E. 19. "Calculating The Aftermath" (7/10)

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Back in the kitchen, Brandon is finishing up his bread with butter all alone. He then hears Nick saying from across in the living room: "I smell bread and butter...!"

Brandon perks his head up and looks to his right, spotting Nick with his eyes open on him. "That's because Joey and I had some just right now."

"Oh..." Nick slowly sits up. "Well, I want some." He rises to his feet, then lumbers across the room, into the kitchen.

Brandon follows him with his eyes as he shuffles past him. "Help yourself!"

Nick opens the refrigerator, grabs the bag of bread, closes the refrigerator and turns around, placing the bread on the countertop by his roommate.

Brandon perks up at him opening the bag and picking the top slice of bread from the stack.
"Hey, Nicky?" he squeaks out.

Nick halts his bread selection, holding the slice in midair, and peers down at him. "Huh?"

"Can you please, please do it again?" He flashes him an uncertain grin.

Nick holds a blank stare at him.

"Heal Joey," he clarifies, his facial expression intensifying.

Nick shrugs and turns back to the bag of bread. "I don't mind fighting him again." He places the bread on a lonely saucer and ties the bag close.

"No, no, no, no," Brandon blurts out, dropping his bread on his plate, "this time, I'll make SURE you two won't fight. It'd go well."

Nick picks up his saucer and raises his eyebrows at him. "Yeah..." He turns around and lumbers to the space in the wall, where the toaster is located.

Brandon keeps his eyes on him. "Second time's a charm?" He grimaces before picking up his bread and taking a bite from it.

Nick slips his bread into one of the toaster's slots. "It's the third time, Monty." He then turns it on and presses down the handle, making the bread vanish.

Brandon swallows and lets out an exhausted sigh. "I just wanna get this over with," he yammers. "Joey right now is not mad. His mood is fine at the moment." He puts his bread back on the plate. "I really want to take advantage of that."

"And then can I have bread and butter?" Nick asks from the toaster.

"Yes." He nods. "Then you can have your bread and butter."

A small smile appears on his face. "Oh, goodie...!"

Meanwhile, Joseph is in his room, stepping throughout it with the aid of his hydrokinetic powers: Using the ribbon of water as a leash, he walking around his bed to get to his ceramics corner, getting the feel of navigating through his room on his own.

Through his black vision with faint blue outlines, he senses the water taking the form of his ceramic's table. The table then appears in his vision, showing him its position and distance from him.

Before he could exclaim a single word, he hears Brandon's voice shouting from behind him, on the other side of his closed door: "Joey...!"

He stiffens. "What?"

"Can we come in?"

"Why?" he spits out bitterly.

"Nicky is here to heal you."

Joseph takes a look at the new style of his vision. "I don't need to be healed."

"What?!" Brandon shouts incredulously from behind the door, gawking at it.

Nick is next to him, appearing awfully confused.

"I thought you wanted to see!" Brandon continues on. With that, he turns the doorknob and storms in, Nick following him.

"Joey—" Brandon halts in the middle. He spots Joseph a few feet away from him with his back turned to him.

It appears his blind roommate is attempting to navigate around his room on his own.

"What are you doing?" Brandon asks him with knitted eyebrows and narrowed eyes.

"I can see," Joseph says lowly, gradually turning around to face his roommate since he hears his voice coming from behind him. He has his fists tight by his side.

"You can?" Brandon then reverts his gaze up at Nick, who is standing next to him. "Okay, am I alone?"

Joseph taps into his senses, yet Brandon is too far away and his room is too large to sense if there is another person in the room. To solve this problem and gain the answer, he slyly releases a stream of water from his feet, commanding it to travel to where Brandon's voice is coming from.

Nick immediately feels cold water soaking his socks against his feet. He yelps, jumping in shock.

A small smirk grows on Joseph's face, his eyes appearing aimless and hard, giving him the appearance of a mocking expression. "No. You got the bear with you."

Brandon shoots Nick a frown. "That's because he yelled."

Nick raises his soaked sock-covered foot in the air. "My feet got wet."

"I knew he was here before you told me," Joseph claims cockily.

"Okay then," Brandon starts with another challenge, "what colour shirt am I wearing?" He peers down at himself, taking a glance at his white T-shirt.

A scowl comes across Joseph's face as he realizes he cannot see different colours with his new vision.

"Give up?" he hears his roommate asking with a hint of mockery.

"Grey," Joseph states as a guess.

Brandon shakes his head. "No."




"Okay—" Brandon waves his hands in the air. "—you don't know, you're just guessing." He reverts his hand to extend toward him. "You can't see, your eyes are still black. But it's okay—"
He places his hand on Nick's thick shoulder. "—that's why Nicky's gonna heal ya right up and you'll actually be able to see again."

"I don't need his help," Joseph grumbles.

"Yes, you do," Brandon states firmly, "like you need my help." He lays his hand on his chest. "You need our help."

Joseph responds with a rolling growl from his throat.

With a small frown, Nick peers down at his roommate. "Do I have to?"

