Ending 1: Fate's Original Plan (Taro)

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So, here we are, at last. Obviously, I'm sure you know this is definitely not mine. I plan on making original art for every chapter to replace the ones that aren't mine in the process of editing. I wish I could draw like this, honestly. UN-yuuendakara is the person who created this one. That's their name on devientart, anyway. Enjoy the first ending! <3


Ayano says goodbye to her bandmates, and makes her way to her locker. Taro hides and watches as she opens her locker. She notices 2 notes, and grabs them. "Strange.." She remarks. Taro notices the second note, and looks at it, confused. Ayano reads the first note. 

'Hey Princess, meet me at the cherry tree behind the school at 6pm. I have something important to tell you. - O.'

Ayano puts the note back, and reads the other one. 

'My dear Ayano, there's something I have been wanting to tell you for a very long time, please, meet me underneath the sakura tree on the hill at 6pm. I hope I'll see you there. - T.' 

She puts the other note back, and thinks for a moment. "The sakura tree..?" She questions to herself. Taro walks up to his locker and reads the note Megami put in. But he couldn't help but wonder. Who was the other note from? What did they want from Ayano? He would find out in a moment. He reads the note. Of course, it's a note explaining to meet Megami under the tree. He chuckles to himself, not surprised. He looks back at Ayano's locker to see she has gone already. Taro takes the shortcut and runs to the tree, so he can get there before Ayano.

Ayano runs up the hill, and catches her breath. Once she does, she looks up to see Taro, facing the tree. He turns around, and smiles at her. Ayano blushes. "Taro? Are you the one that gave me one of those notes?" Ayano asks. Taro nods. "Yes, there's.." He takes a deep breath. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for so long.. And now, I finally have the courage.." He says. Ayano blushes. "Oh? What is it?" She asks. "I was going to wait until I dealt with Megami, but I can't hide it any longer! Ayano, I have fe-" Taro stops as Megami and Osoro arrive. Taro looks at Osoro, and it clicks. He was the one who had written the other note to Ayano. It was obvious now. He also had feelings for his goddess. He widens his eyes. "You.." He says. Osoro glares at him. "You." He responds. "Oh, you two are here as well." Megami says. Ayano turns around and looks at them both. "Osoro.. Did you write the other note?" Ayano asks. Osoro looks at Ayano and smiles. "Yes, princess.. I did.." He says, walking up to her. He puts his hand on her cheek. Taro's sanity depletes as he watches. "Get away from her." He commands in a low voice. Megami watches, confused. "Taro?" She calls out. Osoro looks at Taro. Ayano looks at Megami. "Megami, what're you doing here?" She asks. The boys stop glaring at each other and look at the two women. "I came here to confess my feelings to Taro." She says, looking at him. Ayano looked at Taro, and then back at Megami. Considering the support Megami had given her, she almost felt sympathy for her. However, she still had feelings for Taro, so she didn't.

Taro walks up to Megami, and smiles. "Feelings? Please, tell me what you have to say. I'm listening." He says. Megami blushes. "Well.. Taro Yamada, over the past couple weeks, I have developed feelings for you, and.. I haven't had the courage to say it until now. Will you.. accept my feelings?" She looks up into his eyes. Before he can do his great betrayal, Budo marches up the hill. "GET AWAY FROM MY ANGEL, YOU PSYCHOPATH!" He yells to Taro. Megami turns around, and cocks an eyebrow. Taro's sanity depletes a little more, and he laughs. "Are you calling me a psychopath?" He asks in a condescending tone. Budo removes his jacket and throws it to the ground. Osoro glares at him, and hands his coat to Ayano. Taro does the same, handing his to Megami. "Taro? Are you okay?" She asks, noticing the cold emptiness in his eyes. He doesn't respond. Budo throws a punch, and punches Taro on the cheek. Taro grins and starts laughing, as he pulls out his switchblade. Megami widens her eyes, now more confused. She walks over to Ayano so that she can protect her if needed. Ayano just watches in shock. Osoro runs up to Budo, and punches him in the stomach. "I WILL KILL YOU BOTH! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!" He yells. "I should've never told Ayano to be with you. You have caused me too much chaos." Taro says in a monotonous voice as he tries to strike Budo with the blade. He gets him on his punching arm. Budo brings his hand to the stab wound, and grunts at the pain. 

