Chapter 14

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The girls left the secluded alley and walked down the main road where tons more people (all non-immunes) were camped out. Their eyes followed the girls as they walked, none of them seeing such clean, pretty girls come down that road in a long time, not since WICKED started stealing people that is.

Brenda tried reassuring (Y/N) that no matter how crazy they were, they wouldn't try and attack them like the cranks from the tunnels. They were in the beginning stages, she explained, the first part of a four part process until they became cranks past the gone. (Y/N) hoped she would never have to see another crank past the gone again.

It was two blocks away that they heard the vibrating of music from the mansion. Marcus was known for his parties, it was the place non-immunes went to have their last laugh, their last bit of fun before they would be gone forever. After that last party, the non-immune was never heard from again.

As they got closer, the noise increased at the same rate that the people did. On the streets, the non-immunes ate or occupied their time rummaging through rubble in search of any necessary on item. But by this mansion, they danced with bottles of alcohol in their hands and gazed at whoever was walking past. Had (Y/N) lived in a normal world, she would have compared it to a high school party.

"Just stay close to me. An immune girl like you is the best target for any of the people here." (Y/N) gulped, knowing that Brenda was exactly right. She was a clean and dare she say pretty immune girl that WICKED was searching for. Any person here would want her simply for the reward WICKED might offer in exchange for her life. She felt a lot better when she grabbed Brenda's hand, wanting contact so that Brenda would know instantly if someone had tried to steal her. It went against Brenda's tough personality but she let (Y/N) hold her hand.

(Y/N) gasped when a hand creeped up onto her shoulder and a disgusting smell of musk and alcohol filled her nose.

"Hey," a male voice drew out the word, separating the girls as he wrapped an arm around both of them. He grinned at each of them, showcasing his yellow teeth and odorous breath. (Y/N)'s face curled in disgusting and had she not been living with boys for three years of her life, she might have thrown up.

"What are you two pretty girls doing out here all alone?" He leaned in to each of them, his nose parting (Y/N)'s hair as he got close to her.

Brenda knew (Y/N) wasn't gonna answer, her shaking hands were evidence of that, so she did. "Looking for Marcus. This still his place?"

The man smirked, leaning into Brenda now that he heard her speak. "It is. I can get you inside if you'd like."

"Then do it," Brenda challenged. The man chuckled, turning his attention now to (Y/N).

He leaned in again, similar to the way a snake would slither up to its prey, and moved her hair from her neck. Her eyes pinched close as his open mouth brushed against her skin, his nose inhaling her scent. "There is a price. I can't just let you in there for nothing. What kind of business man would I be?"

"What is it?" Brenda tried drawing the attention away from (Y/N) and back onto her, seeing her almost giving in and crumbling to the ground.

The man slipped his hand into his coat pocket, pulling out a clear flask filled with a green liquid. He popped off the lid and held it in front of him, teasing each of the girls as if they were children and it was a toy they both wanted.

"Just one sip. That's all it takes." He pressed a kiss to Brenda's shoulder, waiting for one of the girls to take it. Brenda could sense that when neither of them took it, he was getting angry. She too was scared of what he might do in his rage so she grabbed the bottle, a few drops spilling out of the top and onto his hand, before bringing it to her lips. The man smirked, happy that she was strong and took the drink with some sass.

Brenda stopped her sip, pushing the bottle away at the disgusting taste and trying to swallow it away but it lingered on her tongue. The man took the bottle from Brenda and held it up to (Y/N), his arm still wrapped around her. He waved it in front of her face, the smell reeking just as bad as his breath was.

"Drink it, sweetheart. You'll feel better after you do." She shuddered at the nick-name, sickened by the man who was luring in kids. She knew she was not the first and wouldn't be the last.

This is the only way I'll see Newt, she thought.

She put the drink up to her lips but was hesitant to bring it into her mouth. The man didn't like that and tilted the flask up until it poured into her mouth, making her slightly choke on it. She took a few sips before pushing it and his hand away from her.

He laughed at the two girls, a sinister laugh that would probably give her nightmares for the next few months. "Let's go, girls." He slipped the flask away and wrapped his arm back around Brenda to lead the two girls into the party.

(Y/N) first noticed the dark color contrasting to the bright sunlight outside, the room purposely made to be dark. She then noticed the lack of clothing on the girls, all of their tiny bodies wrapped in tiny little outfits. She was more sickened by that than the actual revolting drink she just had.

"I think we've got it from here," Brenda tried telling the man. She staggered slightly, not expecting to feel the effects of the drink this quickly. She found (Y/N)'s hand despite her spinning head, not wanting to lose her now that she was losing her mind.

"No, I can't lose my favorite girls now," the man smirked, drunkenly kissing each of them on the cheek.

(Y/N) suddenly became panicked. She knew there was a reason for the man giving her that drink and for not letting them out of his sight. Tears built up in her eyes as she came up the conclusion as to why. 

The man, who that still had yet to know the name of, led them to the dancefloor where many other people were swaying along to the music heavily playing throughout the house. He moved his hand down each of their bodies until one hand was on each of their waists.

(Y/N)'s mind began playing tricks on her. The music was fading in and out although she was sure it was still playing. The lights were flickering, the chandeliers looking more like candles where the fire would blow out and suddenly they would all be relit. The worst part was the people started looking like her friends.

"Brenda," (Y/N)'s voice called, sounding so terrified and innocent at the same time. She reached for the girl in hopes of feeling grounded but when she turned around, she was gone. All that was left in her place was the man whose full attention was now on her.

She struggled in his arms by pushing against his chest to keep as much distance between the two of them as she could. Whispering "no" over and over, she turned around to escape but arms tied around her waist, keeping her from getting away. She wanted to scream, she felt like it was the right thing to do in this situation, but she couldn't. Her throat was clogged with tissue, or at least that's what it felt like. No noise was coming out of her mouth no matter how hard she tried to.

She could make out a face of someone running towards her, their mouth open like they were screaming her name but she couldn't hear it. The last thing she saw was that face before everything went black.

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