E. 20. "Ready Or Not" (5/10)

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The hallway on the second floor is flooded with darkness as Corey swaggers down it. He leers at the closed white doors he makes out in the dark, sensing each person behind each door with the electricity surging through his mind.

Knowing the Gulls have no idea he is dangerously near them, an aura of superiority rises in him. A smirk twists on his face before he sings a tune with a taunting tone:

Sleeping, sleeping little Gulls,

Even you have trouble lull,

He whirls in front of one of the doors.

Like a baby in its nap,

I can zap ya just like that!

He flicks out a bolt of electricity, letting it spark against the handle of the door. He then resumes strutting down the hallway.

Sleeping, sleeping little Gulls,

I'm still here and the night lulls.

He then halts in the middle of the hallway and throws his arms out from his sides.

Immediately, streaks of electricity fly out from him, striking the ceilings, floors, and walls, transmitting through the metal that adorns the sides of the wall.

The sparking surge zips into the bedrooms, travelling through the carpet and up the metal bed frame.

In one of the bedrooms, the bolt of electricity flies up on the bed frame and zaps Joseph, who is snoozing on it.

Joseph instantly jolts up to a sitting position on his bed, his eyes widen and his hair raised up due to the static electricity.

He whirls to his left to see the alarm clock for the time. Yet all he sees is pitch black.

His eyes narrow at the darkness. He then reaches his hand out toward the blackness, feeling the hard, smooth stand of the lamp. He runs his hand up until it hits the switch of the lamp; he flicks it upward.

The lamp stays still in the dark.

Joseph creates a bewildered expression in the dark. He pushes the switch downward, then upward.

The lamp continues sitting in the dark.

Power outage, Joseph thinks to himself. With a groan, he slips himself out of bed and storms out of his room, into the hallway.

He turns to the right past the doorway when he spots a figure in the corner of his eye. He whirls around to the left, spotting a familiar, unexpected person in the dim hallway.

"What are you doing here, Tropp?"

Corey spins around to face him. He raises his eyebrows with an unamused expression. "Do you call everyone by their last names or do you not remember that I have a first name?" He swaggers up to him.

"What are you doing here?" Joseph growls, holding his intense scowl at him.

Corey halts in front of him, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "It's none of your business; I don't need to tell you what I'm doing here."

"Why are you in this mansion?" Joseph presses on, ignoring his arrogant-toned statements. He brushes his fingers through his hair, patting it down.

Corey whirls his index finger toward his ear. "Can't you hear or do you need to clean those ears out?" He reverts his finger at Joseph's ear. "You don't need to know—"

A door is then heard opening with footsteps approaching the two following. "What's going on?" Brandon's voice is heard.

Brandon himself then comes appears in the dark, halting next to his roommate. "Joey?" He peers ahead, spotting his distant teammate. "Corey?" He makes a bewildered expression at him. "What are you doing here?"

Corey throws his hands in the air. "Why does everyone want to know what I'm doing here?!"

"Because you're irrelevant here," Joseph remarks brusquely.

Corey places a hand on his chest. "I am never irrelevant."

"Corey, it's midnight," Brandon states with an unamused look at him. "It's not usual for a teammate to be wandering around another teammate's house at midnight."

"No..." Corey quietly slips his hands behind his back. "I'm not wandering, I'm..."

Joseph snaps his eyes down to the level where Corey's hands are. He spots flashes of light blinking from behind him; his eyes widen at the danger.

Immediately, Joseph rushes at Corey, disappearing in a rush of water. In a split second, the rush of water reappears behind Corey, materializing Joseph back into view.

Joseph instantly unleashes a blast of water at Corey's back, extinguishing the zapping lightning building in his hands.

Corey lets out a gasp at the cold, wet contact of water smothering his powers. He immediately whirls around to face his opponent and shoots out two bolts of electricity.

Joseph suddenly falls through the floor like as if it was made out of water, vanishing from view just as the bolts fly through his path.

Corey retracts his surge, narrowing eyes on the empty space his opponent was just standing in.

Immediately, the rug-covered floor ripples and Joseph's head explodes through its surface as if he is in a body of water, coming back into view.

Brandon's eyes widen at the optical illusion he is witnessing.

Joseph then directs water from the floor he is bobbing in, having it swirling around him to build up its strength. He then throws his hands out in front of him, the water following his motions and flying out at Corey.

On the other side of Corey, Brandon whips out a ball of bright fire and thrusts his hands at him, emitting a streak of roaring fire at Corey from the ball.

