Chapter 8: Issues of the heart

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I sat alone, staring alone at the empty plate, in my old little world.

"Did you like your burger Mia?"  My mom asked.

I glanced blankly up at my mom.

"Yeah, thanks for making it."  I said.

"You need to stop staring out into the distance while eating and actually socializing.  Anyway, go clean up the kitchen.'"  Mom said.

"Sure thing."  I said.

I then headed into the kitchen and got to work.  Afterwards, as the sun started to set, I took my laptop and got to work. 

It took two minutes, I repeat, two minutes before I got bugged. 

In the room, came a strong guy with brown hair and blue eyes.  I smiled, it was Fortis, Sammy's twin brother. 

"Hey Fortis, what's up?"  I asked.

"Nothing much."  Fortis replied.

"What's wrong?"  I asked.

"Nothing."  Fortis said.

"Liar."  I said.

"I'm not lying."  Fortis said.

"Yes you are, now come on, tell me what's wrong please.  I promise you that it will make you feel better and I should know."  I said.

"Fine, you want the truth, I'll give you the truth then.  I'm in love.  I have been since I've meet her and I can't do anything about it.  I don't have the guts to tell her it or ask her out on a date.  It's just to unknown and foreign to me.  What do I do?"  Fortis said.

"Well, for starters you can stop pacing my room and sit down and stay awhile.  If you really love her, ask her out on a date.  I really don't get why you're scared.  I mean, just the other day you were destroying demons, how hard can asking her out on a date be?"  I said.

"You do know who I'm talking about right?"  Fortis asked.

"I do."  I said.

"Ugh, what am I going to do?"  Fortis said.

"Stop being a coward and ask her out already."  I said.

"What if she says no?"  Fortis said.

Another girl entered the room, Fortis sister to be exact.  Her thick black hair fell down to almost near her hips and her gray eyes gave her a look of intelligence.

"She will say yes."  Brainstorm said.

"How do you know?"  Fortis said.

"I just do."  Brainstorm said.

They both looked at me.

"Hey, don't look at me, I do not give out spoilers.  But Fortis, if you feel like this is the right decision, what's stopping you?"  I said.

"You're right.  You know what, I'm going to go to work and ask her out on a date with me right now."  Fortis said. 

Fortis then confidently strutted out of the room.

"He's not going to do it, is he?"  Brainstorm said.

"Nope, but he will eventually."  I said.

"The funny thing is that the two of them are such close friends and to me, they clearly are in love with each other."  Brainstorm said.

"Well, I guess the saying that love is blind must be true."  I said.

"I guess it is.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I need to go and try to give my brother some more confidence."  Brainstorm said.

"Good idea, he really needs you."  I said.

"Oh, yeah, he does."  Brainstorm said as she left the room.

I chuckled, this would be an interesting scene to write.

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