E. 10. "Earth, Wind, and Fire...& Lots of Water" (4/5)

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The next day goes just as smoothly as the party from last night:

After breakfast, all of the power-stricken Gulls arrive at the Monarossabergie House for their power training session with Matt and Ryan as the trainers.

What does not make things any better is that there are four different powers altogether among the team: earth, wind, fire, and water, or as Matt calls them "terrokinesis," "aerokinesis, "pyrokinesis," and "hydrokinesis." Most of the team have hydrokinetic powers.

Shea Theodore, who has fire poking out from the tip of his spiked hair, is wandering around the side yard, where the training session is taking place.

"Hey, had you guys seen Jaycob?" he asks his teammates as he passes by them. He is searching for his best friend, Jaycob Megna, who has a tendency of getting lost.

Suddenly, a cacophony of crackles, wooshes, and banging is heard from behind Shea, coming from the other side of the yard.

The closest teammate to Shea, Harry, has brown and green coloured leaves circling around him splendidly. "I think your friend's over there." He points over to the other end of the house, referring to the side that is blocked from view due to the house.

Shea whirls around; his eyes widen at the warm-coloured blazes that are now beginning to round the house, into view. "Aw man!" He rushes over to the other side of the yard.

"I'M ROCKIN' LIKE A HURRICANE!" Stefan Noesen exclaims as he is performing spins, flips, and twists through the air with the aid of his aerokinetic abilities. Following his moves is his teammate with the same powers, Chris Wagner.

From below, Bryan peers up at them. He gasps, turning to Stu. "Stu! Stu! Let's go fly up like Stefan and Wags!" The gust around him intensifies, flipping his spiked hair around.

Stu shakes his head with wide eyes. He now has a breeze of his own whipping through his perfectly combed hair. "Nuh-huh, that's dangerous."

Against his friend's rules, Bryan snaps his arms out from his sides, instantly building a tornado around him. "I'm coming for ya, Stefan!" He then directs the wind circling him to carry him off from the ground and raise him through the vortex, up toward the sky.

Stu just gawks at his flying friend, debating whether to pull him down with his powers or let him be.

By the flower bed, which is parallel to the house, Anton Khudobin is strumming on his dombra with a sweet smile. He has leaves swirling around him.

Strum, strum, strum, strum...

As the twangy sounds emit from the musical instrument, beautiful flowers and trees of all sorts being popping up into view to the tune.

Walking by the Kazakh goalie is Nic Kerdiles, who is waving his hands in the air in an attempt to get rid of the leaves fluttering around him. He spots what the goalie is doing, stopping in place.

"Whoa!" A smile appears on his face. "That's some pretty sweet stuff!"

Anton lets out a wonderful chord, having a beautiful rose bush arise from the ground. "Thank you!" he exclaims to the skater. "Flowers love it."

Nic scratches his stubble-filled chin. "I wonder if I can make some plants." He then extends his hands out, putting all of his focus on the dirt.

Suddenly, a gloomy thornbush springs out from the ground. Its appearance threatens him.

Nic steps back with fright. "Heh heh..." He lets out an embarrassed chuckle. "Must be foreshadowing another injury of mine, right?"

Anton simply runs his fingers across his dombra's strings, letting out a light, majestic sound. Following the sound, lovely small flowers blossom from the thornbush, making it much more attractive.

"You will heal from injury soon," Anton exclaims to the skater in his accent.

Nic points to him. "Is being psychic another power you got?"

The goalie raises him an eyebrow. "Common sense."

He nods his head. "Gotcha...!"

Huddled in the far corner of the side yard are the hydrokinetic hockey players. On their own, they are attempting to cope with their powers.

Then someone else comes along: another hydrokinetic user.

"Hey, hey, hey, guys!" Brian Cooper shouts, bouncing over to the teammates. The water flowing around him is sliding off from his back to his movements, like how raindrops glide across the window of a moving car during a rainstorm.

He halts in the middle of their circle. "Okay, okay, what if we try to create a massive water bubble?"

"For what?" Ondřej Kaše asks in his Czech accent, holding his hands out with two identical water balls hovering above them.

