Chapter 6

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* Hello. I am sorry for how long it took me to post this but I've been really busy lately. I hope to start writing more in the upcoming weeks but unfortunately, I cannot promise anything. Thank you for your support! *

(Y/N) awoke in her bed slightly disoriented. Just like before, she had expected (and hoped) that she would find herself back in the maze but the white tile floor and the blinding overhead lights told her that their escape was not a dream.

She shifted around her bed until she was sitting upright and could see more than just what was above her. Upon glancing at the door, she gasped when she saw the nurse just standing there with her eyes trained on the girl.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," she told the girl, her voice deprived of any emotion. "I tried looking for Newt but he was gone."

(Y/N) pushed herself until she was sitting up, ignoring the pounding ache in her head. "Gone? What do you mean gone?"

The nurse still remained emotionless but she did move closer to (Y/N)'s bed. "It seems Group A has escaped. All of them, including the other girl, escaped last night when the guards weren't looking."

"What? That's—that's not possible. They wouldn't leave me here." Her voice lowered when she whispered, "Newt wouldn't leave me here."

Out of thin air, the nurse conjured up a vile of clear liquid. She ignored (Y/N)'s questions and unhooked the IV line directly inserted into her arm. (Y/N) cried out again but the nurse instead stuck the syringe into the tube and dispensed the liquid into it, running it straight into her veins.

"They left you. They left you here because they knew you weren't worth saving. But don't worry." The nurse's words faded out as (Y/N)'s eyes became heavy and her entire body quickly began shutting down. "You'll be of good use to us here." With that, (Y/N)'s world folded into darkness.


The girl jolted awake again. While the room was quiet and calm in her dream, this one was the exact opposite. (Y/N) could hear the whirring of an alarm repeating on a record in the background and over that was the demands and orders of the Glader's towards the doctors who were cowering in the corner. Ironically, what she heard least of all was what was right in front of her: Newt.

"(Y/N)! Love, I need you to snap out of this okay?" Newt had both of his hands cupping her cheeks, slightly shaking her to try and break her from whatever drug-induced state she was in. "Please, just stay with me and I'll explain everything as soon as I can."

(Y/N) was obviously not in her right mind but she knew well enough that if Newt needed her desperately like this, then she needed to listen.

Even thinking this, she wanted to be certain this wasn't another horrifying dream. "You're real?"

"Yes, love. I'm real. Now, please, get up for me." Once Newt could see her nod, he pulled back her sheet and helped her sit up in the bed. Her leg was almost completely healed so there was only a slight pain as she stepped her bare foot onto the cold ground.

In the background, she could hear Minho screaming about needing a quick exit only a second before she heard the shattering of glass. Thomas and Frypan were able to smash the large glass window separating them from the door that seemed to be their only escape.

Thomas hopped over first and held his hands out to help Teresa climb over next. Being the smart girl she is, Teresa grabbed the blanket from the bed and laid it across the window sill so that she wouldn't cut up her feet when she stepped over. Nonetheless, Thomas helped her over anyways.

"Come on, love." Newt moved (Y/N) towards the sill and climbed over first so he could help her in the exact same way Thomas did, only he lifted her off the ground instead of letting her climb over. The couple followed the others through the door and only stared at the man convulsing on the ground who had been shot with one of the high-tech guns WICKED had created.

Newt made sure that (Y/N)'s hand never left his as they ran down multiple hallways towards their exit. Vaguely, Thomas (or Minho most likely because he was the real leader of this group) remembered the path they took to get to their rooms so it wasn't hard to backtrack to the exact door they entered from. Different from last time, a large metal door stopped them from the much large set of double doors that would lead them to their freedom. They were so close.

"Thomas!" Janson's voice surprised all of them as he along with six guards, all heavily armed, cornered them. As Thomas dealt with fighting Janson, Minho picked up the keycard Thomas threw in his anger and continued to attempt to open it. Every time he slid it through the slot, the panel remained red. 

"Open the damn door, Janson!" Thomas had taken the only weapon any of the Gladers had and aimed it at Janson even if he was significantly outnumbered.

Thomas continued to argue with Janson, even listening to the insane warnings he gave about the world outside of the facility, the Scorch as he called it.

Being the sassy person he was, Minho couldn't help but chuckle at that. "So you really think we're better off in here with you than out there? I'll take my chances."

Janson rolled his eyes at Minho but he was mainly focused on Thomas for reasons the Gladers didn't know. They all seemed to lose hope as Janson stated, "you're not getting through that door, Thomas."

Suddenly, with a ding and the panel in front of them lighting up green, the large doors slid up to reveal Winston and Aris. This was their exit.

"Thomas! Come on let's go!" Newt called out to his friend and placed his hand on his girl's back as they crossed the line dividing them and Janson.

Thomas aimlessly shot the gun, missing all of the guards as expected, then turned around to run towards the rest of the Gladers. Aris could only hold the doors open for so long so Thomas had to dash towards the door to make it their before it shut him out.

The Gladers cheered him on to get him to run even the tiny bit faster so that he could make it over the line. In an unsurprising turn of events, Thomas slid up just before the door sealed, leaving a barrier between them and Janson. Aris had this all planned out because next he took a metal bar he had found lying around and smashed it into the door's controls so that Janson would need to find another way to get to them.

"Come on!" Minho ordered the group, all of them obeying and following him through the large room towards the second set of giant double doors. It seemed absolutely ridiculous at the moment but the way to open the giant doors was a small lever, not that any of them were complaining.

As soon as Thomas pulled this lever, the doors slowly slid open. There was an instant gush of hot, sandy wind that blew at their faces so it took a moment for them to recover before they took off into the unknown desert.

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