Even Worse News

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Steven's POV
As I opened my eyes, everything was blurry. I couldn't get up, so I slowly crawled to the rocks that I sat on during the war. All of my body hurt, so I crawled very slow. Once I got to the rocks, My body was numb. My gem then glowed, everything sparkled, and there was a "poof."

Two Months Later

Garnet's POV.
"I don't know how we're going to tell Greg about this" I said. "LETS GO SEARCH FOR HIM!!" Pearl screamed. After that, Greg came and knocked on the door. I walked to open up the door. Greg and Connie we're both standing outside. "Where my Steven?" Greg asked, smiling. Connie asked "Where is he???" I groaned. Then Pearl yelled "WE LOST HIM DURING THE WAR!!!!"

Greg's POV
"WHAT!?!?!?" I yelled. Pearl was quite. Connie told me. I couldn't help but yell. "WE NEED TO FIND HIM, NOW!!!" Pearl then butted in "We tried looking for hi-" I interrupted her. "GO WHERE THE WAR WAS NOW, AND FIND HIM!!" I yelled. "But Greg-" "I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT AMYTHEST, FIND HIM!" They groaned and warped away.

Amythest's POV.
We looked and looked. Its been months since the war, doesn't Greg know that? We've been looking for two months straight. I then saw something on the corner of my eye. I walked up to it. There was a gem lying on the rocks, a Rose Quartz to be exact. "Guys, come here, I think I found something" Pearl and Garnet came up to me. I put the gem in my shirt, and showed it to them.

Ruby's POV
I screamed in terror as me and Sapphire unfused. "Steven." I said softly. Sapphire cried, as I held his gem. "This can't be real. This must be a dream." I cried so hard, that I was basically shouting. I then heard Pearl whisper in the softest voice possible. "If its just his gem, something happened, now he'll cease to exist, Steven is now, dead." Her voice then became louder, as ever singe one of us were crying and screaming.

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