E. 19. "Calculating The Aftermath" (8/10)

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The medical room of the Conway Mansion is a small room, painted white with a window across the entrance of the room. There is a sink situated to the left with a floor cabinet next to it. On the other side is the bed, where Brandon is sitting on its edge.

Sitting next to him on a doctor stool is Scott, who has a lab coat and a stethoscope around hung behind his neck. Standing beside Scott is Kalle, who is watching intently as Scott wraps a peach-coloured bandage around Brandon's forehead.

Scott tears the swathed strip of bandage from the roll and secures its end with a piece of adhesive tape. "There." He leans back to see his work. "That should be all."

Brandon tentatively runs his fingers over the new addition on his forehead. "Uh, thanks, Scott."

"Anytime." Scott rises to his feet. "Contact me if you feel any sort of pain coming back or you need more medical assistance." He then turns around and strolls out of the room.

The room is now in silence with only the two teammates.

Kalle sits on the edge of the hospital bed, next to him. "What do you want to do?"

"Lie down," Brandon replies wearily.

"Okay, I'll take you to your room."

A few minutes later, Brandon is lying on the bed in the dim guest room he slept in last night. Kalle is sitting beside him on the edge of the bed, peering over him.

"What happened?" Kalle asks with worry.

"Another fight," Brandon mutters with narrowed eyes ahead in the dark.

"With Cramarossa?"

Brandon reverts his gaze at Kalle with a slight frown. "Yeah..."

He covers his mouth with his hands and interjects in Finnish, "Herranen aika!" He slowly removes them. "At least you're alright now, right?"

"Yeah..." Brandon's eyes drift back to be lost in the dark. "I don't know if it could've been worse than what happened though... Last time, it was just Nicky and Joey— This time, I was also pulled in. Well, I had to get in."

Brandon lets out a heavy sigh. "I've tried so many times for them to get along, but nothing is working!" He smacks the quilt that is cover his body. "I just need for them to get along and finally the house would be in peace! But it seems like a hopeless wish. He looks down downcast. "There's no hope."

"There's always hope!" Kalle exclaims, leaning closer to him. "You just can't give up! Can't give up to find the hope to what you are achieving!"

"I'm just getting so worn out by this..." He lifts his eyes up in exhaustion. "It's the same results over and over and over again..."

"Well, how did they get along before?" Kalle tilts his head with curiosity.

Brandon turns to him with raised eyebrows. "They've never really gotten along," he states solemnly. "It's just that recently, Nicky did something really bad to Joey and that just amplified their hate by a thousand. Joey can't even LOOK at him anymore." He lets out a huff. "Literally."

Kalle nods his head with eyes ahead of him and says in his native language, "Näen..." He peers back down at his teammate. "Well, it's best you just rest. You had a long day. You were just here not even six hours ago."

"That's how much I need to get away," Brandon croaks out with a frown.

"Take as long as you need to. Whatever it takes to get the two back on good terms." He places his hand on his shoulder with a warm smile. "You're brave to take it upon yourself to hold the house up. I think the Maxi guy would really be proud of you."

Brandon turns to him a small, unsure smile. "Really?"

Kalle gives him a toothy grin. "Kyllä." He then pulls the quilt closer to him. "Now go to bed. It's late."

Brandon takes a peek at the alarm clock on the night table. Its bright, red lights display 20.38.

He looks back up at the Finn. "It's not even nine. But I am tired."

Kalle then gets up from the bed. "Hyvä yötä, Monty Muffins!" He then begins making his way out of the room.

Brandon follows him with his eyes as he approaches the door. "Who-vah, yo-tah, Kalle...!" he attempts to speak Finnish in a Canadian accent.

Kalle gives him one last reassuring smile before closing the door.

The guest room Brandon slept in his much vibrant the next morning, being deluged in sunlight.

Brandon is standing in front of the dresser's mirror, fixing himself before exiting the room for the day.

He brushes his brown hair from his bandage-covered forehead. Suddenly, he spots something, halting his movements.

His bandage is now the colour white. I thought I had a peach-coloured bandage yesterday, Brandon thinks to himself. Huh, that's odd...

A few minutes later, Brandon strolls into the grand dining room of the mansion. In the area, Kalle is already sitting in his usual place with empty plates in front of him.

Kalle waves to him happily. "Hyvää huomenta, Monty Muffins!" he exclaims in Finnish.

Brandon shoots him a nervous grin. "Who-va, who-uh-mend-ah, Kalle!" he says back in chopped Finnish as he makes his way to him. He then sits next to him.

Kalle turns to him as Scott enters the room with two silver trays with rounded lids on them in his hands and a pitcher of orange juice from Brandon's left. "Did you have a good night sleep?"

Scott halts behind them and places two trays and the pitcher in front of them.

"Yeah, I slept throughout the whole night!" Brandon tells him.

Kalle gives him a warm smile. "That's wonderful!"

Scott plucks the lids from each tray, revealing their breakfast: Eggs Benedict and English muffins with jam.

"Enjoy your breakfast, sirs," Scott proclaims. He then marches back into the double swinging doors.

The two begin serving themselves the breakfast and munching on it.

"Um, Kalle?" Brandon starts as he cuts his Eggs Benedict as a whole. "Did I have a white bandage on all this time?"

Kalle peers at him from spreading jam on his muffin. "No, you had a skin-coloured one."

Brandon responds by making a grimace.

Kalle's eyes then light up with the answer. "Oh! I know! Scott must've changed it in the middle of the night!"

Brandon warily drops his fork and places his hand on his bandage. "He changed my bandage in the middle of the night?"

Scott then passes by them on the other side of the table with kitchen towels in his hands. "Do not underestimate my stealth, Mr. Montour...!" he exclaims as he exits the dining area.

Kalle tells his the owner of the mansion, "Kyllä!" He whirls to his teammate. "He's stealthy!"

Brandon's eyebrows shoot up. "Wow! Well, thank you, Scott!" He pats his bandage.

"No problem, Mr. Montour!" Scott is heard shouting from the hallway.

Kalle then turns to his guest. "What do you want to do today?" He continues slathering jam on his muffin.

"Uh," Brandon adjusts himself in the chair. "I really want to check on the others. I think they actually blew up the house this time." He purses his lips.

"Okay—" Kalle nods his head. "Me 'n Scott will drop you off!"

An hour later, a lavish limousine rolls up to the humble, one-story house: the Monarossabergie House.

The back door opens and Brandon climbs out from it, stepping onto the sidewalk.

Kalle pokes his head out from the window. He gazes up at his teammate. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's fine," Brandon tells him. "You've done plenty enough." He adjusts his bandage.

"That's what friends are for!" Kalle gives him a toothy smile.

Brandon makes a small smile. "Thanks, really." He then pauses as a question comes to mind. "Why did you even come here though yesterday?"

Kalle's eyes light up. "Oh yeah!" He peers back into the interior of the limousine. "You left your jacket here." He faces him, holding up his dark gray hoodie.

Brandon's eyebrows rise. "Hey, there it is!" He then flicks his hand at it. "Well, keep it— I'll make it as an excuse to come to your house!"

Kalle grins at him. "Ooo, sneaky!" He lowers the jacket back into the vehicle. "Okay! Hope all goes well!"

"Same here!" Brandon waves at him as he walks backward. "Thanks, Kalle! Bye!"

Kalle waves back to him. "Hyvästi, Monty!" Goodbye!

"Who-vas-tee to you too, Kalle!" he exclaims. He then turns around and strolls into the front yard of the Monarossabergie House.

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