Taro smiles at this. Osoro punches underneath Budo's chin, making him fall to the ground. He picks him up and holds his arms behind him. Budo struggles in his grasp as Taro laughs and walks up to him. "I've been waiting for this moment. Any last words?" Taro asks, as a dark smile forms on his face. Budo glares at Taro. "Fuck you. Ayano is mine, and mine only." He says. Taro laughs, and stabs Budo in the chest. "Oh Budo, I've already told you this. She mine." He says in a low voice. He chuckles as he watches Budo's life fade away. Ayano tilts her head at what he had just said, and Megami watches in absolute shock. "Taro.. You're.." She begins. Taro turns around and looks at Megami with an inhuman smile. "Yes, Megami! I'm one of the so-called akademi murderers! All of those people that were arrested? They're all innocent!" He says, laughing some more. "I.. I thought you had feelings, too.. All those people... Innocent.. What have I done?" She mumbles to herself, trying so hard to process everything Taro had just admitted. "Feelings? HA! This whole time I've been playing with your emotions! I only joined the student council and brushed up to you so that I could keep your suspicion away from Ayano, Osoro and I! You have no idea how much I wanted to drive a knife into your heart the entire time! I feel nothing for you. I only have feelings for one person!" He yells, now hyperventilating. "What? I.. I was right?" She says, looking around at the three yanderes around her. He looks at Ayano next to her, who was looking at her blankly. No emotion. Osoro was behind Taro, looking at him worried. And Taro, he was staring at her with a dark grin as he slowly walks up to Megami. She backs away, and backs against the tree trunk. "You won't get away with this. You can't.." Megami says, shaking her head. Taro, still smiling, sticks the blade into her stomach. "Sorry my dear, I must have her at any cost." Taro whispers. 

Megami, who is now starting to bleed out, slides to the ground, sitting up and leaning against the tree. She looks ahead to see Kencho walking up behind Taro, and looking down at her. "K-Kencho.. Help.. me.." She calls out weakly. Kencho smiles and looks down at his sister. "I told you, didn't I, Megami? Now, as your life fades, your title as president belongs to me, and so will Saikou Corp." He chuckles. Megami widens her eyes, and tears start falling. "It's my fault you're like this.. I'm sorry, Kencho.." She says. Kencho bends down, and rips the arm band off of Megami's arm. "I'll take that." He chuckles. Megami looks up at the figures surrounding her, staring at her coldly. "I failed..." She mumbles. She slowly closes her eyes, and draws her last breath. "Finally.. My life has purpose! Nicely done, Taro. I knew I liked you." Kencho says, as he removes his armband and replaces it with Megami's armband. Taro chuckles. "I'm glad I could help, president." He responds. Kencho smiles upon being called president. "I'll see you on Monday. Good luck." Kencho says as he turns around and walks away. 

"Now.. Where were we?" Taro says, turning to Ayano and Osoro. "What did you guys want to meet me for?" Ayano asks. Both boys start to speak, and then glare at each other. "One at a time. Taro, you first. What were you saying earlier?" Ayano says, looking at him. Osoro becomes worried, as Taro clears his throat and gets ready to speak. "Ayano.. Do you remember the day we bumped into each other on the first day of school? Before then, I was just a normal boy, nothing interesting about me or my life. And then when I saw you, it all changed. It's like this feeling just washed over me, and something in me changed.. I.. I had developed major feelings for you. To the point where I would literally do anything to have you.. To the point where I can only ever feel happy around you.. When I found out you were just like me, it made me even happier.. I wanted you even more. To answer your question on what drove me to such a sadistic nature.. It's you.. Everything I've done.. It was all for you. I killed Kizano and framed Amao for you. I kept two teachers in my basement and tortured them for you. I pushed Yuna off of that rooftop for you. I spent all that time deceiving Megami, just for you.. I love you, Ayano.. I love you, and I can't live without you." Taro says as he looks into her eyes. Ayano's eyes were now tearing up, as she holds her hand to her chest. "S-Senpai.." She whispers. 

