E. 20. "Ready Or Not" (4/10)

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The interior of the Conway Mansion is dark and eerie when the night falls and the residents and visitors go to bed. In the vast foyer, one of the front doors creaks open, letting in a slit of moonlight crawl into the dim room.

Following the appearance of the light is a silhouette of a man. He slips through the light, blending into the shadows of the room. Soft footsteps echo against the marble floor as the man makes his way down the grand, barren hallway and to the medical room.

The door to the hospital-room-like area opens and the silhouette slips inside, closing the door gingerly behind him.

The room is dusky as weak moonlight glows through the curtains on the other side of the room as the only source of light. With the light, Dustin is spotting lying on the hospital bed to the left with his eyes closed, emitting soft snores.

The silhouette sidles up to the injured man and raises his dark hand toward the ceiling.

Suddenly, a flash of bright yellow electricity flashes through his hand, sparking up to the ceiling.

The lights to the room instantly flick on, deluging the room in much-needed light.

Dustin reacts to the sudden change of atmosphere by scrunching his face with a frown and his eyes squeezed closed. He then flutters his tired eyes open, immediately spotting the unknown man.

Standing by his bedside in a haughty position of crossed arms and a smirk is Corey Tropp. He has brown eyes, thick eyebrows, some stubble, and sleek black hair is brushed downward to one side.

A smile curls on Dustin's face. "Troppster."

"Tokarsker," Corey replies with an arrogant tone.

His face drops. "It's Tikker."

"Well, I like Tokarsker better." Corey flicks his hair back, pushing it back further. "I'm still calling you Tokarsker."

He shakes his head while rolling his eyes, knowing his teammate won't confine to his correction. "How did you find me here?" he asks him, changing the topic.

Corey holds his fingernails out toward himself with his eyes on them. "I tracked you down through your electrical signals in your mind with this." He then rotates his wrist, showing the back of his hand to Dustin as bolts of electricity zap around it.

Dustin gives him a smug smile. "I knew the powers I gave you would come in handy."

He gazes at his electric hand in vain. "I love my powers, they're the best."

Dustin purses his lips while his eyes are downcast at the heavy conceit his partner-in-crime is displaying. "Well, thank you for visiting me." He lifts his eyes up at him. "I did not have visitors all day other than Scott Conway and Kalle Kossila...even though other Gulls are here."

Corey knits his eyebrows with a slight frown. "What other Gulls are here?" His eyes flick up as electrical currents blink around him. "Montour..., Cramarossa..., Ritchie..." He makes a disgusted expression. "Ugh, gross." He looks down at him. "What are they doing here?"

"Their house got blown up, so they're staying here until they can find a new place," he explains matter-of-factly. "And I got hauled along too by Kossila."

Corey swishes his head toward the door. "Well, come on, let's bust you outta here to get away from those guys." He then turns around on his heels and struts toward the exit.

"I would have had already, but I can't," Dustin calls out from behind him.

Corey halts in his tracks with a hint of confusion shown on his face.

"I can't move," he finishes off.

Corey spins around briskly to face his partner-in-crime. "I'll make you move." He then swaggers up to him, halting back in his place.

He then promptly places his palms against the goalie's chest.

Suddenly, bolts of electricity fly out from his hands and all over the paralyzed man. He vibrates for a few seconds before the surge retracts into its owner's hands, calming him down.

Corey gazes at him with anticipation and takes a step back.

Dustin slowly pulls himself up to a sitting position and rolls his shoulders back then moves his neck from side to side, cracking it.

He then peers up at the one who helped him. "Thank you, Troppster."

Corey leers at his hands. "My powers are really amazing."

Dustin then pulls the thin blankets off from his legs, slides to the edge of the bed, and rises to his feet. "Now while I get dressed" —he takes a glance at the hospital gown he is wearing— "I want you to park your car on the other side near here so that we can get out of here quickly."

Corey narrows his eyes at him, taking a disdain toward accepting orders. "Fine." He then twirls around and exits the room. He has another small task in mind before completing his commanded task.

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