlike most schools here teach and that Ford didn't invent to car. That last one is fair, but neither did Britain like they're acting! And while Ford may not have invented the car, he did make them affordable. And most other people who might have gotten up in the air first are rumors and we'll never truly know if they did.

The US also has its own inventions! Ever heard of the waffle cone? You can thank Charles Menches who was a street vendor at the St. Louis Fair for that. Monopoly? Okay, well, it's not technically an invention, but still made in America along with chocolate chip cookies! Mhm, what a delicious invention.

Along with all of that, they said you can thank Europe and Asia for all of these nifty inventions. As if  they were the only ones to make stuff.

Chocolate, a bunch of chocolate related stuff, colored tv, etc? You can thank Mexico.

The wireless phone? That's from a Brazilian priest. (They also tried to claim that the string telephone was the only one that counted in that category, but the Chimú culture in Peru already beat the British 1000 years before.)

Luis von Ahn who was from Guatemala invented CAPTCH, aka the "are you a robot?" questions, when he was attending college in New England. Later, he invented Duo Lingo.

A surgeon from Argentina invented the first artificial heart, and the first transplant using it was in the city I live in, I believe.

The ballpoint pen was invented by a Hungarian-Argentinian inventor.

Those are just a few of my favorite examples, but there's a lot more. Still, the fact that someone is trying to credit a single continent to basically every single thing we have today is infuriating. What about every other continent? Do you think iornclads, gunpowder, the beauty blender, volleyball, ice cream (my favorite Chinese invention) all belong to Europe because you're "superior"?

Not that Europe is horrible or anything, but I'd love to take that person down a few notches. Maybe by using a macuahuitl, which is in no way possible European.

Yeah, let Europe take credit for guns(Chinese), the first calendar(okay, maybe they can, but it was the Mayans that standardized it into the modern calendar by using their own. It was more accurate than the Gregorian calendar because they calculated a year to be 365.2420 days while the Gregorian calendar calculated it to be 365.2425. The actual year is 365.2422), etc.

Anyways, my mom's shouting at me because I haven't started cleaning up yet. Maybe I'll debate more later when I've had a chance to collect myself more.

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