"Alright, it's my turn." Osoro says. Ayano turns to look at Osoro. "Ayano, I'm sure you remember the fateful lunchtime that I bumped into you. Almost immediately, my curiosity grew. I followed you around quite a bit that day. I watched as you drowned that Raibaru girl, and then slit Osana's throat. What still surprises me is that I didn't try to stop you, nor was I scared.. In fact, I found myself more intrigued, especially when I continued following you after school. I watched you kill that Kuu girl, and mumble that someone was yours.. Anyway, Info-chan had told me that Taro had a crush on you. That's also when I found out you used to like him. Looking back, I should've eliminated him when I found out, but I kept putting it off.. Why do I explain this all? Because this is when my dangerous curiosity had turned into love. I started to go crazy over you. You asked me why I killed Aso Rito? Because he had a crush on you. That day you kidnapped Horuda, something in me felt like I needed to help you. Over time, the feeling I felt around you, and the adrenaline I got from taking someone's life, it was something I craved more and more every single day. Much like a drug. The day you helped me kill my father, I will always be appreciative of that. How you would always offer me tea anytime I came over.. It made me feel like a child again.. And the way you comforted me after I had a nightmare, and stayed with me as I fell back asleep.. Ayano, you don't know of the power you hold over me.. I'd do anything just to please you.. I'd do anything for you.. Anything to protect you.. Why? Because I love you so god damn much." He says, as tears fall down his face. 

More tears fell down Ayano's face, as she looked at Osoro. "Osoro... You too..." She says. "I.. I also have something that I think I should say.. I was saving this for when I had finally made a decision on what I want.. Here goes..." The boys look at her confused as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I've told Osoro a little bit about this, but not the full story. And Taro, since you told me, as promised, I'll finally tell you.. I was born, and grew up with no emotions. It's a condition that runs in my family, and affects the women. Including my mother, and grandmother. We live with no emotions, until we meet 'the one'. This person is the thing that changes everything. They spark something in us that gives us the ability to feel emotions. From then, we learn more emotions, and we do what we can to keep them near us. I'm no different. Taro, you're the one that made me feel these emotions. At first, I only had eyes for you." She then looks at Osoro. "And then I met you, Osoro." She says. He widens his eyes. "I'm just like my ancestors, but I'm also different. I met you, and somehow, like some sort of instantaneous mutation, I had developed feelings for you. I killed Osana for Taro, and then I killed Kuu Dere for you. At first, I thought I had lost all feelings I had for Taro, because I thought he didn't care about me, and thought I was weird. Then later, my feelings for him had returned.. But my feelings for you didn't fade.. For a few weeks now, I've been so conflicted, because I was, and still am, in love with you both.. I've been killing and torturing people left and right for both of you.. In my dreams, and in real life, people were telling me that I needed to choose one of you.. And I feel so bad because it's so hard! So there you have it. I'm in love with two guys who both happened to be in love with me, as well."

The boys look at Ayano, shocked by what they had just heard. "How about now? Do you know who you want to choose, Ayano?" Osoro asks. Ayano shakes her head. "No.. I'm sorry, I'm still unsure.." She says, quietly, eyes tearing up. "Then there's only one thing we can do." Taro says, looking at Osoro. "A fight to the death." Osoro says, as he looks back at Taro. In an instant, they lunge at each other. Ayano widens her eyes, and feels helpless as she watches them both fight. "She's mine, Osoro!" Taro says as he punches Osoro in the face, and then pulls out his knife. Osoro growls. "I can't lose her, Taro.. Especially not to you!" He yells, also punching Taro in the face. As he notices Taro's knife, he pulls his own army style knife out. "Two can play at that game." He growls as he slashes at Taro, only managing to cut his arm. Taro also slashes his knife, getting Osoro on the cheek. "No.." Osoro says. "Put your knife away.. I want us to fight with our bare hands." Osoro says. Taro looks at him coldly and nods, putting his knife away. Osoro also puts his away. He pushes Taro to the ground, and starts punching him. Taro pushes him back, and does the same. Osoro pushes Taro off of him, and they get up and start wrestling. Ayano couldn't watch any longer. 

