True Ending: My Darling Delinquent (Osoro)

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This image right here is actually partially what inspired me with the ending that I've been planning for a very long time. I first saw it in 2017, and have had it saved to the 2 laptops I've had in that time period, saved especially for this chapter, believe it or not. Anyway,

Welcome, lovely people, to the REAL ending. The one we are all really here for. After 3 or 4 bloody years, we're finally doing it. This one, I'd like to play out a little differently, so instead of starting off from Ayano stopping the two boys from fighting, as I had secretly originally planned to start this chapter, I've decided that I'd like to replay the whole tree scene and switch a couple things around. Oh, and also add an extra bonus torture scene! Enjoy! <3


Ayano says goodbye to her bandmates, and makes her way to her locker. Taro hides and watches as she opens her locker. She notices 2 notes, and grabs them. "Strange.." She remarks. Taro notices the second note, and looks at it, confused. Ayano reads the first note.

'Hey Princess, meet me at the cherry tree behind the school at 6pm. I have something important to tell you. - O.'

Ayano puts the note back, and reads the other one.

'My dear Ayano, there's something I have been wanting to tell you for a very long time, please, meet me underneath the sakura tree on the hill at 6pm. I hope I'll see you there. - T.'

She puts the other note back, and thinks for a moment. "The sakura tree..?" She questions to herself. "Screw it, I'll meet them. At least if it's a trap, I can defend myself." She says as she puts the notes back, and runs for the sakura tree.

As she arrives at the tree, she stops and catches her breath. She looks up to see Osoro, standing facing the opposite direction. He turns around, and blushes. Ayano smiles. "Hey, princess." He greets quietly. "Osoro.. Did you write one of those notes?" She asks. Osoro nods. "Yes. I am so glad you came." He says, as he walks up to Ayano. They both blush as he caresses her cheek and looks her in the eyes. They stand in silence for a moment. "Osoro.. Your note mentioned that you wanted to tell me something important?" She asks. Osoro snaps out of his daydream, and nods. "Yes. Ayano, for a long time now I-" He is interrupted by Taro walking up the hill. "Ayano, my dear, I'm-" He stops and glares at Osoro. "It's you." He spits, voice laced with venom. Osoro returns the glare. Ayano looks at them, confused. "Uh.. Am I missing something?" She asks, awkwardly. As she asks this, Megami walks up the hill. "Aw, you two are here as well! How adorable." She says, smiling at Osoro and Ayano. She then notices Taro glaring at Osoro. "Taro? Is everything okay?" She asks, concerned. Taro snaps out of it, and looks at Megami with a smile. "Hello my dear, I got your note. What is it you'd like to tell me?" He asks. Megami blushes, and takes a deep breath. 

"Taro.. We've only known each other for a few weeks, but.. Over that time, I've developed some romantic feelings for you. You're the most kind, sweetest, and charming person I know. I feel like I can talk to you about anything. I can't hide my feelings for you anymore, Taro. I love you." She says, looking into his eyes. Taro just looks down at her. "Taro? How do you feel?" She asks. As he is about to respond, Budo walks up the hill. "I MEAN IT WHEN I SAY THAT I WILL NOT LET YOU CONFESS TO MY AYANO!" He yells, causing Ayano to be confused. "C-confess?" She questions. Taro's sanity depletes as he looks at Budo coldly, and pulls his switchblade out. "Oh Budo, you never learn, do you? I thought I told you that I'd slit your throat if you dared to go near Ayano." He says in a dark voice as he plays with his blade, and glares at him. Megami is immediately unsettled by the sudden aura Taro gives off, and shivers at the sight of his cold, empty glare. "You.. YOU BRAINWASHED HER INTO HATING ME! YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!" He yells. Taro then breaks into psychotic laughter. "Brainwashed!? WAKE UP, BUDO! SHE NEVER LOVED YOU TO BEGIN WITH! AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING PSYCHOPATH, YOU ABUSIVE CUNT!" Taro yells in response, laughing even more, and hyperventilating. Megami widens her eyes, as she watches Taro reveal his true nature.

