I Love You

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Gotta love them glitchy looking MMD pictures. Not mine, by the way.

I think I should warn you now. Later in the chapter, there's going to be a torture method part that may probably make you squeamish, or just plain disgusted. I don't know, it'll definitely gie you some sort of negative reaction. It's disturbing, especially for women. Not a thing you'd like to think about happening to you. So I am placing this warning now to prepare you. Enjoy the chapter!


Not long after Ayano sits down, her parents come home from grocery shopping. They put the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, and walk into the lounge to say hi to Ayano. "Hello sweetie!" Ryoba cheerfully greets. Ayano sips her tea, and gives her parents a small smile. "Hey mom. Hey dad." She says. Her parents then notice her black eye. Ryoba's eyes darken, and Ayano's father looks rather worried. "Ayano sweetie, what happened to your eye? Did you get in a fight?" Her mother asks. "Budo did this to me." She says bluntly. Her mother's expression darkens even more, and so does her father's. "WHAT!? I'LL KILL HIM!" He yells. Ryoba and Ayano look at him, surprised at his sudden outburst. After a moment, he also realizes what he had just yelled. He widens his eyes, but the anger still remains. "Kyosei, darling, are you alright?" Ryoba asks. "No, Ryoba. That boy has harmed my daughter. Frankly, the idea of him still being able to walk on this earth pains me." He says, with anger. "Feel that anger, dear? That is what I felt when those girls tried to take you from me. It's not a great feeling, is it?" Ryoba says, with a sinister smile on her face. Kyosei looks at her with fear, but also with a realization. "No, dear.." 

"Anyway, sweetie, why did that Masuta boy give you a black eye? Is this the first time he has hurt you?" Ryoba asks, as her and Kyosei sit on either side of her. Ayano goes on to explain everything from the first time he hurt her, to the forced kiss, up to the meeting with the counselor. Both of her parents look very displeased. "He needs to pay for what he has done." Kyosei says, with a subtle but noticeably malevolent tone in his voice. Ryoba smiles at this. "Don't worry mom and dad, the guys and I will deal with him ourselves.. At least we will once Megami has been dealt with.." Ayano mutters. "Make sure you give him hell when it comes to the time, sweetheart." Ryoba says. Kyosei looks at them both, a little worried, but shrugs the feeling away. He gets up, and heads to the basement to grab something. He opens the door, walks down to the bottom of the stairs. After a moment, he sees the two tied up teenagers staring at him with wide eyes. "Oh great.." He whines as he shuts his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "RYOBA, DEAR! PLEASE COME DOWN HERE!" 

After a moment, Ryoba comes down the stairs with Ayano in tow. "Darling, why did you come down here?" Ryoba asks sweetly. "Ryoba, why are there two teenagers in our basement? And what on earth did you do to them?" Ryoba giggles, and Ayano widens her eyes and looks to the side. Kyosei looks at Ayano, and then a wave of realization hits him. "Ayano.. Was it you?" He asks, more calm. She looks him in the eyes, and nods. He thinks in silence for a moment before nodding slowly. He walks up to Ayano, hugs her, and sighs. "I always knew that no matter how hard I tried, it was inevitable that you would turn out just like your mother." He says. Ayano hugs her father. "I'm sorry, dad." She says. "It's alright, sweetheart. I'll accept you no matter what." He says. Normally, he probably would've freaked out or had a bigger reaction, but for some odd reason, he didn't seem to be as bothered. He could actually live with the fact that his daughter is like this. Ryoba smiles warmly, and so does Ayano. "I love you, dad." She says. Kyosei smiles. "I love you too, sweetheart." He didn't care what Ayano did, all that matters is that she is capable of feeling emotion. This was all he ever wanted for her. 

"Sweetheart, I do have a question." He says, breaking the hug. "Yes, father?" Kyosei looks at the teenagers, then back at his daughter. "What did these two do?" He asks, out of curiosity. "Oh. Well, one of the guys pushed the girl off the rooftop, not sure why. Instead of dying, she was severely injured, and lost her memory. The guy was meddling, and accused me of doing it. The guys were both with me, and at that moment, she remembered that it was Taro.. So to stop them from turning him in, we kidnapped them and brought them here. I apologise for not telling you." She says. Kyosei looks at the teenagers, and observes them. "I see. It's okay, sweetheart. I understand why you didn't tell me....Far out, you really gave them a beating, huh?" He says. Ayano nods, with an awkward smile. "Oh, sweetie, I notice you used the whip I gave you! I'm happy it came in useful!" Ryoba says, sweetly. Ayano nods, and rubs the back of her neck.  "So, who are these guys you speak of? Is Taro the boy that stayed in the weekend?" Ayano nods. "Yes. And the other one is Osoro. You met him after school the other day." Kyosei nods. "I see. I'd like to know more about these two boys. Do you like any of them?" He asks. 

