Chapter 26

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All Antti could do is stare at the ceiling later that night on his bed. Is Jonny gonna be evil forever? Is he telling the truth that he's not evil anymore? I want him back...but I did that once and swore to never do it again after he trapped me in that box... Then a flashback shows in Antti's mind.
He is brought back to February in Sochi, where Peyton Manning was telling the GHP, EHP, and GFP what the EFP and he was doing in Sochi.
"...Might was well take over all the winter sports when they are all at one how I can take over all you guys because you're all in one place!" Peyton teleported Antti to the edge of the hill, far away from them.
Antti fell hard on the ground with a grunt. He looked up, seeing that he was casted far away from the group only seeing specks on a hill, where were the hockey and football players were at; he was still able to hear Peyton's booming voice, though.
"No one can stick me away from my goals because I can--" Peyton teleported closer to Martin. "--teleport."
Martin said something that made Peyton teleport him angrily out of sight.
After that, Antti didn't see nothing much going on at the hill, so he got up. Suddenly, he saw crackling orange energy racing towards him. Without thinking twice, he blocks the energy with his water powers, creating a running water bubble around him. Antti then saw that Peyton was using his other hand to try to teleport the hockey players. He also saw Jonathan hover from the ground and create a force field around the players, protecting them from Peyton's teleportation powers.
Suddenly, Tuukka bursted out of the translucent, purple orb, tackling Peyton to the ground.
Antti's eyes widened with shock. "TUUKKA!" He let go of his water bubble so that Tuukka could hear him; he falls to the ground, dodging the orange streak from Peyton. "Pysäyttää pelaajan hänet!" (Stop beating him up!)
"ANTTI! WATCH OUT!!!" Antti heard Jonathan yell. Immediately, a force field appears over Antti just as Colin Kaepernick's golden powers were about to strike him.
"He saved me," Antti mutters to him, now staring at the ceiling again. Then his mind brings him to another flashback.
It was the end of the Olympics and the Americans and Finns were hanging out a McMooses'. Everything was fine, but Antti and Jonathan were not on good terms since they had a little fight, which was Jonathan snapping at his Master.
"Who has trash? I'll throw it away," Antti offered.
"Ooo, I do!" Kari gave Antti his tray full of wrappers and boxes.
Antti grabbed the tray and the rest of the trash on the table and made his way towards the trashcan. He sensed someone walking up to him He heard Jonathan clearing his throat.
"Uh, Antti. I'm sorry...for getting all snappy and raising my voice on you...."
"Oh, that's okay, Jonathan, I understand." Antti dumped the trash into the trashcan and faced Jonathan. "I forgive you. But thank you"--he places the tray on the pile of trays on the trashcan-- "for saving me yesterday."
"Oh, that was nothing." Jonathan chuckles. "But you're welcome. So we're good?"
"Yea, yea, we're good."
"Okay, goo--" Jonathan's sentence is drowned by all the Olympic hockey teams walking in and chatting loudly.
"He forgave me..." Antti sighs. "Oh my, now I wanna give him another chance... Maybe I-- Ugh!" Antti sits up and stares ahead at the darkness. "Should I?" He looks down at Jonna, who was laying next to him.
"Stop beating up yourself over this and get the boy," Jonna tells him.
"You sure?"
"Yes, I wanna sleep!" She stuffs her head into her pillow.
"Well, look who's the sleepy one now." Antti smirks, chuckling a bit.
"Ugh..." Jonna waves her hand lazily at her husband. "Go..."
"Alright, alright, I will. Good night." Antti kisses the top of his wife's head and slips out of the bed.

The elevator doors open and Antti walks out into the NHL basement. He spots Tommy doing work on his huge computer.
"Well, hello there, Antti!" Tommy says, turning around in his chair, looking at him.
"Hello, Gorman... Can I talk to you about something?"
"Oh, sure!" What is it?"
Antti walks up to Tommy. "I'm considering bringing Jonathan back into the GHP. He said that he wasn't gonna turn evil again, but then he did and locked me up in a box and teleported me to Paris. And now he told me that he's not gonna turn evil ever again and Jimmy agreed on that. But I'm not sure if Jonathan's telling the true since he told me the same thing last time and with that, I got trapped on top of the Eiffel Tower."
"You liked the view from up there?"
"When I broke out of that box when I got back my powers back, yea."
"Hmmm..." Tommy makes an inquiring look. "Do you know how Jonathan got so evil?"
"He told me by Jimmy's telepathic powers that kept escaping over to him."
"Oh...well, that won't happen anymore since Jimmy has no more powers."
"So Jonathan's not gonna turn evil again?"
"If that's how he turned evil, then that's never gonna happen again, unless..." Tommy spins back around in his chair and types a few things on his huge keyboard, bring up PK Subban's profile. "...Subban here decides to turn Jonathan evil, which I highly doubt." He faces Antti again, pointing the screen now behind him with his thumb.
"Wait, he has telepathy now?"
"Yea, Carey Price is powerless as well since all of the EHP lost their powers."
"Oh wow, that's right..." Antti scratches his head. "Do the neutral players keep their powers?"
"Yes, they do. Everyone except for the EHP. I decided that the neutral players should keep 'em."
"Alright, so I should get Jonathan back..." Antti feels the pressure rising from his shoulders. "Thank you, Gorman."
"You're welcome--anytime!"
Antti smiles and walks out of the basement full of confidence.

