Ch. 3: Back in Time

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Jewel's POV:
        I slowly walked deeper into the Ender Woods, taking in my surroundings. The bark on every tree was pitch black, almost like a fire charred it. The looming branches and purple leaves blocked out the sun, the only light coming from glowing mushrooms. It was so unearthly quiet; there wasn't even the familiar cluck of a chicken.
        I can do this, I can do this, I kept thinking. Sure, endermen don't scare me, but this place was giving me the heeby jeebys. It made it even more unsettling that this place seemed so, familiar. Like I actually stepped foot into this place in the distant past.
        I kept walking for a while, keeping my sword by my side at all times, when suddenly an enderman appeared right in front of me! I swung my sword instantly, but I didn't feel the satisfying hit. The enderman actually blocked my shot with his arm! I swung a few more times, but it just kept blocking them like nothing.
        "Ugh, stop blocking my shots!" I growled aloud.
        He didn't move for a second or two, just stared at me with its piercing purple eyes. Then he bent down to my eye level and stared me right in the face.
        "Can you understand what I'm saying?"
        My eyes widened, starring completely boggled at the enderman. It talked.
        I backed away slowly, my sword raised in case it started to attack.
        It stood up straight and said, "Yep, you can understand me. I can't believe I actually found you again, Jewel, you grew up so much."
        It knows my name? I was completely freaked out now, but I was just able to rasp a few words. "Explain what's going on, now."
        "Your parents never told you?" It sighed annoyingly. "Great, now I got alot of explaining to do. But we can't waste time, so I'll tell you while we walk."
        I hesitated, but I thought if I refused, I would be killed, so I just followed.
        "Oh, and by the way, my name is Nimic." He turned around with his arm extended.
        "Oh, uh, nice to meet you, Nimic." I cautiously shook his hand.
        "Ok, time to explain everything." Nimic started. "Your parents were both half enderman. Before they had you, they were the main protectors of the Ender Eye, and I'll explain that later. However, people wanted the Ender Eye, badly. Your parents were friends of mine back in the day, and they entrusted me with you when they went to fight. They never came back..." Nimic trailed off.
        As he continued explaining, I was just trying to take everything in. Half enderman? Ender Eye? I was so confused. Did that mean I was half enderman as well?
        "Ok, now that we got that out of the way, let me explain the Ender Eye." Nimic continued. "It is a crystal in the shape of an ender pearl that has alot of power, and only you can harness it."
        That made me stop in my tracks. I was probably the most normal Minecraftian in the world of Minecraft. I also lived one of the most simplest lives. So, how come someone like ME harness this "power"?! I felt dizzy with all this new stress on my shoulders, but I stayed standing.
        "S-so what do I have to do now?" I stammered.
        "It's time we paid a visit to the Ender Eye, and learn to harness its power." Nimic bluntly said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the woods.


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