Budo growls, pushes past Taro, and traps Ayano between him and the tree trunk. "Don't worry, Angel, I'll protect you from those assholes." He says, looking at her with a disturbed stare. Ayano widens her eyes, and looks away. She escapes, and without thinking, runs to Megami's side. Osoro grabs Budo by the throat, and pins him to the tree. "You piece of shit! I've been wanting to do this to you for a very long time." He growls. Budo can only make choking sounds as Osoro squeezes his throat more. "Osoro, stop." Ayano says. "Huh?" He questions, dropping Budo to the ground. "Ayano, why? He dared to hurt you. I must kill him." Osoro says, with that burning rage in his eyes. "Angel.. I.. knew.. you.. cared.." Budo says weakly, still recovering. Ayano walks up next to Osoro. "I have a better idea." She says in a noticeably darker tone of voice. Osoro cocks an eyebrow as she pulls out a syringe with tranquilizer, and injects him. Budo widens his eyes upon being injected with the substance. Before he can object, he falls unconscious. "Ayano.. You had that on you the whole time?" Megami asks. Ayano turns around and looks at Megami with no emotion. Megami then looks at Taro. 

"And you.. Something's not right about you.. Your eyes.. The blade.. You're.." She says, with a shaky voice as she looks into Taro's insane eyes. Taro looks at her with a disturbing, inhumane smile. He lets out a dark chuckle, which turns into loud laughter. "It took you this long to figure it out, huh? Yes.. I'm one of the murderers.. The people that were arrested? All of them are innocent! Well, at least in terms of murder.." Taro says with a wide grin. "You mean Amao.." Megami begins. "Yes, I'm afraid Amao was framed. He and Kizano both dared to flirt with Ayano, so I murdered Kizano with the knife Amao used, and splashed some red paint on him.. Of course, he immediately got blamed! He actually went crazy on his own accord." He says. "Then what about Horuda? And Oka?" Megami asks. "Oh, now those two actually weren't me." Taro says with a cheeky tone of voice. "It was me." Ayano says. Megami turns to her, and widens her eyes. "You..? I.. I was right...?" She says, stepping back. Taro laughs. "Yes, my dear, you were right this whole time! About Osoro, as well! Unfortunately for you, it was easy enough to manipulate you, and convince you that it wasn't." Taro chuckles. "I can't believe this.. It.. It can't be possible!" Megami says, shaking her head. "Oh, but it is possible, Megami! I spent all that time deceiving you just to keep your suspicion away from us! In response to how I feel about you? I feel nothing." He says coldly, as he takes a step towards Megami. 

"Taro." Ayano calls out softly. Taro turns to Ayano, and he smiles as the life returns to his eyes. "Yes, my dear?" He asks. Osoro narrows his eyes at Taro. "You said you killed and framed those two boys.. Because they were flirting with me..?" Ayano asks. "Yes. I might as well say it now.. Ayano, ever since I met you, my life changed in such a drastic way. At first, it was just a normal crush. And then it developed into something more.. Obsession. Obsession and love. I've ended and ruined many people's lives so that I can hold you in my arms. Those perverted teachers I kept in my basement? For you. I pushed Yuna off the rooftop for you. Ever since I met you.. I haven't been able to feel happy without you around. In fact, when you're not around me, I can't feel a thing. It's like you're the keeper of my emotions. With you, I feel.. Complete. I love you, Ayano." He says. Ayano looks at him with wide eyes. "I see.." She says. "And.. Osoro, what did you want to say to me that was so important?" She asks, turning to Osoro.

"Ayano.. The day I bumped into you, and watched you single handedly murder Osana and Raibaru, I was immediately intrigued. It was like a force was pulling me towards you, and urging me to follow you. I watched how you then murdered that Kuu Dere girl. It didn't take long for me to fall in love with you. You always know how to make me feel so loved.. Especially when it feels like no one cares. That jacket you bought for me that day is my prized possession. You make me feel something that nothing else and no one else can or ever will make me feel. You are my reason for living. Helping you with your murders, even if they weren't for me.. The way you helped me kill my father, I will always be very appreciative of that. I must admit, I feel like I've slowly turned into you.. I broke Aso Rito's arms and legs with my crowbar, and drowned him in the pool, just because he had feelings for you. Everything I've done for you, It was all worth it. Without question, I would do it again and again. Just for you. I would do anything just to hold you in my arms. I would do anything to protect you from danger. I would do anything you ask me to, because I love you, Ayano Aishi. I love you more than anything in this universe." He says, as a tear falls down his cheek. 

