Ch. 2: Curiosity

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Herobrine's POV
        "Come in, Blaze, and hurry up, I don't have all day." I grumble. I'm sitting in my office in the Nether, just about to go out and cause some mischief. Sure, setting houses on fire isn't exactly "productive", but hey, it's hella fun.
        My assistant, Blaze, bursts through the door with an excited look on his face. He's also holding what looks like a map. This may actually interest me.
        "Herobrine! I just found out about something super cool!" Blaze blurts out. "I just found out about a new undiscovered treasure!"
        I stare at him like he lost it. New undiscovered treasure? I already collected and or stole most of Minecraft's cool treasure- First Diamond Block, Strongest Iron Sword, and the Ender Dragon's egg. What other treasure could be out there? "Please explain, Blaze. But be quick."
        "Ok, ok. So, it's called The Enderman's Eye, or Ender Eye for short. Its basically a necklace with a crystal the shape of an ender pearl at the end. But here's the good part. Its rumored to give you THREE TIMES the power of an enderman. And only a certain Minecraftian can actually harness its power." Blaze explained.
        I continued to stare at him, flabbergasted. This is definitely new, I thought. But, gosh, it does sound cool! I need to know more...
        "Where is this, Ender Eye?" I ask, barely able to contain my excitment.
        "It's rumored to be in this forest, guarded by endermen." Blaze hands me the map he came in with and I examined it.
        "Hmm..." I thought aloud, "it looks to be half or a full day's travel once we get into the world. Would you care to join me in stealing it?" I ask Blaze.
        Blaze looked just as excited as much as I felt. "Oh my gosh, sure!" He then raced out of the room.
        I looked at the map again. I smirked to myself. Endermen don't scare me. Ender Eye, here I come.

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