"Well, uh--" Brian stumbles for a reason. "To see if we can work together! Yeah! We work together as a team on and off the ice and with powers!" He throws his index finger in the air.

"Would we include them?" Chris Mueller asks, nodding his head toward the other end of the yard.

Everyone peers at where he is directing their attention toward.

At the other corner of the yard is a combustion of powers: Michael Sgarbossa and Andrew O'Brien have water spiralling around them while their hands are covered with flames; Kyle Bonis and Korbinian Holzer have water whipping with harsh winds around them, mimicking a hurricane. They all appear hysterical on different levels.

"Oh..." Brian peers at them with fright.

Finally, Matt and Ryan approach them and begin to inaudibly converse with them.

"We're good!" Brian spins around to face his water buddies. "So a giant water bubble between all of us?"

"That sounds so pathetic," Joseph mumbles with crossed arms.

"That's cool to do!" Antoine Laganière exclaims with his French-Canadian accent.

"Sweet!" Brian turns to the other unspoken hydrokinetic teammates. "Sounds good?"

Kyle MacKinnon, Kenny Ryan, and Tim Jackman all nod.

"Sounds good!" Kyle tells back at him.

"Alright!" Brian then begins stepping back. "Everyone get in a circle."

They all step back with him to create a big circle.

"And now..." Brian swishes his eyes at his teammates. "To create the giant water bubble." He holds his hands out in front of him with his elbows against his waist. Water begins spiralling from his palms, making its way toward the center.

Everyone else begins conjuring their own amount of water with different styles.

"We're lookin' like a bunch of sorcerers here," Joseph mutters with disapproval as he focuses on a steady stream of water emitting from his hands.

In the center of the circle, the water from each hydrokinetic user begins building up into a formless, wavering mass of water.

"Okay, I'm now gonna shape it as a ball," Brian tells the others. "Continue adding more water to it!" He then closes his fists to cut off his supply of water. He reopens his hands and holds them out further, mentally connecting to the collection of water.

Under Brian's control, the water begins morphing into a perfect sphere. It continues increasing in size as its edges are shimmying and its surface is glinting in the sunlight.

When the bubble has a good ten feet in diameter, Brian shouts, "Okay, now stop adding water to it and hold it with me!"

Each teammate in the huddle stops supplying water to the bubble and has his hands out to keep it suspended in the air.

"Now what?" Chris asks his teammate.

Brian slightly frowns at it. "Oh..."

Joseph narrows his eyes ahead at the water's surface. "You've gotta be kidding me."

Ondřej flicks his eyes to the corner to look behind him. He then faces his teammates. "I got it. It's funny."

"Which is...," Kyle starts off.

Ondřej peers back behind him. The others revert gaze to see what he is looking at:

Behind them, in the middle of the yard, are the group of fire signs, who are lobbing fireballs at each other, catching everything in a foot radius on fire.

A smirk grows on Joseph's face. "Oh, I see..."

"I like that idea," Tim points out with a smile.

Antoine on the other hand shakes his head. "They won't like it..."

"Well, what else do we do with it?" Brian asks the French-Canadian.

"We can give it to the plants!" Kenny exclaims.

Kyle shakes his head. "Let's just dump it on the fire guys."

Chris lets out a heavy sigh of regret. "Okay..."

Brian grins at the others. "Okay, ready?" He spots the majority of his group nodding their heads. "On the count of three: One..." He peers at the gigantic ball of water. "...two..." He peers at his teammates with mixed emotions. "...THREE!"

Then in unison, the hydrokinetic players heave the massive water ball toward the middle of the yard and mentally let go of it.

The massive ball jiggles through the air before plopping itself right on top of the pyrokinetic users.


The enormous bubble breaks on contact, splashing itself all over the fire and its owners. The flames immediately go out.

The six fire users stand still in shock, water dripping down from their face and hands.

From behind them, the water users burst into laughter and high-five each other at their victory.

The pyrokinetic hockey players are bitter toward the "prank."

"Can we burn them up?" Matt Bailey snaps, sputtering out water with sharp eyes on the other group.

"No use," Brandon tells him, "they'll just extinguish us on contact."