"Osoro.." Ayano whispers to herself, blushing and crying. Megami watches, astonished. "You're all crazy.. I should've seen this sooner!" She says. "Oh dear, I nearly forgot about you." Taro says as he grabs Megami, and looks her in the eyes. "Your time on this earth is up, my dear." He says, as he sticks the knife into Megami's head. He shakes the knife to dislodge it, causing Megami's now lifeless body to fall to the ground with a thump. Taro turns to look at Kencho, who had just watched him murder his sister. He walks up to his sister's corpse, looking down at it with no emotion. He then smiles, and bends down. "I'll take that." He says, ripping Megami's armband off. He gets up, and puts it on. "Finally. I'm no longer just a backup. Thank you, Taro." He says, before walking away. Taro smirks, and the three yanderes face each other again. "Now.. I also have something to say to you both." Ayano says. "But first, which one of you killed my childhood friend?" She asks. "Osano, right? That was me." Taro says. "I cannot stress this enough, thank you." She says. Taro chuckles. "No problem, he was annoying. Now, what were you saying?" He asks.

"Alright.. I wasn't expecting to being telling any of you this today, but, here goes.." She closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath before speaking. "I've told Osoro a little bit about this, but not the full story. And Taro, since you told me, as promised, I'll finally tell you.. I was born, and grew up with no emotions. It's a condition that runs in my family, and affects the women. Including my mother, and grandmother. We live with no emotions, until we meet 'the one'. This person is the thing that changes everything. They spark something in us that gives us the ability to feel emotions. From then, we learn more emotions, and we do what we can to keep them near us. I'm no different. Taro, you're the one that made me feel these emotions. At first, I only had eyes for you." She then looks at Osoro. "And then I met you, Osoro." She says. He widens his eyes. "I'm just like my ancestors, but I'm also different. I met you, and somehow, like some sort of instantaneous mutation, I had developed feelings for you. I killed Osana for Taro, and then I killed Kuu Dere for you. At first, I thought I had lost all feelings I had for Taro, because I thought he didn't care about me, and thought I was weird. Then later, my feelings for him had returned.. But my feelings for you didn't fade.. For a few weeks now, I've been so conflicted, because I was, and still am, in love with you both.. I've been killing and torturing people left and right for both of you.. In my dreams, and in real life, people were telling me that I needed to choose one of you.. And I feel so bad because it's so hard! So there you have it. I'm in love with two guys who both happened to be in love with me, as well."

The boys look at Ayano, shocked by what they had just heard. "How about now? Do you know who you want to choose, Ayano?" Osoro asks. Ayano shakes her head. "No.. I'm sorry, I'm still unsure.." She says, quietly, eyes tearing up. "Then there's only one thing we can do." Taro says, looking at Osoro. "A fight to the death." Osoro says, as he looks back at Taro. In an instant, they lunge at each other. Ayano widens her eyes, and feels helpless as she watches them both fight. "She's mine, Osoro!" Taro says as he punches Osoro in the face, and then pulls out his knife. Osoro growls. "I can't lose her, Taro.. Especially not to you!" He yells, also punching Taro in the face. As he notices Taro's knife, he pulls his own army style knife out. "Two can play at that game." He growls as he slashes at Taro, only managing to cut his arm. Taro also slashes his knife, getting Osoro on the cheek. "No.." Osoro says. "Put your knife away.. I want us to fight with our bare hands." Osoro says. Taro looks at him coldly and nods, putting his knife away. Osoro also puts his away. He pushes Taro to the ground, and starts punching him. Taro pushes him back, and does the same. Osoro pushes Taro off of him, and they get up and start wrestling. Ayano couldn't watch any longer, she had to do something.

