Ch. 4: Meeting Time

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Herobrine's POV:
        Blaze and I came out of our secret Nether portal into the world where this "Ender Eye" was supposedly located. I dust the grass off my pants, when I hear Blaze somewhere from below.
        "U-Um, sir? I-I'm stuck..." Blaze called from a ravine conveniently placed right in front of our portal (note sarcasm). I facepalm myself.
        "Blaze, we talked about this, remember? You don't jump into the portal unless you want to end up in an oversized ditch," I grumbled, "you freaking just walk into it, you maroon." I add quietly.
        "Sorry, sir, I forgot..."
        I cursed under my breath then jumped down after him. I grabbed him roughly, then leaped back out of the ravine with ease.
        "Ok, let's get a move on now. We don't have all day." I say as I put him down.
        Blaze got out our map and examined it for a second before having a horrified look on his face. Oh dear gosh, what did he do this time?
        "Um........ Sir? I-I think our map is fake." Blaze stammered.
        "Fake? How?" I grab the map and look at it for a second before facepalming again. It was a freaking map for an amusment park that Blaze went to last week. I guess I was tired or something cause I didn't even notice. Where is an 'I Give Up Hole' when you need one?
        "Ok, ok. We can still make this work. Blaze, you go scout ahead while I look around over he-"
        I didn't finish my sentence before a bright light appeared far ahead north of us. It went straight up in the sky like a beacon. But something was off about it...
        "It's purple." Blaze and I say in unison.
        We look at each other for a second, then back at the light.
        "I wonder if that has something to do with the Ender Eye." Blaze stated.
        "No shit, stupid. Come on, before it goes away."
        Blaze and I start running, excitment nipping at my sub-conscience. It's time to meet the Ender Eye and it's beholder.

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