Corey spots the two opposite elements rushing at him from both of his sides. He instantly throws his arms out, forming a sphere-shaped force field of electricity. The electricity pulses from the electric construct and across the floor, striking anything and anyone on its same ground level.

Brandon yelps as a jolt of shock whizzes through him, throwing him off his feet and onto the ground. He stays still on the ground, his hair now standing up on its roots and his whole body smoking.

Joseph gawks at the sight of his defeated friend. He then turns his fury-filled eyes at the one who fried him.

"NOOO!!!" He immediately vanishes into a burst of water, reappears for a split second closer, then materializes again closer to Corey with a circle of rushing water from behind him as a propeller to reach him.

With the aid of his water portal, Joseph thrusts himself onto Corey, tackling him onto the ground. The water behind him splashes on top of them, drenching Corey as Joseph stays dry.

A few feet away from them, Brandon is slowly lifting himself to his hands and knees, attempting to recuperate from the surge. He has his eyes on the ground, his mind focused on his frizzled condition.

Suddenly, he spots familiar sheets of ice stretching into his vision, frosting the floor in its chillness.

His eyes widen at the sight. Ice growing at this rate only meant one thing.

Brandon is unexpectedly thrown backward and upward, forcing him back on his feet. He feels the back of his shirt being clutched tightly by someone behind him.

"Hello, Brandon," Dustin's icy, sophisticated tone is heard by his ear. "Thank you for oh-so caring for me during my injury."

In frustration, Brandon twists himself harshly from Dustin grasp, immediately faces him, and blasts him with billows of fire.

Dustin quickly counters the attack by emitting a gust of glacial mist at the fire, extinguishing it on contact.

Brandon stares at the gap between him and the goalie in panic.

Dustin takes the opportunity by pulling his hostage close to him with both arms as an embrace and lifting off into the air with a gale of frozen air.

The two fly out of the hallway, toward the right where the entrance of the mansion is located.

Joseph is on top of Corey, his hand holding a tight ribbon of water around Corey's arms and torso as his hostage is attempting to create sparks of electricity. He flicks his eyes up, spotting Dustin whisking his roommate away.

"MONTY!!!" Joseph yells just as the two disappeared through the double entrance doors.

He stares at the empty foyer in distress, rattling his mind as to what to do next. He then senses someone else approaching him from behind.

"What?" he hears Nick's dull voice from behind him.

Joseph whirls his head behind his shoulder, spotting Nick looming over him. "Help me out here!"

Nick darts his eyes down at the lock his roommate has on his teammate. He quickly creates a ribbon of fire and whips it at Corey, having it wrap around him. He then yanks at the ribbon, pulling him close to him.

Joseph hops onto his feet, his eyes locked on Corey. Corey now is soaked, his black hair flopped over his eyes while coughing out water.

Suddenly, rushing footsteps are heard approaching the three from behind Nick and Corey. Joseph peers ahead of him, spotting Kalle dashing to the scene.

"What is going on?!" he screeches, halting a couple of feet away from them.

"Get Monty!" Joseph shouts at him. "He's headed that way toward the canyon with Dustin!" He points to his right, toward the entrance of the mansion.

Corey whips his head to the side, throwing his hair from his eyes. "Don't listen to him!" he spits out at the Finn. "Brandon's fine!"

Joseph whirls to face him. "Shut up!" He unleashes a quick torrent of water at him, slamming his face.

"Go get Monty!" Nick softly calls out to Kalle.

Kalle nods his head anxiously. "Right away." He then turns around, runs down the stairs and through the long corridor of the first floor of the mansion, toward the back, where the entrance to the garage is located.

Lined along the inside of the dusky garage are different assortments of hockey equipment.

Kalle resorts to this option for his choice of weaponry, since he is entering a battle. Although he has no powers, it is better to be armed with something than nothing.

He ruffles through a plastic container for a piece of equipment he does not mind using apart from its intentional purpose. His hand then grips the hard, sticky shaft of a hockey stick.

He pulls it up from the container, revealing a red broken stick with its black taped blade in his grasp. He nods his head, approving his chosen weapon.

He then rushes to the other side of the garage, where the vehicles are nearly lined up according to class. He makes his way through the rows of sports cars to the section of motorcycles.

There, he climbs onto a black, sleek motorcycle, sticks his half-stick behind his seat, and slips on the helmet and gloves hanging on the handlebars. He then turns on the motorcycle, automatically being read by the garage doors to reveal the opening.

His bright headlight beams ahead, shining its lights on the shadowy early morning with its sapphire-coloured skies, black plants, and sharp, frigid air.

He then revs the engine, rolls the motorcycle out of the garage, and speeds off into the bitter early morning on a rescue mission.

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