"Even with fireball THIS big?" Shane O'Brien exclaims. He is conjuring a fireball in between his hand, increasing its size quickly.

"If you can make a fireball as big as their water ball," Bailey points out with a slight frown.

"It's not worth it." Brandon shakes his head.

"I know!" Shea places his hands on Jaycob's soaked shoulders. "Jaycob can get 'lost' and ambush them!"

"If he doesn't actually get lost," Bailey tells him.

Shea holds his breath while processing the problem with his plan. Then: "Right."

"Well, at least there's a light side to my powers," Jaycob starts: "when I get lost again, I can just send flares into the sky."

Brandon proceeds to slap his forehead.

"Okay, guys!" Ryan is heard shouting to his team. He is ambling around the yard with Matt by his side. "That's it for power sessions for the day." He halts with his hands clasped behind his back. "We got a game to play now."

Brandon's eyes widen. Oh man, that's right! We have a game tonight!

Ryan points to his left. "To The Nest we go!" He then ambles off toward the house's side with Matt.

Everyone begins dispersing toward the front of the house to begin their trek to The Nest.

Brandon stands still in his place. Joseph approaches him from behind and nudges him. "Come on, let's go." He then breezes by him, steps up to the patio, and into the house.

Brandon slowly begins to make his way toward the patio. How on earth are we gonna play a game with these powers?

The night quickly rolls into San Diego and the game begins against the San Jose Barracuda, the AHL affiliate of the San Jose Sharks.

The plays on the ice seem normal, including what is going on in the home bench from afar. But their conversations are ones that would bring up lots of questioning.

Brian peers at Harry, who is squirting mist into his mouth from a squirt bottle.

Brian pulls off his left gloves and lets thin ribbons of water float from his hands. "Hey, do you need a refill on your water bottle?" Brian asks him with a smirk.

Harry puts the bottle down and peers at the water hovering on his hand. "Brian!" he hisses. "Put your water away!"

Brian chuckles as he retracts the ribbons and slips his glove back on.

From the other side of the bench, Shea spots fire peeking out from the tips of Brandon's hair that is sticking out from underneath his helmet.

"Monty, you're on fire!" he tells him quietly. "Literally!"

Brandon's eyes widen. "Shoot." He peers down at himself. "Where, where?"

Shea smacks the back of his head, smothering the sparks.

"Ow!" Brandon rocks forward due to the impact but immediately straightens up. He gives a harsh glare at his defensive teammate. "What was that for?"

"It was coming from the back of your hair."

"Oh..." Brandon rubs his neck. "Well, you could've told me." Smoke begins arising from between his hand and neck.

Shea raises his eyebrows at him. "Monty, watch it-- You're fuming. Literally."

Brandon lets out a heavy sigh, attempting to calm himself down.

From the center of the bench, Nic begins coughing excessively.

"Whoa, whoa whoa, stop it!" Wagner exclaims, slapping his back hard.

"OOLF!" Nic then spits out a leaf. He coughs lightly, clearing a throat. "Anton was right," he says raspily.

Wagner raises his eyebrows with an inquired expression. "What...?"

From Nic's other side, Antoine leans over to face him. "Just don't get injured again. We need you."

Nic grabs a water bottle. "I gotta get a check on my powers." He then squirts water to clear out his throat.

From above the bench, Coach Dallas Eakins is standing with his arms crossed, looking out at how his team is doing. A strange expression then crosses his face as he feels breeze sweep by him.

He peers down at his team sitting on the bench. "Why's it so windy in here?"

Bryan peers up at him. "Because of all of the fans here, Coach!" he exclaims with a witty smile.

He shakes his head with knitted eyebrows. "No! Not that type of--" He then waves his hand across him. "Whatever, just get on the ice!"

Bryan chuckles in glee as he climbs over the boards to exchange places with his partner. Once he skates out deep into the ice, the breeze instantly disappears.

"Huh..." Coach Dallas mutters under his breath. "That's odd."

Fortunately, the Gulls come up on top of the Barracuda, five to two with Nic as the first star thanks to his two goals. And no one outside of the of the group of Gulls who know about the strange supernatural epidemic suspected their supernatural abilities.

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