A Huge Worry

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Steven's POV
It was exactly 3:05 A.M, when the gems woke me up. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "What are you guys doing?" I asked as a yawn followed after. "Steven" Garnet said as she walked up to me "Yellow Diamond and her army are coming back, we need you." My eyes got wide as she spoke. "We need you, or else we will fail." I nodded. I wish Connie could come. I thought. But she's most likely still asleep. We got onto the Warp Pad, and warped to the Strawberry Battlefield.

Pearl's POV
I took a breath as I remembered the last war. Many gems died, humans too. It was a close war, but we still won. Yellow Diamond walked up to us. "Small Team" she said in a relaxed, but powerful voice. "We will for sure win." She walked back, and we got onto our sides, but before the war, someone yelles

Garnet's POV
"Don't start yet!!" A voice yelled. Then, a small gem came out. About the size as Amythest, she had nice, curly hair, a golden dress with pure silk strands. Her gem was one of her eyes. "My name is Gold, and before we start the war, shouldn't we choose sides? Its not a fair fight!" Every home world gem laughed. "No" said Yellow Diamond as the poofed gold, and bubbled her to homeworld.

Steven's POV
The Gems were fighting, but they told me to stay back until they needed me. The war seemed like it went on forever. The gems didn't call me yet, so I sat on a rock, waiting. But a big, bulky gem came up to me. "Who are you?" I asked. She snicked and said in a warrior voice "Aquamarine" she pointed her spear at me, then, all of a sudden, everything went black"

Amythest's POV
The war went on for a while, it felt like it went on for days, but it was only a few hours. We didn't even need Steven for the war, but we brought him just in case. After the war, the homeworld gems got back on the ships, and left. I was relieved. "When we get home, I'm making a big sandwich." Pearl shook her head, but before we left, I remembered Steven.

Pearl's POV.
"WAIT!" Amythest yelled. "Not now." I said. "WE'RE FORGETTING STEVEN!!" She yelled. I gasped. We quickly went to look for him. He was nowhere to be found. "Do you think he got hurt during the war?" I asked as a tear fell from my eye. "I hope not." Amythest said. I sighed as we went to the warp. This can't be happening. I thought. We can't loose Steven, he's too important. As we went back home, I praying that we can find Steven.

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