Chapter 16

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The Gladers had seen grievers, bergs and helicopters but the car they were traveling in right now seemed so exhilarating that Newt honestly never wanted to get out. The windows were open with the wind blowing in all of their faces and the twists and curves in the road made it feel more like a roller coaster than a getaway. This was as close they would come to being normal kids.

Newt had his hand stretched behind his seat (he won the rock-paper-scissors game between him and Minho for the front seat) to hold hands with his girl who was still very shaken up about everything that had happened. Frypan, who sat between her and Minho, allowed the girl to close her eyes for a little bit with her head on his shoulder. Newt thanked him for that.

Jorge drove for a while before calling out to the group that they were at a dead end. The path through the mountains was blocked by abandoned cars placed one after the other like traffic. The only way they were getting to the mountains was on foot.

The group had enough room to spread out amongst the cars, checking each one for a sign of life or for anything useful they might need on the rest of their journey. Newt kept his hand on (Y/N's back, doing so at first for comfort but then for stability when he saw her stumbling around a few times.

"Love, are you alright?" 

She put her hand on his chest and took a deep breath to tell him what she needed to. "Newt, there's something I need to tell you." Newt gave her his full attention, his hands pressed to her back to keep her steady as she opened her mouth to speak. She never got to tell him though because the firing of an arrow to her left triggered a new feeling of fear.

"Get down!" Someone yelled from the group and everyone obeyed, ducking behind the closest car to get out of range of the arrows flying towards them. Newt pushed (Y/N) against the car, using his own body as a shield in case one of the arrows somehow came towards them.

The wave of arrows came by just as quickly as it left and the Gladers were left in utter silence. They knew they were being attacked but by who they didn't know; this certainly wasn't the workings of WICKED.

"Is everyone okay?" Thomas called out and waited for a few "yeahs" to respond from around the small canyon.

"Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt called to the front of the group, giving (Y/N) a onceover to make sure she wasn't hit. Nobody answered him so he assumed nobody knew.

"Drop it!" A new, female voice carried over the canyon. The girl repeated what she said and the others assumed she had caught Thomas doing something to fight back. He must have dropped whatever it was because she started calling out other orders. "On your feet, let's go!"

Thomas and Jorge stood up with their hands in the air so the girl moved to the next clump of the group which consisted of Minho, Winston and Frypan. She went down the line until everyone was standing in the same position as Thomas and Jorge, surrendering to these girls.

Of the two girls, one had dark hair pulled into long dreadlocks and the other had bright blonde hair that was styled into a side braid. That was the only thing they could tell about them since their faces were covered by dark bandanas to hide their identities.

The blonde girl was losing her focus and her tight grip on her bow. Her eyes were trained on one person out of the group: Newt.


The entire group looked over at the British boy, wondering why the girl who had just tried to kill them knew his name. He stared at her, feeling something familiar about the dark eyes and light hair she had. It wasn't until she pulled down her mask that his jaw dropped.


The two broke out into large smiles, a smile that (Y/N) had only seen a few times since she had known him, and ran to each other. The girl completely forgot about her weapon and dropped it on the floor to wrap her arms around his neck, his arms around her back.

The Gladers slowly lowered their hands and watched the pair interact. (Y/N) felt a weird feeling in her stomach watching her boyfriend hold this girl so close to him. She could only describe this feeling as jealousy.

"Uh Newt," Minho chuckled awkwardly. He had sensed the feelings off of (Y/N) and was also curious as to why he was hugging her. "Who's your friend?"

Newt pulled away from the girl and now the group could see the tears gliding down his cheeks with the same smile as before. "(Y/N), this is what I've been trying to tell you." (Y/N)'s heart clenched and her mind went to the worst possibility. This is it, she thought, he's breaking up with me.

"This is my sister."

The group's surprise was shown on each of their faces. His sister? Nobody else could remember a thing but for some reason, he remembered he had a sister and she was alive.

"We're clear guys! You can come on out!" The dark haired girl screamed out to the canyon and one by one they watched people come out from the shadows and they figured this was where most of the arrows came from.

"I missed you Sonya," Newt cried and hugged his sister again.

(Y/N)'s jealousy faded as she watched her boyfriend hug his sister. She was more than happy for him to have found her but it didn't make any sense to her as to why he remembered. He wasn't stung so he shouldn't have gotten any memories back. Nobody else did. She made a note to ask him later.

"My God you're alive," Sonya smiled at him and took in the features she hadn't seen since they were separated before their mazes. "We can take you all to our camp. Just follow us."

Newt walked alongside his sister deeper into the canyon and past all of the abandoned cars; now that they thought about it, those were probably put there by them as the first line of defense. The rest of the group followed behind silently, believing that Sonya wouldn't lead her brother into a trap but still on edge from how many times they've had a false sense of security.

Brenda came up behind (Y/N) and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She glanced down at the girl's leg and tried comforting her, knowing how many times (Y/N) tried to tell Newt about the bite. "Don't worry. Everything is gonna be okay."

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