Brandon looks up at him. "Yes." He pats his shoulder. "Do it quick, let him see!" He adds in quickly, "Both ways...!"

Nick peers ahead at Joseph and lets out a begrudged sigh. "Hold still," he tells him. He then lumbers over to him, flicking his hand to activate his pyrokinetic healing ability. His right hand is engulfed in a radiant, flickering flame.

He then halts in front of the blind roommate and reaches out his fiery hand out toward his black-coloured eyes. Before the fire can connect to his eyes, Joseph exposes the palms of his hands by his sides and emits a thick blast of roaring water.

The water slams into Nick, thrusting him across the room and smashing him against the mirror.

Joseph then pulls back his water with a sharp close of his fist, reducing the strength of the water to a slow rhythmic floating of droplets from his hands.

Brandon gawks at the scene with massive eyes. He stares at Nick, who is drenched in water and slumped against the wall with the fallen mirror by him. He then whirls to Joseph, who is solemnly standing with his eyes glued on the now bare wall.

"Joey?" Brandon exclaims with shock. "You have powers?!"

"Thought I was gonna let you guys be the only ones with powers?" Joseph replies haughtily.
Brandon casts his eyes down at the thought of the actions Joseph can now achieve. "Oh no...," he mutters.

Instantly, Nick climbs to his feet and face Joseph with an enraged expression: his eyebrows arched and face red with fury. He throws his burning hand behind him and unleashes a stream of blazing fire.

The fire explodes straight at Joseph, bursting into him. Joseph leans back due to the force and heat waves of the flames as they rush through his torso. Smoke pours out as the flames make contact and vanish against him. Joseph shows no signs of faltering or pain; no burns are evident on him.

Nick pulls back his hand, turning it into a fist. He takes a good look at his target: Joseph is standing tall with his typical arrogant expression as the last bit of smoke fades.

With irate breathing, Nick charges at Joseph, fire poking out from between the fingers of his fists.

Instantly, Joseph slices his hand through the air parallel to the ground as his hand hurls a sharp sweep of smooth water. Nick is caught in the path; the water makes contact with him, tossing him back onto the ground.

Nick lands next to Brandon, staying still.

Joseph releases another sweep, detecting his target's location. He feels him with his water, visualizing his position in his vision. He then whirls to face Nick and unleashes a thick torrent of water, plummeting him with endless amounts of harsh waters.

Brandon rushes up to Joseph, coming up behind him. "Joey!" he shouts at him over the roaring water. "That's enough!!!"

He then reaches out at Joseph's upper arm with the intent to grab it. Yet his fingers slip through it like flicking them through a laminar waterfall. He stares at his hand incredulously, feeling the cold wetness.

With an irritated huff, Brandon whips out a thin rope of red blazing fire and wraps it around Joseph's upper arm.

The rope immediately slips through his arm and evaporates into steam on contact.

Brandon stares at the steam, aghast. He resorts to his voice: "Joseph, I said, that's enough!"

He then feels smashing water crashing against his face, forcing him to twirl around in the air and slam against the ground.

Brandon stays still on the floor, shook. He peers behind his shoulder, spotting Joseph's hand outstretched toward him with delicate ribbons of water floating between his fingers.

Brandon takes in a deep breath as he feels the bubble of anger rising in his chest. He allows his restrained ire to control him: He instantly rolls to his back and emits two streams of fire at Joseph with both of his hands.

Joseph stumbles backward, facing Brandon. His attack on Nick ceases since his attention is now on a new target. He then holds his hands out toward the ground; they begin to grow tense.

A thin, glassy wall of water begins building up around Brandon, arching as it ascends toward the ceiling. Brandon sprays puffs of fire at the rising wall, yet the fire extinguishes into smoke on contact.

From Joseph's left, Nick manages to get back on his feet. He spots what Joseph is doing to his friend in fury. As payback, he begins to create his own boundary of rippling, thick solid fire around Joseph.

Joseph stays still as he senses a thick amount of heat rising toward him. He halts the constructing of his water boundary around his roommate, contemplating as to how to combat this predicament.

Suddenly, he crosses his arms in front of him, dropping his hydrokinetic construct around Brandon back to the ground. He then throws his arms out from his sides, emitting a smooth sheet of water from all around his body.

The water shoots out in all directions, hitting both of his roommates: Nick is thrown against the wall and onto the floor; Brandon is tossed across the room and thrust out of the window.

Brandon flies into the open outside air as glass shards follow him out. He then crashes onto the grass of the front yard, rolling around as the momentum slows down. He then lies still against the soft grass, bracing himself for any physical pain.

He feels a sharp, agonizing feeling across his forehead and a few marks across his body. He clenches his teeth, wondering if he can even get up or if he should get up--if he's okay or majorly injured.

"Monty!" he hears Kalle's voice shout as ruffling footsteps on the grass approach him.

He then senses someone looming over him; he does not bother to look at the person.

"Are you okay?" Kalle is heard asking in panic.

Brandon takes in a shaky breath. "I don't know," he croaks.

"Don't worry," Kalle says in a reassuring voice. "Me 'n Scott'll take care of you!"

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