Chapter 5

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* Hey guys. This chapter is short but it's more of a filler for the next one. Also, happy Newt day!! *

(Y/N) awoke in an unfamiliar bed, one that wasn't the scratchy texture of Newt's hammock or the soft sheets of her bed in the maze. Instead, these were made of paper.

She glanced around the room, only for her to realize she was in some sort of hospital. Then she remembered what had happened and remembered she had just came out of surgery.

This brought her attention back to her leg where it was tightly wrapped with gauze and padding so that it would remain untouched. She knew the pain should have been excruciating so she concluded that the IV attached to her was for the purpose of diminishing the pain.

The worst part about this was that she was alone. There weren't any Med-jacks outside to come check up on her nor was Newt sitting in the chair beside her to wait for her to wake up. She was alone.

Deciding that wasn't okay anymore, she looked around for a phone or something of that nature where she could call someone for help. Once her eyes fell upon a button on a remote attached to her bed, she hoped it would be the answer and pressed the button.

Her predictions were correct because less than a minute later, a nurse entered the room. The woman had a bright smile on her face as she saw her patient had woken up. She went to ask the girl how she was feeling but (Y/N) instead asked the question that was on her mind.

"Where's Newt?"

The woman was shocked for a moment, not understanding why the girl would be looking for a... salamander? "I'm sorry?"

"Newt. He's one of the boys who came out of the maze with me. Where is he?" Had (Y/N) been in any other situation, she would have scolded herself for being so rude to the nurse but right now she was desperate.

The woman's face dropped in an "O" shape. "The Group A boys. Yes, they have all been cleared to join the others for lunch. It's," she glanced at her watch, "22:00 now so they should be in their bunks actually."

"But can I see him?" (Y/N) pressed further when she didn't receive an exact answer.

The woman looked down at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry honey but until your leg heals, you're not leaving this bed."

"Well then can you bring him to me? Please," she begged, crumpling up the sheets in her fists. She just wanted to see Newt.

"That's not allowed. I'm sorry."

(Y/N) felt her eyes burning with tears and laid back in the bed. The room was silent as the nurse finished her check up on (Y/N), only speaking to apologize if she moved her leg too much or to instruct her to do something. (Y/N) fell asleep lying on that bed and hoped that when she woke up again, she'd be clear to find her love.

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