Ch. 1: Into the Ender Woods

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Jewel's POV
        The morning sun hitting my face woke me up. I yawned and stretched, excited for another day of building and mining. I kicked off my blankets and went to change.
        I just wore my everyday outfit- black skorts (shorts/skirt), black leggings, black hoodie, and black Converse. I'm not emo, if that's what your thinking, I just really like the color. Anyway, after changing and a quick porkchop , I set out for the day's work.
        I walked outside, and it was beautiful as always. Bright sunshine, fluffy clouds, the sound of pigs oinking in the distance. I decided to travel a little farther than usual to try and find a cave that I haven't mined through yet. I swung my pickaxe over my shoulder and started walking.
        It was almost noon by the time I found a suitiable cave. I remembered how huge it was from a previous visit, so I was bound to find undiscovered treasure.
        I was about to step inside when something caught my eye. Enderman, I thought to myself. I pulled out my iron sword (my diamond one broke after fighting a trolly creeper) and turned around, ready to face my opponent. But I didn't hear the familiar screech from an enderman when you stare at it.
        I looked around for it, when suddenly I saw a flash of black and purple go into a forest. I followed it, and stopped at the foot of the trees. I remember this forest from somewhere.... I thought.
        Then it hit me. My parents used to call this the Ender Woods, before they passed away, because of all the endermans in the area. I haven't seen this place since I was around 5. Now I'm 17, and I still remember it.
        Since I found this forest again, I suddenly became very curious on what went on in its roots. I'm older now, I can take on a few enderman without breaking a sweat. I thought eagerly.
        Mining already a distant memory, I walked into the Ender Woods.

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