"BOTH OF YOU! STOP FIGHTING!" She yells. Both guys do as instructed. They look at each other, step away, and look at Ayano. "I can't stand to see you two fight.. I think... I think I know now who I want to choose." She says. She looks them both in the eyes, and takes a deep breath. "I choose Osoro." She says, softly, looking into his eyes. He blushes and smiles, a tear falling down his cheek. Taro snaps. "No.." he mutters. They both turn to face him with questioning looks. "NO! I CAN'T LET YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!" He yells, as he takes out his knife, and lunges at Osoro. Immediately, Ayano runs up, and pulls Taro off of Osoro. She throws him at the tree. "Ayano.. Please.. I can't live without you! I NEED YOU!" Taro yells, getting back up, and running towards her. She pulls out her knife, and stabs him in the shoulder. "I'm sorry, Taro. But I've made my decision. I don't love you anymore." She says coldly. Taro widens his eyes, and shakes his head. "No no no no no no.. It can't be.. No, IT'S NOT RIGHT! I'VE KILLED ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE FOR YOU! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" He yells. As if some force had just taken over him, he wraps his fingers around Ayano's throat. "Oh my sweet goddess, I hate to do this, but if I can't have you.. THEN NO ONE CAN!" He yells, as he starts to strangle her. Ayano widens her eyes. Osoro runs over, and forcefully separates them. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Osoro yells as he grabs Taro by the hair. "Are you okay, Ayano?" Osoro asks. Ayano nods. Osoro smiles, and starts dragging Taro away, to the incinerator. Ayano follows. "What are you doing with me!?" Taro yells angrily. "What I should've done a long time ago." Osoro says in a dark voice. 

They arrive at the incinerator. "Ayano, open the doors." Osoro demands. Ayano nods, and does what he asks. "LET GO OF ME!" Taro yells, as he tries to escape from Osoro's firm grasp. "You want me to let go of you? Alright then." Still holding his hair, he throws him to the ground, and picks him up with both hands. "In you go." He says, as he throws Taro into the incinerator, and closes the doors. Taro bangs against the doors, as Osoro holds them shut. Ayano grabs a nearby crowbar, and slides it into the handles. Osoro smiles at her, and she smiles back. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" Taro yells from inside the incinerator. Osoro looks at the incinerator, and then activates it. He looks at Ayano again with a smirk. The pair step closer to each other. Osoro brings his hand to Ayano's cheek. They gaze into each other's eyes as they listen to Taro's bloodcurdling screams. After the screams die down, Osoro chuckles. "He won't be a bother anymore." He says. Ayano giggles. "Let's get back to the tree." She says. Osoro nods, and they make their way back.

Once they arrive, they stand facing each other again. Osoro looks Ayano in the eyes. "Ayano.." He says. "Yes, Osoro?" She answers. "You chose me.. Why?" he asks. "Osoro.. Taro helped me feel my first emotions.. But you helped me truly experience them.. Sure, I loved him, but I feel like I've always loved you more.. I don't know.. I don't think I told you why I made Horuda kill her best friend. It was because they both had feelings for you.. I befriended Yakkaina to try convince her to stop having feelings for you, though she just kind of stopped on her own.. But that doesn't matter. What matters is.. I love you, Osoro. And only you. I can't imagine a life without you." She says, blushing. Osoro smiles. "Oh, my princess.. I love you, too." He says softly. They both slowly lean in, and share a tender, passionate kiss under the sunset as sakura petals fall gracefully around them. Once they pull apart from the kiss, Osoro holds her in a loving embrace. Ayano lays her head on his chest. "Osoro?" Ayano asks. "Yes, my princess?" Osoro responds. "Am I dreaming?" She asks, softly. Osoro smiles. "No, my love. You're not dreaming." He responds, as he strokes her soft hair with his hand. 

They pull from the hug, and Ayano looks down at Budo, who is still unconscious. "I almost forgot.. What is it you have planned for him?" Osoro asks, also looking at the man. "I want him to truly pay.. Like we agreed on.." She says. Osoro smiles. "Sounds great. We can bring him to your house. Oh, and what do we do with Megami's body? The incinerator will take a while to finish." Osoro remarks. Ayano looks at Megami's lifeless body. "Well, we could use the shredder in the gardening club." She says. Osoro nods. "Good idea. I'll deal with that. After I'm done, we can grab Budo, and head out." He says. Ayano nods. "I'll keep an eye out. Oh, and could you please grab something to contain him in?" She asks. Osoro nods, picks up Megami, and runs to the gardening club. After everything has been dealt with, Ayano and Osoro share another kiss, before making their way to Ayano's house with Budo. On the way, they also make a quick stop at Taro's house to grab something.

