Chapter 27

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Tuukka is eating breakfast all by himself on the dining table. El Choowe is in its own huge cardboard box that is next to the table, taking care of its ponies.
"You got lots of ponies," Tuukka tells his pony.
El Choowe looks at Tuukka with a happy look. "M-ow!" It licks a gold and green baby pony.
"But where Brad?" Tuukka looks around his surroundings while banging his fork on the edge of the plate. "Brad, Brad, where are you?"
"'Ow...!" a white, black, red, and orange baby pony squeaks like a kitten.
"Aw, baby pony can speak!" Tuukka looks down at the ponies that are trotting and stumble around their mother with big eyes.
"MEH!!!" A red and white pony sticks out its tongue, making a freaky look.
"That pony scary..." Tuukka makes a shocked look at the red and white pony that just did that.
"'Ow!!!" El Choowe gently nudges the pony with its hoof.
"Bring up ponies well, Pony." Tuukka takes a big gulp of his orange juice.
"Wow, all I hear are a bunch of ponies!" a familiar voice says.
Tuukka looks up and sees Brad as himself walking down the stairs one hand in his jeans' pocket and the other holding his hockey bag. "BRAAAAAD!!!" He jumps out of his seat and runs over to his short teammate, hugging him. "You are no more honey badger!"
"Ugh, only if I still had my claws!" Brad grunts. "Let go, Tuukka!"
Tuukka lets go with an excited look. "How you got back to you?"
"Uhhh...I dunno." Brad scratches the back of his head. "I woke up like this."
"Good, good! You eat?"
"Nah, I'm not that hungry."
" you leave now?"
Brad shrugs. "Yea, I guess... This is a heck of an experience I had." He chuckles. "Something I'll never forget."
" turn to honey badger... Very interesting."
"Hm, mm. I'll say good bye to the ponies then I'll leave."
"Okei." Tuukka walks back to the dining table with Brad following him. (Okay)
Brad kneels next to the ponies. "Hey, guys."
El Choowe looks at Brad with huge, confused eyes. "M-ow?"
"Yes, it's me, Brad. Y'know, the honey badger?"
"'Ow..." El Choowe looks around with that same look, then looks back at Brad; its expression changes to an excited look. "M-ow!" It bounces up and down happily.
"Haha, I knew you'll remember me!" Brad scruffs El Choowe's mane. "But I'm gonna have to go now since I'm back to myself. But I will visit you again--I promise."
"M-ow?" El Choowe picks up a tiny black and yellow pony by its neck and raises it towards Brad.
"Don't worry, I'll remember your ponies as well." Brad smiles.
"Mmmm..." El Choowe tries to bring the pony a bit higher.
"What about this pony?" Brad extends his hand towards it.
El Choowe drops the pony into Brad's hand. "M-ow."
"What?" Brad looks down at the tiny pony. "You want me to keep it?"
"Uh-huh," El Choowe squeaks, nodding.
"Awww..." A smile grows on Brad's face as he cups the little pony. "Thanks, El Choowe." He scratches El Choowe's back.
El Choowe beings to purr as it closes its eyes, enjoying the little massage.
"El Choowe?" Tuukka makes a confused look, looking down at Brad and the ponies.
"Yea, your pony told me that that's its real name." Brad nods towards El Choowe.
"Ohhh... El Choowe?"
El Choowe looks up at Tuukka. "M-ow!"
"Can Tuukka call you 'Pony' still?"
"Good. You keep that pony?" Tuukka points to the pony in Brad's hands.
"Yea, I guess since your pony here's givin' it to me." Brad stands up. "How do I take care of it?"
"Love and carrots." Tuukka smiles.
"That's it?"
"And sleep."
"Okay, will do." Brad softly pets the pony's black mane. "I better get going now... Bye, Tuukka."
"Bye, Brad. Come back soon!"
"M-ow!" El Choowe looks up at Brad happily.
Brad chuckles. "Don't worry, I'll! Au revoir, mes amis!" (Good bye, my friends)
"Bye!!!" Tuukka waves at Brad as he exits his house with his hockey bag.

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