Chapter 15

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A small gasp in the room had everyone jumping and turning towards the location of the noise. It was simply the girl startling herself awake from her unconscious state.

Her lover was already at her side and wrapped an arm around her now that she was sitting up slightly from the makeshift bed constructed out of blankets and pillows. Had (Y/N) been fully awake, she would have probably thanked them for the comfort.

Newt carried her towards him until she was sitting across his lap, similar to the way a child would be held in their parents' arms after a nightmare. He brushed some of her hair from her face and watched her scared eyes dart around the room until they froze when they met his.

"Hey, yeah that's it. Just look at me, love. I've got you. I've got you," he soothed the terror-stricken girl and witnessed her breathing calm down from its racing. "That's my girl," he commented when she was calm.

It took a little while but (Y/N) was able to reground herself, realizing that she wasn't alone anymore but back with her love and her friends. That thought, however, sparked a new fear.

"Brenda," she drew in a sharp breath. "Brenda. Where is she? Does—does he still have her?" She tried pushing out of Newt's arms to go find her but instead he shushed her and held her tighter in his arms so that she wouldn't be able to leave.

"She's fine, darling," he cooed, waiting for her to calm down once again. Newt made a vow to beat the living hell out of whoever drugged his girl.

"Maybe you should go over there," Winston offered when he saw his friend worried for the other girl.

Brenda agreed and climbed off the couch she was resting on. The drink had a much stronger effect on (Y/N) and she assumed it was because she had never been under the influence like that in her life or because she was forced to drink more than Brenda had. She kneeled beside (Y/N) and placed one hand on her shoulder, allowing her boyfriend to take the job of comforting rather than herself.

(Y/N) turned her attention to Brenda but both the pixie haired girl and the blond Brit could see the tears in her eyes. "He didn't—he didn't touch you right? I turned around and you were gone and I—and I didn't..."

Brenda got her to quiet down pretty easy. "No he didn't. (Y/N), he didn't touch either of us like that, okay?" Brenda exchanged a glance with Newt and gulped when she saw the realization hit him. "They got us out in time. Don't you worry."

(Y/N) nodded and fell back into Newt with her head on his chest. She had just woken up but she was already ready to fall back asleep.

"You son of a bitch!" The sudden curse word and the following sound of bone snapping caused the young girl to jump again.

Behind Brenda was some nameless man being attacked by Jorge, the entire right side of his face covered in blood and bruises. The man could see (Y/N) peeking over Brenda's shoulder and grew a smirk across his face. Jorge noticed and decided it was a justified reason to punch the man again.

"You seem to really enjoy this. Any secrets you're keeping from me?" The man, although face bloody and bruised, laughed.

"I didn't enjoy hurting you but now I do." Jorge practically spit at the nameless man, disgusted by him for a reason (Y/N) would soon learn. "Luring in those kids and selling them back to WICKED. You're a sick man, Marcus."

Thomas suddenly joined in the conversation. "This is Marcus?"

The man laughed again. "The kid catches on quick. Don't tell me you're the leader of this group?"

The true leader of the group gave Thomas a weird look. "Where the shuck have you been for the past half hour?"

Nobody else bothered to join the argument with Thomas and Minho and instead watched Jorge. He turned to Marcus and aimed a knife at his throat. "You tell her what you did."

Marcus looked at (Y/N) and Brenda, his smirk no longer present. "I sent James to find you two. His job was to get you drunk, bring you inside and maybe let him have some fun with you." The entire group shuddered at what could have been. "When it was all done, I would send you to WICKED. They're paying triple for one of the Group A kids. Apparently you're all very valuable to them."

(Y/N) didn't want to hear anymore and curled into Newt, her eyes closed and her hand holding onto his jacket. He brushed through her hair with his free hand and silently had a look with Jorge who knew exactly what he wanted.

"We came here for answers," Jorge took large steps forward, obviously frightening Marcus of whom he was stalking towards, "But now, I'm gonna kill you."

Jorge kicked his foot directly into Marcus's stomach, pushing him and the chair to the ground. He straddled the chair and aimed his loaded gun at Marcus's neck. "Talk or I shoot!"

"Jeez! Okay! Okay!" Marcus panicked now that there was a gun to his throat.

Newt didn't want (Y/N) listening or watching that so he cradled her cheek to have her eyes set on his. "I missed you," his voice was very soft and slightly broken, his emotions completely evident. It was only a day they were apart but he had no idea if she was alive or not. At least when she was hurt in the maze, he had her body to hold onto and watch. Yesterday, he had to just hope he would see her again.

"Newt," she breathed as she gazed up at him, her hand now on his cheek. This was her man, her love, her other half, and part of her thought as of yesterday that she would never get to see him ever again. Thank shuck she was wrong. "There's something I need to tell you."

Newt smiled. "And so do I." He was going to let her go first but Jorge broke their loving moment.

"I know where we need to go. Let's go quickly before WICKED can catch up with us." Jorge slipped his gun back into its holster and grabbed his bag to lead the group somewhere new. (Y/N) was angry she didn't get to tell Newt what she needed to but she figured there would be another time she could tell the boy she loved that she only had a little longer left to live because of the crank bite on her leg.

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