They are greeted by Ayano's parents as they walk in the door. Osoro holding the case with Budo with one hand, and his other hand around Ayano's shoulders. Ayano has her hand around Osoro's waist. "Oh my, hello you two! What happened? Did someone get into a fight? Where's that other friend? And what's in the case?" Ryoba asks. "Calm down, mom. I'll explain everything soon. For now, Osoro and I will be in the basement." Ayano says. "Okay, sweetie. But at least tell me what's in the case?" She asks. "Budo." She responds, as she and Osoro make their way to the basement with the case. Ryoba smiles. "Ah, young love! They are an adorable couple." She says. Kyosei walks up to Ryoba, and smiles. "Indeed. I'm glad that our daughter is happy." He says. Ryoba looks up into his eyes. Kyosei pulls her into a hug, and the pair stand there, holding each other in a blissful silence.

As Osoro finishes setting everything up in the basement, Ayano walks down the stairs with some cooked meat on a plate, chopped into cubes. "Thanks for helping me, Osoro." Ayano says with a smile. "As I said, I'd do anything for you, my love. My my, what do you have there?" He asks, reaching for a piece. Ayano stops him, and giggles. "You wouldn't want to eat this, my love." She says. Osoro smirks. "I see, and why not?" He asks. "This is human meat, from that female pervert teacher. I grabbed some from Taro's house on the way home, especially for him." She explains. Osoro chuckles. "Now I'm interested to see what you have planned for this evening." He says. Ayano smiles. "You'll see." She says, putting the plate down on a table next to the chair. As they gaze into each other's eyes, Budo starts to wake up. They both notice this, and turn to him again. "Ugh.. Why can't I move?" He asks groggily. They watch as he starts looking around, and the realization hits him. "Wait.. What the hell? Where am I!? Why am I tied to a chair? And where are my pants and shirt!?" He asks, now panicking. "You're in my basement." Ayano says coldly as she looks down at him. Budo looks up at Ayano, and widens his eyes. "Angel, what has he done to you? He's trying to make you a psychopath.. I won't let him taint you!" He says. Ayano bursts into a loud, psychotic laughter. "Oh Budo, you're a fucking idiot." She says, as she looks down at him. Osoro chuckles. "What should we do to him first, my love?" Osoro asks in a dark voice. "Love?" Budo questions. "I think we can start off easy, and then go with the more extreme things I have planned." She responds with a dark smile.  

Note: This is where some extreme torture begins. Just a warning, I really do mean extreme.

"But first, Budo dear, you must be hungry!" She says with a smile, as she picks up the plate, and fork. "It smells good, Angel.. I knew you cared.." Budo says, as Ayano picks up a piece, and pops it in his mouth. As he finishes the plate, Ayano places it back on the table, and smiles at Budo. "Did you enjoy your meal?" She asks. "It was delicious. What was that? It looked like beef, yet, it tasted like pork.. Or maybe veal.." He says. Ayano giggles. "A-angel?" he asks, now a little concerned. "Remember that perverted substitute teacher?" Ayano asks. Budo is now looking at Ayano with more concern as he slowly nods. A sadistic smile forms on Ayano's face as she giggles some more. It then hits him. "Did.. Did I just..." He starts as he widens his eyes. Ayano chuckles. "Yes, Budo. You just feasted on human flesh!" She cheers, laughing some more. "Human.. Flesh..? HOLY SHIT!" He yells. As he frantically mumbles to himself, Ayano picks up a knife from the table, which has some tools neatly placed on it. "Now now, Budo. That's only the start of what I have planned for you." She says as she slowly slices the knife along his biceps, making him cringe at the sudden pain. Osoro grabs some salt, and puts it on the fresh cut. Budo winces. "It stings!" He says, trying not to scream. "Come now, Budo. I thought you were a martial arts master! Yet I get a reaction out of you from table salt." She mocks. "Shut up, you crazy bitch!" He yells. Osoro glares down at him, and punches him in the stomach. "Don't ever talk to her like that, you piece of shit!" Osoro yells. Ayano turns to face him, and puts her hand on his cheek. Osoro calms down as he looks into her eyes. 