"Go fish."
Cam picks up a card with the NHL symbol from a pile of cards. He looks at his new card and put it in with the rest of the cards he is holding. "Do you have a...John Tavares?"
"Pooeys." Bernier drops an orange and blue card with a picture of John Tavares cradling a puck.
"Ooo! Yay!" Cam drops five of his seven cards which are all John Tavares's and puts them in a seperate pile. "I got two more!"
"Hmmm..." Bernier looks around the waiting room of NHL Police, where they are playing 'Go Fish' at and looks back at the pile of cards. He picks up the card at the top of the deck and looks at it. "You have a Jonathan Toews?"
"Nah. Go Fish."
"But I just did that!"
"Oh well, do it again!"
Bernier reluctantly picks up another card. "Aha! Another Jonathan Toews! Sweet!" He puts the cards together and slides them to the edge of the small playing table.
The door of the NHL Police dings and Antti comes strolling in. "Hello."
"Hey, Nemo!" Cam waves at him. "Wanna play 'Go Fish' with us?"
Bernier twists open a bottle of maple syrup and begins chugging it down.
"Uh, no thanks, I'm here to pick up Jonathan Quick."
"You're gonna bail Jonathan Quick after all he has done to you?" Cam gawks at him.
"Well, it's not his fault. Anyways, he's great sidekick--done more good things than bad things."
"Bernier..." Cam turns Bernier, who is too busy finishing up his bottle of maple syrup. "...are you done?"
Bernier shakes his head and tips his head back, downing the rest of the bottle. He pulls the bottle away from him and a revealing smile. "Now I'm done!" He straightens up.
"Good. Go grab Quick."
"But I thought it was your turn dealing with the prisoners!"
"No, I do that tomorrow!"
"Well, it's tomorrow right now! It's past midnight." Bernier points to the clock on his right with his bottle.
Cam reads the clock on the wall. "Pooeys. I'll be back." He gets up begrudgingly and walks away.
Bernier places his hands on some of the cards unintentionally. "How are you, Mr. Niemi? What time is it over there in California?"
"Well, it's nine over there if it's twelve over here."
"Oh...that's early! I remember when it was nine o'clock here--Cam and I were playing War!"
"So you guys play with cards while guarding?"
"Yup! Standing around is too boring! We play with NHL cards!" Bernier extends his arms; the cards stick to his hands.
"Those are pretty cool cards." Antti nods towards Bernier's hands.
"Wha?" Bernier looks at his hands and whines, "Oh no, not again! Awww...I drank too much maple syrup and my hands are all sticky!"
"Would water help?"
"Yes!" Bernier waves his hands in the air, making the cards flap back and forth.
"Okay, hold your palms out towards me."
Bernier does what Antti told him to do. "Like this?"
"Yes. Now hold still." Antti extends his hand out at Bernier and starts spraying water at his hands.
Cam comes in, grabbing Jonathan's shoulder; Jonathan is in hand cuffs.
"What are you guys doing?" Cam makes an odd look.
"I got the cards stuck to my hands!" Bernier shouts over the roaring of water.
"Ugh..." Cam rolls his eyes. "Now our cards are ruined."
Antti stops spraying water and Bernier shakes the soaked cards off of his hands.
Bernier looks down at the ruined cards with a frown. "Yup."
Cam narrows his brown eyes at his partner and then pushes Jonathan in front of him towards Antti with a big grin. "Here ya go!"
Jonathan looks at Antti with bewilderment and shock. "Wh-what--?"
"No need to say anything, Jonathan." Antti puts his hands out in front of Jonathan, signaling him to stop stuttering. "I thought about you and I want you back in the GHP."
"What?" Jonathan's brown eyes widen, full of surprise as Cam removes the handcuffs from him.
"Yes, you've done so much for me and I found out that I need you back. Welcome back to the GHP."
"Thank you!" Jonathan throws his arms around Antti, hugging him. "Thank you, thank you, thaaaaaaank you!!!"
"Ugh..." Antti looks uncomfortable. "...yea, you're welcome." He gently pushes Jonathan off of him.
"Awww! Hug!" Cam slips over to Bernier and squeezes him into a hug.
"Blawh!" Bernier almost spits out his maple leaf cookie.
"Well, we'll leave you two be... Good-bye." Antti waves at the hugging policemen and leaves with Jonathan.
"We should do this more often!" Cam has a huge smile on his face.
"Not if it prevents me from eating my cookies!"
Cam lets go and slaps Bernier's head lightly. "You and your cookies."
Cam walks around the table and sits down on the other end. "Okay, who's turn is it?"
Bernier shrugged. "I dunno. You wanna a cookie?" He holds out the plastic tray of maple leaf cookies towards Cam.
"Yea!" Cam grabs one and eats it.
And they ate cookies for the rest of the night.

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