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Guys this chapter isn't edited. Please point out any mistakes that are there. I'll correct them asap.

Third Person POV

"A 18 year old girl was raped and was found lying with severe injuries in Gachibowli near a construction site at 6:10 am by the construction workers. The police is currently investigating the matter and according our sources the girls family had filed a complaint reporting her missing."

The crime scene was no longer like the crime scene, rather was a canvas for all the people and news to make up hundreds of theories and stories on the victim and the culprit. For news channels it was just TRP game with no care for how their news would affect the victim and her family. A girls life was just a joke for them. News channels worked for money and not so that they can actually tell news. It was a fact and we had to accept it.

But the situation was grim. Everyone was shaken and a thick tension hung in the air. People were anxious and scared. Every such incident had an effect on the society in so many ways that it became undescribable.

Aagneya's POV

There was a bright light pulling me towards itself. I could here it calling me to come out of the hole that I was in. I tried to reach and grab the hand but it was pulling away. I increased my pace and went to catch hold of the hand. I kept running and I saw a beautiful valley. There were trees and flowers in all colours. The river was crystal blue and by the river was a small cottage made out of pure gold roof. I noticed a lady, in baby blue robes, a tan complexion and round face and half moon shaped eyes outside the cottage who was signalling me to come towards her. As I went closer her beauty became more pronounced and I was enchanted but what struck me the most was the scars on her body which couldn't be seen from a distance.

"I got these scars because those rapists decided it would be fun if they threw knives on me like darts. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Even I was like you. Happy and carefree. I had a nice family,big dreams and lots of hope in life but I fell prey to the monsters", the lady said.

" Who are you?",I asked her.

"I'm one of the thousands of victims who never got justice."

"Why am I here and what is this place?"

"This is the entrance to salvation. A path to forget all your troubles and leave your earthly life behind. Not everyone gets to choose whether they want live or perish but you have got the chance. Even I did. I chose to leave my troubles behind and come live here.
Do you want to go back and fight for yourself and others or do you want stay wrapped in a cocoon of safety and comfort for sometime. But make no mistake. Hardships are everywhere. You may live a life of comfort for a little time here but you will have to go back and start from zero again. Aagneya, you are between life and death. Quite literally now. What you choose will decide your future."

"But... I need time. I cannot decided this instance"

"Time,I'm afraid my child is something that you don't have. You have to make a decision quickly or the fates will make it for you and I assure you,if they make it,It won't be a choice you like. So choose wisely."

"I want to go back".

" I'm so proud of you Aagneya. You are one courageous girl. Now,when you go back you won't remember all of this of course but know that my well wishes are always with you"

Suddenly, I was pushed into the water. I flailed my limbs and tried to swim up but an invisible force kept pulling me down into a dark abyss. My breathing became shallow and all I felt was water closing around me.

I woke up with a start and the first thing I heard and smelled was the disinfectant and beeping of various monitors. A gust of memories hit me and I let out an involuntary scream.
I started to rock myself back and forth trying to get the memories to leave me but they stuck on like a nail to wood.

I scratched myself trying to remove the touch of those people. My nails dug into my skin, blood oozed out but I couldn't get rid of them. There was flurry of people rushing into the room trying to calm me down but my mind registered nothing. My breathes came out in rapid successions and suddenly I felt as if the walls were closing around me. I screamed and thrashed as the people held me down and a sharp pinch later, I blacked out again.

Third Persons POV

Aagneya woke up screaming and thrashing, trying to look for a familiar face who would anchor her to reality. Her parents rushed to her with tears streaming down their eyes. They were drowning in the sea of guilt and sorrow. Guilt of not being able to keep their daughter safe and sorrow for the pain she was going through.
Kids and parents often fight. They say everything and anything in the heat of the moment without thinking about the effect on the other party. But no matter what, when you're in trouble its mostly parents who come to comfort you.

The tangibility of her anguish and hurt was so much that even the others in hospital could feel it. Sedatives could make her fall asleep and give her physical calmness but it could not make her heart fall asleep. Band-Aids and medication could heal her external wounds but they couldn't heal a single scratch in her mind. The wounds were raw and still bleeding.

Police had tried to record her statement's and question her but all they received was girl staring emptily at the walls. She looked for answers as to why it was her. Why me? She questioned but there was only a chilling silence.
Her past self was burnt in the inferno and now there were only Ashes left. These ashes couldn't be scattered because she wanted to hold on to something of her past self desperately.


Hi guys. How're you'll. Hope everyone is safe.
I hope I did justice to Aagneya's feelings and this is the longest chapter I've ever written. Its a whopping 1055 words.
In a few chapters Aagneya's and Eira's lives will be intermingled. Do tell me what you thought about the chapter.

Special thanks to avnidugar for all the love and support you have shown on Aagneya❤❤.
This ones for you.

Till the next chapter:



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