Ayano thinks about what to say, and looks at her mother, who smiles and gives her an encouraging nod. "I.. I don't know how to explain this.. But I have feelings for both of them.. Taro is the one that first gave me the capability to feel emotions.. And then I met Osoro.. He witnessed me killing another student.. Ever since, he has helped me out with other.. misdeeds.." She says. Kyosei nods, taking in what she has told them. "Interesting. Well, let's head back upstairs." He says. Ayano and her parents head up the stairs, and back to the lounge. The doorbell rings, and Ayano answers the door to reveal Taro. Ayano greets him, and lets him in. "Hello again, Taro." Kyosei says, smiling. "Hello, Mr. Aishi." He greets back. "Osoro will be here in a moment. Where should I put my things?" Taro asks. "Oh, you can just put them in my room." She says. He nods, and heads upstairs. Someone else then knocks on the door. Ayano opens it and sees Osoro. "Alright, I'm here. Where is Taro?" He asks, as he comes in. "I'm here." Taro says, as he walks down the stairs. Osoro nods, and the trio head for the door. "Alright, we will be back soon. We are going to go deal with something." Ayano says, as they make their way for Osoro's car. "Okay sweetie, stay safe!" Ryoba yells out, as the door shuts.

"My my, I wonder what they're up to?" Ryoba says with a smile. "I frankly don't want to know, but.. Ryoba, is it normal for women in your family to like more than one person? I thought that there was only one.." Kyosei says, puzzled. "Ah, that. You're correct, darling. Normally, it is meant to only be one. I guess our Ayano is a different case. Do you want to know something? Both boys are in love with her, too!" She cheers. Kyosei nods slowly. "I see.. I wonder how that's going to end up.." He mutters. Ryoba giggles. "We'll soon see, won't we? Now, I'm going to go check something. I'll be right back, darling." She says. "Okay, dear." He responds. It was then that Kyosei realized, he had come to love Ryoba, as she had said he would. He wasn't as afraid of her nature, nor Ayano's. He smiled as he thought about it. His thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. Kyosei goes to answer it, and sees a lady whom he recognizes from high school. He remembers seeing her hang around the journalist, whom Ryoba had assassinated the week before. He didn't have a good feeling about her. "Oh, hello, Kyosei. Long time, no see! Is Ryoba home?" She asks, as she looks around the inside from where she was. Kyosei didn't trust telling her the truth. He didn't realize that Ryoba was hidden, listening in. 

"Hello.. Miyu, was it? Uh, no, she isn't home just yet. Can I help you with something?" He asks. "Oh, okay. Well, may I come in? I need to speak about something important." She says. Kyosei nods, and lets her in. They both sit across from each other. "Would you like a cup of tea? And what is it you would like to discuss?" He asks. "Yes please. I'd like to discuss Ryoba." She says. "Oh? What about her?" He asks, as he walks to the kitchen. "Well, I couldn't get in contact with my friend, who you may remember as the journalist from high school that was questioning everybody. And then I saw on the news that he was found dead. Apparently you both had recently been to America around the same time. I believe that your wife killed the journalist." Kyosei brings the water to a boil, and turns around. "You think my wife m-murdered him? Miyu, do you have proof?" He asks. Miyu looks at him. "I'm sorry to bring this up so suddenly. It just makes the most sense, considering the whole court case with Ryoba all those years ago. It's too much for me to put aside." Miyu looks down at her lap. As she does this, Kyosei takes the chance to grab a knife, and hide it. "I understand how you feel. But I have no reason to believe that Ryoba was responsible for any type of murder." Kyosei lies. 

