E. 10. "Earth, Wind, and Fire...& Lots of Water" (3/5)

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After numerous rounds of fire extinguisher spraying, the supernatural abilities of the Gulls finally are patted down and under control. Having an outburst of powers is automatically a stopper to a party, therefore the team disperses quickly and drives back to their houses and apartments.

Well, almost the whole team.

The two goalies at the party, Matt Hackett and Ryan Faragher, decide to stay behind to help the residents of the Monarossabergie House clean up the mess from the party's aftermath. But that is more than what they wanted to do.

The house is finally cleared up; the four Gulls meet up in the dining room, since the fifth one, Nick, decided to call it a night and headed to his bedroom.

Brandon, who is now wearing dry clothes, smiles at the two goalies. "Thanks for helping us out," he tells them kindly.

"You're very welcome!" Matt replies with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, no prob!" Ryan remarks. "It seemed like a lot to clean up!"

"Yeah..." Brandon scratches the back of his neck. "Also, sorry about that random explosion of powers that happened--" He waves his hand in the air aimlessly. "I have no idea how that happened."

Ryan shrugs. "Eh, it's normal for us." He then lets out a chortle.

"Are the powers gone, though?" Joseph eyes, sharply eyeing Brandon.

Brandon extends his arm out in front of him and twists it to see every angle of it possible. "They seem gone to me..."

"Try to mentally command it," Matt suggests.

He peers up at him. "But I don't want it to come back...!"

"Well, just in case it's still in your system." Ryan juts his chin at him.

With a huff, Brandon untwists his arms and lifts his hand up to his eye level. With one flashing mental image of his hand on fire, his hand actually spurts on fire.

The two goalie gazes at the flame wavering in place among his fingertips in awe. "Ooo...!"

Brandon groans. "It's still here." He closes and opens his hand as it is submerged in the flame in an attempt to douse it.

"How do you get rid of it?" Joseph asks, shoving his hands in his jeans' pockets.

Ryan shrugs. "I have no idea." He exchanges facial expressions with his friend. "But we do know how to control 'em, since they are--well they SEEM--like powers."

"Yeah!" Matt exclaims. "We have powers ourselves, so we can't tell you how to get rid of them, but we can definitely tell you how to cope with them!"

"Oh great, now we're comic book heroes," Joseph mutters, scowling at the ground.

"It's not a bad thing," Ryan tells him, "it's actually pretty sweet!"

"So how do you cope with THIS?" Brandon asks wildly, extending his now two flaming hands at the goalies.

Ryan extends his hand toward it in a safe distance. "Simple: just mentally command it to go away."

Brandon eyes the bright flames warily. "Okay..." He takes in a deep breath and pursues his lips, concentrating on picturing his hands fire-less. Yet the flames continue licking his hands.

"Harder," Matt pipes in. "Focus harder. Close your eyes if you need to."

Brandon nods his head then proceeds to close his eyes. His face tenses as he knits his eyebrows and his lips are pursed even more. Then in unison, the flames woosh toward his hands and disappear rapidly.

Brandon gradually opens his eyes and peers down at his hands; his eyes light up at the sight of his hands back to normal. "It worked!" He gazes at the others. "It worked! I can control my powers!"

Ryan chuckles. "Ha ha, it's not THAT easy, Monty." He playfully nudges his shoulder. "There's a lot more to powers than that."

He frowns at him. "Like how?"

"Like manipulating them efficiently, controlling them under pressure, knowing your limitations, how your emotions affect them," Matt lists on with his hands. "And that's just the surface level."

Brandon seems flattened. "Oh, I see." He then peers at Joseph, then back at the goalies. "But what about the other guys with powers? They all have powers now!"

"Ohhh..." Ryan and Matt stare at each other with trepidation.

"Okay," Joseph starts off, "so everyone has powers now except for..." He points to the goalies. "Do you guys have powers like ours?"

The two shake their heads in unison.

"Not that I know of," Matt replies. "I didn't have an unexpected outburst of new powers."

Ryan raises his hand in the air. "Same here."

"So everyone has new powers except for Hacker and Ryan." Joseph raises two fingers in the air. He then turns to his roommate. "I also didn't see Joe at the party." He is referring to Joe Piskula, the captain of the Gulls.

"Oh yeah!" Brandon nods at him. "Bryan told me that he couldn't make it-- He had plans with his wife and his dog."

"Okay, so most likely he wouldn't have an outburst of random powers." Joseph adds another finger to the air. "So that's three guys who are normal. Who else?"

"Coach?" Matt asks with a shrug.

"He doesn't count," he tells him flatly.

Brandon's eyes fly open. "Nicky!" He gawks at them. "I-I didn't see Nicky with any outburst of powers!"

"Because he was extinguishing all the others," Joseph points out apathetically.

"That's how he was able to do that!" Brandon adds on. He straightens back with his facial expression softening. "Odd..."

"Probably because he extinguished them himself with the fire extinguisher," Joseph remarks.

"No, but he wouldn't--" Brandon shakes his head. "Just add him in, he had no sign of gaining powers."

"Fine." Joseph adds in another finger. "So that's four. Anyone else?"

Matt, Ryan, and Brandon all gaze at each other before reverting their gaze at Joseph.

"Not that I can think of," Brandon tells him.

"Same here," Matt pipes in.

"Yeah." Ryan nods his head.

"So now that we know that," Brandon starts, "what are we gonna do?"

"Find a cure," Joseph growls with fists by his side.

Matt raises his eyebrows at him. "This is Icemare's curse?"

Joseph gives him his sharp gaze. "Well, what else does it seem like to you guys?" He crosses his arms. "A random outburst of weird superpower stuff is obvious Icemare's sneaking doing."

Ryan nods his head. "That's right." He looks at his goalie buddy. "So if this is Icemare's doing, then there has to be a cure." He turns back to look at the skaters.

"The question is, WHAT is the cure?" Brandon exclaims, throwing his hands out from his sides.

Joseph groans as his runs his fingers through his thick black hair. "Here we go again looking for some cure for some stupid curse..."

"Well, just look for it," Matt replies. "We'll help you look for it more tomorrow since it is getting pretty late and we don't want to keep you guys from your sleep. Also in the meanwhile, we'll help the majority of the team out to cope with their powers."

"And how are we gonna do that, exactly?" Brandon asks with some uncertainty.

Matt gazes at his friend for help.

Ryan turns to them. "We can hold a power training session tomorrow. It'd come in handy since we do have a game tomorrow and we can't have uncontrolled powers on the loose during THAT."

"Oh my goodness, we have a game tomorrow." Brandon covers his face with his hands. "Gaaah...," he screams pathetically. He then takes a deep breath and lifts his head up to look at them. "Okay, we can do that--tomorrow, twelve o'clock, here?"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Matt exclaims.

"Alright!" Ryan nods his head at him. "See you then. Bye, guys!" He then flashes a grin at them and breezes past them and down the living room.

"Bye bye!" Matt exclaims, waving to them as he follows his goalie buddy toward the door.

Brandon waves at them while Joseph gives them a small smirk.

"Bye, Hacker! Bye Ryan!"

Then the door closes is heard closing, signifying that they have left the house.

Brandon then turns to Joseph, who does not look too pleased with the predicament they are in at the moment.

"Well, it seems like we're gonna have a full house again, Joey." He forces out an embarrassed chuckle.

"Hm." Joseph rolls his eyes then breezes past Brandon. "I'm going to bed. Good night." He then rounds the foyer and disappears from sight.

Now it is Brandon left in the dining room, all alone. He lets out a huff. "Why did this curse have to affect the whole team?" He then shakes his head and pads out of the room.

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