"Don't worry, my love. He will get what he deserves. In fact, how about we move on to something a little bit more.. Painful?" She suggests, with a sadistic smile. Osoro chuckles. "What did you have in mind?" He asks. Ayano puts the knife back down on the table, and picks up a pair of dental forceps. "Osoro my love, you'll probably be able to do this better than me. Would you like to have a turn with this?" Ayano asks, holding out the forceps to him. "W-what are you going to do with those?" Budo asks nervously. Osoro smiles, ties his hair up, and accepts the tool. "Of course, my darling." He says, approaching Budo. "Open your mouth." Osoro commands. Budo looks up at him, and shakes his head. Osoro growls, and slaps him across the face. "I said.. OPEN YOUR MOUTH!" He yells. Budo widens his eyes, and nervously opens his mouth. Osoro reaches in with the forceps, and positions them onto one of his top teeth. Budo starts to panic as Osoro smirks. He forcefully pulls his tooth out, and blood starts to spill out. Budo screams in agony as blood comes out of his mouth. "Nicely done, my love. Now let's move onto one of the more fun methods." Ayano grabs a strange and old looking device with two wood blocks with spikes facing each other, with metal screws on either side of the spikes. "What on earth is that thing?" Osoro asks, intrigued. "This is what is known as a knee splitter. It was mostly used as a torture method during the Spanish inquisition! It can also be used on different parts of the body, such as the elbows! Isn't that amazing?" Ayano says, with a giggle. 

"How does it work?" Osoro asks. "I'll show you!" She unties one of Budo's arms, and slides the device onto his arm, up to the elbow area. "Oh god, this looks painful.." Budo says, as he stares at the device. Ayano twists the screws, and the two spiked wood blocks inch closer and closer to each other. The spikes start to pierce into Budo's skin, and he starts to yell out in pain. The device can now no longer go in any further. It had crushed the joint in his elbow, rendering it useless. Ayano unscrews it, and slides it off, moving on to one of his knees. She repeats the same process, and again, Budo screams out even louder, now crying from the excruciating pain. "We're barely halfway through the process Budo, and it only gets more fun from here." Ayano says, grinning. She finishes with the knee splitter, and places it back on the table. "Now.. How about we go with something a little more painful?" She says in a suggestive tone. Now that he can't try anything with his busted leg and arm, I can try something different on him. Osoro, will you help me get him onto that rack?" Ayano asks sweetly. Osoro smiles. "Of course." He says, as he and Ayano unbind Budo from the chair, and carry him over to a big structure. With two ropes at the top and bottom, they tie his wrists and ankles. 

"This is something you might have seen in a movie or two. This is one of the most painful medieval torture methods known to man, known as the rack. My mother worked hard on getting this for me. How it works is, you turn this handle, and the ropes tighten, stretching the attached limbs causing extreme discomfort, and then excruciating pain. It can even end up in the limbs becoming fully detached." Ayano explains. "Oh god.. No, please! Anything but this!" Budo pleads. "You deserve everything that's coming to you." Osoro says coldly, as he begins turning the handle. After 10 seconds, Budo starts grunting in discomfort, which then turn into screams of anguish. "AHH! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!!" He yells, shaking his head. Ayano laughs sadistically as she hears a disturbing crack from his limbs. Osoro stops upon hearing this. "Thank you, Osoro. Now, don't untie him just yet." Ayano picks up a smaller knife, and walks up to Budo, who cautiously watches her. She smiles as she traces the knife along his abdomen. Budo was now shaking, trying to catch his breath. Ayano makes a small incision, and cuts out a patch of his skin, exposing some muscle on his abdomen area. She holds the piece of skin up, and shows Budo. She does the same on a side of his face, as he tries his best to resist the urge to scream, knowing that bumping her could result in further pain. She finishes and smiles at her work. "Alright, before the main events, let's untie him. His limbs are useless to him now." She says. Osoro nods, and helps her untie him. They lay him on his stomach on the floor. "What else could you possibly do to him?" Osoro asks. 