"STOP!" She yells. The boys, still holding each other, stop and look at Ayano. "Please don't fight.." She says, looking them in the eyes. "I think I've made a decision on who I want.." She says slowly. Taro and Osoro anxiously watch as she studies them both for a moment and takes a deep breath. "..I choose Taro." She says softly, as she looks into his eyes, blushing. Taro smiles and blushes in response, and then looks at Osoro with a dark grin. "You hear that, Osoro? She chose me." He says in a low, dark voice. Osoro widens his eyes as Taro pulls out his knife, and stabs him in the chest. "Ayano... My prin..cess..." Osoro struggles to get out. Taro chuckles, and removes the knife. Osoro's grip on Taro weakens, and he falls to the ground. His body now laying amongst the higanbana. As Ayano watches, she gets a feeling in the pit of her stomach. She felt bad, and guilty for rejecting Osoro, but at the same time, it was too late. She had already made her choice. Now, she didn't have to be conflicted anymore. Taro watches as she picks up Osoro's coat, and lays it on his chest. She kneels down next to Osoro's dying body, and holds his hand. He gives her a small smile. "I never realized... How much this hurts.." He says. She starts to cry. "It's okay, Osoro.. You're free.. You can go into the light, where there's no pain, violence, or suffering.." She says, as more tears fall. "Ayano.. I want you to rehabilitate the gang.. Help them.. Go back to their lives.." Osoro says. He weakly grabs his coat, and puts it on Ayano's lap, and smiles. "This belongs to you now...my.. princess.." Ayano nods and looks at him with her tear-stained eyes. She starts to hum a lullaby as she caresses his forehead. His arm falls back down next to him, and he draws his final breath. 

Once she's sure that he's gone, she kisses his forehead one last time, closes his eyelids, and stands up. She drapes his coat over his shoulders. "Goodbye, Osoro." She whispers. Taro walks up to her, and she turns to face him. He caresses her cheek, and wipes a tear from her face. "Please, my goddess, don't cry.. I hate to see you upset.." He says. Ayano looks into his eyes, and feels herself calm down a little. "I've waited so long just to hold you in my arms." He says. "May I?" He asks. Ayano nods. Taro smiles, and leans in. His lips make contact with hers, and all of a sudden a wave of happiness washes over him. They slowly pull apart from the kiss, and Taro holds her in his arms, with her head on his chest. Ayano puts her arms around his waist, and closes her eyes. "I'm so happy that you chose me, my love." Taro whispers. "I love you, Taro." She says. Taro smiles, and kisses the top of her head. "I love you too, my dear, sweet goddess." He responds. "I think we should burn the bodies." Ayano says. Taro nods. "I agree. I'll grab Budo, you can grab Megami." He says. Ayano nods, and they do as planned. They make their way to the incinerator with the bodies, and dump them in. They close the incinerator. "Alright, we should go back for Osoro's corpse." Ayano says. They make their way, and repeat the process. Ayano places Osoro's body in front of the incinerator, and Taro looks at her with a questioning look. "He at least deserves to be tidied up before he is burned.." Ayano says. Taro nods. Ayano looks at his lifeless form. She removes the bandages from his arms, bunches them up, and uses them to soak up the blood from his wound.

