Chapter 9: Poor Wondy

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I took a couple days off, even while I took them off, my brain came up with a couple more story ideas. I decided that when I got home, I would get to work and develop my characters.

Kani entered my room and I smiled, I had been thinking about her lately.

"Hey Kani, what's up?" I said,

"Nothing much. We're taking the boat out to the deep sea this weekend. I'm excited about that because I want to chat with our nearby pod of dolphins, they're super cool." Kani said.

"Well have fun then, that should be really refreshing." I said.

"It should be. We'll also be looking for some more specimens to bring home with us." Kani said.

"That will be fun. What in particular are you going to be looking for?" I asked.

"Mom and dad want some jellyfish. I am going to get some bright and colorful fish. The more colorful, the better because I want them for the aquarium." Kani said.

"How is the aquarium going?" I asked.

"The aquarium is a lot of hard work, but Makaio and I are making some progress. Having powers makes things much easier for us." Kani said.

"I'm sure powers do." I said.

"I better go, Makaio just texted me and said my break is over." Kani said.

"Are you letting Makaio boss you around like that?" I asked.

"Yes, I actually am. The aquarium is his because he bought it years ago. He said that when we open it, he will say that I am the co-founder of it. I will get half of the profit." Kani said.

"That seems fair considering all the work you put in." I said.

"It is, now I better get going." Kani said.

"By Kani." I said.

"Bye Mia, have a nice day." Kani said.

"You too." I said.

Kani then phased through the floor and was gone.

I sighed, I hadn't seen a lot of my characters lately. It was a bit sad.

Wonder especially was a little quiet. I had gone to an aquarium and she had been hanging out then and chatted with me telling me a bunch of random facts about the marine animals.

Other than that, you would have thought she would have chatted with me this morning. No such luck. She was just gone.

I was a little worried because I knew that now was a time of emotional turmoil for her. It was the anniversary of a sad date that I know she wouldn't like for me to mention. It was rough and I knew that I had to somehow get into contact with Fortis. Around this time, he was the only one who could actually talk to her and comfort her. No one else could safely.

I reached my mind out to Brainstorm and our conversation went something like this,

"Hey Brainstorm, I haven't tried this in a while, can you hear me?" I asked.

"Yes, hey Mia, what is the occasion?" Brainstorm asked.

"Can you remind Fortis what today is? I haven't heard from Wonder lately and I'm a little worried and let's face it, around this time, Fortis is the only one who can talk to her." I said.

"What is today?" Brainstorm.

"Dupleix Gladus." I said.

"Oh, gosh, that's today? I will go and tell Fortis right now. Boy, poor Wondy. I got to go. I'll visit you later. Bye Mia." Brainstorm said.

"Bye Brainstorm." I said.

"Bye." Brainstorm said, rushed. 

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