"It makes sense that you would say this. But I can't brush it aside, I know she was responsible for murdering those girls, and the journalist. So I must ask. Will you help me investigate, and finally get justice for what she has done? I need to expose her!" She says. Kyosei walks up to her, knife behind his back. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that." Miyu looks up at him confused, and before she can ask him what he meant, he bends down and stabs her in the chest. "I'm sorry." He says, as she looks into his eyes, confused and afraid. She didn't want to die. She needed justice. "K-Kyo..sei.." She says. Kyosei removes the knife from her chest, and watches as the life fades from her eyes. Ryoba steps out from her hiding place, and observes the scene, astonished. Kyosei drops the knife, and looks up at his wife. Ryoba walks up next to him, and giggles. "I didn't think you had it in you, darling." Ryoba says, with a sweet, but dark smile. Kyosei nods and turns to face Ryoba. "I know now.. I know how it feels.." He says. "I knew that you'd understand, darling. It's an interesting feeling, isn't it? But.. Why did you do it? You could have taken the chance, and you would have been free from me." She says. 

"I don't know.. The idea of her trying to ruin your life.. The thought of her taking you away, it.. it made me angry." He says, looking down. Ryoba smiles. "You.. you really did this for me?" She asks. Kyosei nods, and caresses Ryoba's cheek. He smiles. "I love you, Ryoba." He says, softly. Ryoba's eyes light up, as she smiles and blushes. "I've been wanting to hear you say that for years.. I love you, Kyosei." Kyosei puts his arm around Ryoba's waist, and pulls her close to him. With his other hand still on her cheek, he brings her into a passionate kiss. Ryoba widens her eyes, and blushes even more. She returns the kiss, and puts one arm around his shoulder, and leaves the other one on his chest. Once they pull from the kiss, Ryoba rests her head on Kyosei's chest, and Kyosei holds her in his arms. "Never leave me, Kyosei." She says. Kyosei kisses the top of Ryoba's head. "I won't. I promise." He says. "Now.. What should we do with her?" 

3rd POV - Mental Hospital

Osoro parks his car in the carpark, and the trio get out of the car and put on gloves. "Alright, are you boys ready to do this?" Ayano asks. They both nod in response. "Ready as I'll ever be." Osoro says. They walk into the front doors of the building, and walk up to the reception. "Hello there, how may I help you?" The receptionist asks, with a smile. "We'd like to visit our friend, Horuda Puresu, who is a patient here." Ayano says. The receptionist nods, and types something into her computer. "Alright, she is in room 34, on level 2. Just be careful with her, she is still quite fragile." She says, as she gives Ayano a key. Ayano smiles. "Thank you." The receptionist smiles as the trio make their way to the elevator. As the doors to the elevator close, Ayano gets a text from Info, telling her that the cameras have been disabled, and that they have half an hour to do what they need. Ayano smiles. The trio walk out of the elevator, and Ayano grabs a syringe from a tray outside one of the rooms, and gives it to Osoro. Thankfully, the corridor is mostly empty. Finally, they reach the room that Horuda is contained  in. Ayano unlocks the door, and they make their way in. 

"Release... Release..." Horuda murmurs to herself as she sits there on her bed, staring at the wall. She then hears the door open, and looks up. "N-no.. No!" She starts as she sees Ayano. She then calms down as she sees Osoro walk in last, and close the door. He sits down on her bed next to her. As he does this, Ayano walks behind her, and unbinds the sleeves of her straightjacket so that her arms are free. She looks at Ayano with fear, and then looks at Osoro, who smirks. "Osoro?" She asks. "It's okay, I'm here." Osoro says. Horuda shuffles closer to Osoro. Taro and Ayano watch in awe. "I have a gift for you, Horuda." He says softly, as he pulls out the syringe. Horuda looks at the syringe with desperation. "I can finally be released?" She asks. Osoro looks into her lifeless eyes as he puts the syringe in her hand. Osoro chuckles. "Yes. You're free now." Horuda positions the syringe, pointing it towards her. "Finally.." She says, as she plunges the syringe into her neck. Osoro steps back before she pulls the syringe from her neck, and blood starts pouring out. Her lifeless body flops onto the bed, and the syringe drops to the floor.

"Nice job, Osoro." Ayano says, with an approving smile. Osoro smirks in response. "We should get out of here now. A nurse could come at any moment." He says. The others nod, and they take off their gloves, walk out, close the door, and head to the elevator. They drop the key at the reception desk, and walk out to the car. "That's one less problem." Taro says. Ayano smiles in response as they get in the car, and drive back to Ayano's house. 