"B-boss?" Ayano and Taro hear a voice from behind them. They turn around to see Umeji, with the rest of the gang staring at Osoro's body with wide, tearful eyes. "What happened?" Umeji asks. Ayano looks at them with sympathy. "I'm so sorry... Budo killed him.." She says. She hated to lie to them, but she had no choice. She knew that they were violent, and probably would've tried to kill Taro on the spot. The boys all look like they're holding back tears. "That bastard.. I hope you gave him what he deserved." Umeji says through gritted teeth. Ayano nods. "Yes, we did. He's in hell now." Ayano says. "Ayano.. If you don't mind us calling you that.. Thank you.." He says. Ayano tilts her head. "For what?" She asks. "For being nice to us.. And for making the boss happy. He really loved you, and we could all see it. The way he'd talk about you.. Thank you for giving him something to live for. You're an angel." Umeji says, as tears stream down Ayano's face. "Please.. Don't praise me.. I'm no angel.." She says. "You are to us.. He is no longer here to lead us.. So please, Ayano, will you honor him and be our new leader?" Umeji asks. Ayano stands up, and walks up to Umeji. She puts her hand on his shoulder, and looks into his eyes. "Of course." All of the boys put their hand on their chest as a sign of respect to their new leader. Umeji gives Ayano a sad smile, to which she gives one back. "Would you boys like to say goodbye? You know.. Before I burn the body?" Ayano asks. The boys nod, and surrounds Osoro. They all say their goodbyes, and shed tears. 

Afterwards, they help Ayano lift his body, and they gently lay it down in the incinerator on top of Megami and Budo. Ayano gives him one last glance, before closing the incinerator, and activating it. "Alright.. I think it's best that we head home now.." Ayano says. Everyone nods. Ayano and Taro make their way to their lockers, and grab their things. Taro notices a spare student council uniform neatly folded with a note. Taro reads the note aloud. "I thought you might need this. After all, these white uniforms stain quite easily. - Kencho." Taro smirks, and takes the uniform. The pair walk to Ayano's house together in the sunset, hand in hand. As they walk in the door, Ayano's parents look up. "Ayano sweetie, welcome home!" Ryoba says sweetly. She then notices that the two teenagers are holding hands. "Are you two finally together?" She asks. Ayano smiles and nods, and Taro pulls her into his embrace. "Aww, how sweet! What happened with your blonde friend?" She asks. Ayano looks down, and Taro hugs her. "He was killed." Taro explains. Ryoba nods. "Aw, that's a shame. Congratulations, you two! I'll get to making dinner!" Ryoba cheers. Taro and Ayano sit down on the couch, and cuddle. "Ayano?" Taro asks, looking down at Ayano. "Yes, Taro?" She asks. "Earlier, you told those delinquents that Budo killed Osoro.. Why did you lie?" He asks. "If I told them it was you, they might have tried to hurt you.." She explains. "So you did it to protect me.. I love you so much, my darling goddess." He says, softly. Ayano smiles. "I love you, too, my sweet prince." She says, as she lays her head on his lap, and looks up at him. They both lean in and share a long, passionate kiss. 

The pair would go on to finish high school together, and get married. The next week, Ayano had worked with the counselor to rehabilitate the group of boys, as Osoro had personally requested. Eventually, they had succeeded, and the boys stayed around Ayano. Ayano was sad about Osoro's death, but eventually, she moved on, and he would live in her heart and memory. Ayano and Taro had developed a hobby of torturing people together, specifically those that tried to harm or go near them. No one would ever find out of the things that Ayano and Taro had done for each other, nor of the things they would continue to do together. They would have a son, that would go on to have the same condition as his mother. Taro had decided to work as Kencho's secretary at Saikou Corp, and earned a lot of money from his job. Ayano decided to become a surgeon, and discreetly give her son tips on how to 'clean up after himself.' 


I nearly cried writing this. That was the first ending. What did you think of that? Anyway, I will work on the ending you all really want when I can, which will hopefully be within the week, before Christmas. I'd like to thank you all so much for sticking with me through this book, it has been an interesting ride. I would not have made it through without your lovely, funny, and supportive comments. I shall see you in the true ending, but for now, stay strong, stay safe, stay kind, and as always:

Thank you for following the development of 'A Yandere and a Delinquent'. <3

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