"I want to try out something that wasn't commonly used, but still seems quite fun. It's called the blood eagle. Shall I demonstrate?" Ayano asks. Osoro chuckles. "Certainly." He responds. Ayano nods. Budo screams as Ayano cuts his back open, and uses a sharp tool to sever his ribs from his spine, moving them to either side. Osoro watches in astonishment as he reaches into the openings, and pulls his lungs through, exposing them, making it look like Budo has some strange wings, like an eagle. Budo just screams. "Now I have one more thing in mind before we kill him, but I'm going to need you to tie him so he's hanging upside down. And make sure his legs are partially separated." She says, with a cruel smile. "Anything you say, darling." Osoro responds, as he does what Ayano just instructed. Once he's hanging, Ayano picks up a rusty two handed crosscut saw. "This last one is known as the most painful torture method, also used in medieval times. Even more so than the rack. It was favored a bit, because of how cheap and easy it is. Him being upside down prevents major blood loss, since the blood is rushing to his head. Would you like to assist me?" Ayano asks, as she positions the saw between Budo's legs. 

Osoro laughs as he walks to the other side, and grabs the opposite handle. "It would be my pleasure." He says with a smirk. Budo realizes what's happening, and starts to really panic. The pair start to saw down, and stop at his abdomen. Budo, of course, was screaming the entire time. "Alright, we'll stop here to prevent death." Ayano says, as the pair bring him down, and lean him against the wall. "Please.. Just kill me.." Budo pleads in-between shaky breaths, as his body starts to bleed out. Ayano grabs out the special knife Osoro had gifted to her. "Osoro, my darling, would you like to do it?" Ayano asks, offering the knife to him. Osoro chuckles and accepts the knife. He walks up to Budo, and looks down at him. "Any last words?" He asks. Budo closes his eyes. "I'm sorry.." He says weakly. Osoro slits his throat, and blood spurts out onto him. He stands up and starts laughing as he places the knife down. The pair were now covered in Budo's blood. They walk up to each other, and gaze into one another's insane eyes. They pull each other into a passionate kiss, and pull apart, smiling and caressing each other's cheeks. "That was fun." Osoro remarks. Ayano chuckles. "I love you, my darling delinquent." Ayano says. "And I love you, my precious princess." They look down at Budo's fucked up corpse, and laugh a little before walking up the stairs, showering together, changing, and enjoying some tea whilst cuddling on the couch.

Our beloved couple would go on to finish high school, get married, and have two children. One boy, and one girl, both with the same condition that plagued the Aishi family. The week after the confession, people would question the disappearance of a few students, and the sudden change in presidency, but they eventually got used to it. Ayano's parents moved out of the house after the wedding, leaving it for Osoro and Ayano to live in. Ayano would become a surgeon, and Osoro would become a Yakuza boss. If anyone messed with them or their family, they would deal with the wrath of the pair. No one would ever end up finding out of the crimes they had committed. They were happy together, and would be for the rest of their lives.


Well then. That's it. I'm sad, but also happy to announce that the book is finished, guys! Please tell me, how did you all enjoy the book? It's 12:03am for me, and officially Christmas. I'd like to start off by saying thank you all so much for your positivity and support over the last 3 years. I could not have made it through this book if it weren't for you guys. Those comments, although it may not seem like it, really did have a positive impact on me. They gave me the inspiration and motivation I needed to push forward. I've been through a lot since I started writing this, and I'm happy to say things are better now. All that's left to do with this book is edit the chapters, and fix them up. I will make some art for it, too. Once those chapters are fixed, I can officially mark this book as completed. So a very merry Christmas to you all, and I hope that 2021 will be a glorious year for you. Thank you all again, and I will see you in the next book! Which, by the way, will be Ayano x Taro. Have an absolutely amazing day/night, lovely people! And for the last time,

Thank you for following the development of 'A Yandere and a Delinquent'! <3

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