The trio walk into the front door to see Ayano's father wiping what looks like blood off of the couch. He looks up and smiles nervously at the teenagers. "Dad..?" Ayano asks. "Hi sweetheart. Did you manage to do what you needed?" He asks, as if he weren't cleaning someone else's blood. "Yes.. Who's blood is that?" Ayano asks. Ryoba walks up from the basement. "Okay darling, I've chopped up the body, and put her in the freezer. You know, you're lucky that's a leather couch." Ryoba giggles. Kyosei smiles at Ryoba in response, and finishes cleaning the blood with hydrogen peroxide. They walk up to each other, and Kyosei kisses Ryoba. Ayano widens her eyes, surprised and shocked by this. "Hello..?" Ayano asks, getting her parents attention again. "Oh, sweetie! Welcome back. Your father and I were just cleaning up a mess that your father made when dealing with a guest." She says. "Dad? Did you..?" Ayano trails off. Kyosei nods. "Yes.." He states. Ayano nods slowly. "I see. We will talk about this later. My friends and I are going to the basement." She says. "Okay sweetie." Ryoba says, as her and Kyosei sit on the couch together and cuddle.

Taro, Osoro, and Ayano make their way down the stairs to the basement. Sota and Yuna look up, now afraid of what will happen next. "Did you miss us?" Taro asks, with a baleful look in his eye. Yuna ignores Taro, and looks at Ayano. At the same time, Ayano's parents are at the door, watching the trio. "You have a black eye." She states. "Ha. The bitch deserves it." Sota says, coldly. The boys are truly angered by this. They both shoot him a look of burning resentment, and walk over to him. They are now standing over him. "Would you like to repeat that?" Osoro asks, in a hostile manner. Sota looks into Taro's eyes, and then Osoro's. "She has hurt my girlfriend, and caused us nothing but harm. I despise you, and I despise her. You all deserve what's coming to you." He says. Taro unties Sota's binds, and steps aside for Osoro. In a fit of rage, Osoro pulls him up by the hair, and throws him to the ground. He picks him up by the neck, and pushes him up against the pole. He stares at him with twisted, inhumane eyes. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT! REMEMBER WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He yells, as he squeezes his neck harder. 

Sota widens his eyes as he struggles to breathe. "I told you not to fuck with me." Osoro says. "SOTA NO!!" Yuna screams. Ayano smacks her across the face. "Shut up." She says, monotonously. Osoro smiles and chuckles as Sota loses consciousness. Yuna's screaming and crying fills the room. "SOTA!!!!!"  Osoro, now sure that Sota is gone, throws his lifeless body to the floor. "Can somebody shut the girl up?" Osoro says, frustrated. Taro smiles. "I failed to exterminate her the first time. I think I should fix my mistake." He says, as he takes his shirt off, and walks up to Yuna. "All yours." Ayano says, stepping aside. Yuna looks up at Taro, her fearful eyes still clouded by tears that continue to fall down her cheeks. Taro pulls out his switchblade, and pushes the button, bringing the blade out. "My my, you've brought us many troubles, haven't you?" He says, a cruel smile plastered on his face. "And now.. you can't escape this time." He chuckles as he caresses her cheek with the switchblade. "G-get away from me.." Yuna whimpers. Taro's chuckling turns into laughter. He stabs the blade into her thigh. "Ah!" Yuna cries out. "Hmm. The normal places don't seem to be getting as much of a reaction out of you.. Let's try somewhere.. Different.." He smirks as Yuna looks at him, confused. 

All of a sudden she feels a very agonizing pain down there. Taro had stabbed her in her forbidden area. Ayano and Osoro cringe, as even they couldn't watch the gruesome scene. Yuna scream and cry out, in agonizing pain. "AHH!! IT HURTS!!! MAKE IT STOP!!" Taro laughs at her pain, as he twists the knife, causing her screams to intensify. Taro removes switchblade, which is now dripping with blood. He looks at Yuna, who is still crying. "Now, let's try this again, shall we?" He says, as he brings the switchblade to her throat. Yuna looks at Taro with pleading eyes as he chuckles. He looks back at Ayano, waiting for her approval. "Any last words?" Ayano asks, coldly. "Please.. No.." She weakly says between sobs.  Ayano looks at Taro, and nods. He smirks, and turns to face Yuna again. "Goodbye, Yuna." And with that, he slits her throat. She makes choking noises as blood spouts from her neck. Taro, now covered in Yuna's blood, stands up, and turns around. He looks at Ayano with a dark smile, causing her to blush. Osoro walks over, and unties Yuna's lifeless body. 

Ryoba claps and walks down the stairs, while Kyosei just stands there, strangely astonished by what he had just witnessed. The teenagers turn around to look at Ryoba, who is smiling. "Wonderful performance. You three never cease to amaze me." She giggles. Kyosei makes his way down the stairs, and walks up to Ayano. He hands her the hydrogen peroxide. "You uh.. You might need this, sweetheart.." He says, a bit awkward. He was still not used to this murder business. Ayano nods, and takes the bottle. "I'll chop and bag the bodies." Says Osoro, as he picks Yuna up, and places her on the table. "Sounds good. I'll clean this mess up." Ayano says, as she looks around. "I'll help you there, Ayano." Taro says. Ayano blushes and nods. "Your father and I will be upstairs, sweetie. Call out if you need anything." Ryoba says, as she drags Kyosei upstairs. "Sure, mom." 


After a while, the teenagers finish cleaning the basement. "Alright, we can take the bags to the incinerator when it's dark." Ayano says, as she looks around the now clean basement. "Sounds good." Osoro says. The trio head upstairs, and walk into the lounge. Ayano looks at Taro, who is still shirtless and covered in blood, and blushes. He looks at himself, and widens his eyes. "Ah. Mrs. Aishi, may I please use your shower?" Taro asks. "Sure dear, there are towels in the cupboard in the hallway." She says. He nods, and heads to the bathroom. Ayano looks at Osoro, and puts her hand on his arm, causing him to blush. "Would you like some tea?" She asks, as she looks into his eyes. "Yes please.." He says, with a smile. Ayano blushes, nods, and walks into the kitchen. Osoro sits on the couch across from Ayano's parents. He sits there awkwardly, while Ryoba and Kyosei look at him. "Shidesu, huh? I remember your father.. Orochi Shidesu." Kyosei says. He then notices a cold glint in Osoro's eyes. "Yeah.. I'm glad the bastard is dead." He says, with anger. "He seemed nice enough in high school, but I always felt something was off with him." Kyosei says. "Though I didn't realize that he died. How did he pass?" He asks. Osoro looks into his eyes. "I killed him." He says. 

Kyosei nods, and right on cue, Ayano comes from the kitchen with Osoro's tea. She hands the tea to Osoro, and he blushes, and takes it. "Thank you." He says. He sips the tea, and smiles. Taro comes out from the hall, clean, dressed, and dry. "I really needed that." He remarks, as he sits next to Ayano and Osoro. The doorbell rings, and Kyosei gets up to answer it. He opens the door, and immediately Budo barges past him and walks in. "Angel, we need to talk! It's about-" He stops as he sees Osoro and Taro. He looks at him with anger, and so do they. Osoro, Ayano, and Taro stand up, and Osoro pulls Ayano close to him. "Ayano, what're they doing here?" Budo asks. "I thought I told you to stay away from Ayano." Taro says, angrily. "Ayano, who is this?" Kyosei demands. "That's Budo." Ayano says coldly. Kyosei looks at Budo with an angry expression. "You're the boy that hurt my daughter?" He asks, his tone now more aggressive. Budo looks at him with wide eyes. Kyosei grabs Budo by the hair, and forces him to look at him. "Stay away from my daughter, otherwise you'll be dealing with me." Kyosei says in a low voice. Budo struggles in his grasp. "I NEED TO TALK TO AYANO!" He yells. Kyosei forcefully pulls Budo to the front door, and throws him outside. "You're not welcome here." Kyosei growls as he slams the door behind him. Everyone in the room stares at him, shocked by his behavior. Kyosei looks at them awkwardly for a moment. "..I don't like him.." He says, breaking the silence. 

Osoro looks down at Ayano, who is still in his grasp. "Are you okay?" He asks. Ayano smiles and nods, as Osoro frees her. "Alright, I shall get started on dinner!" Ryoba says cheerfully. "Sounds good, dear." Kyosei says. He walks up to Ryoba, and pecks her on the lips, causing her to blush. She makes her way to the kitchen, and starts preparing dinner. She was really happy. Kyosei had finally admitted that he loved her, and he even had a chance to escape, and instead used it to save her. He has changed over the years, but not as much as he had today. To hear the words 'I love you' come from his mouth was the most exhilarating thing she had felt ever since the day she had met him. Ryoba couldn't be happier.


And so, we wrap this chapter up on Wednesday night. There's a title this time! Lol. Anyway, I had all day to myself, so I had time to write, and rest! I hope you liked this chapter! And I hope that one part didn't hurt too much. Have a lovely day/night people! And as always,

Thank you for following the development of 'A Yandere and a Delinquent'. <3

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