Chapter 11 "They're Evil, It looks Evil, It's Perfect For Them."

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"Okay, guys, here we are, dudes." Patrick looks at his spy gadget on his wrist, which shows him that he has arrive at his destination.
The four, now wearing their spy clothes, look up at the towering, dreary looking building that look pretty lonely and haunting.
"That's the new EHP HQs?" Sidney asks the building.
"Yup, that's what this thing says, man," Patrick tells him.
"It like the old one better."
"They need to remodel it," Nathan points out.
"They're evil, it looks evil, it's perfect for them," Brad says with a hint of irritation. "Now let's get fightin'!" He jumps off from Patrick's shoulder and races across the wide area of dead grass, towards the HQs.
"No, wait, Brad dude! We need to go over the plan!" Patrick shouts, extending his hand towards the direction the honey badger went.
"Oh well for him being part of the plan!" Sidney says.
The blond man groans while looking up at the sky. "This is not going well and we hadn't even started yet, man!" He looks at the two friends. "Okay guys, I'm gonna go save Tazer dude, so you guys go guard for me and fight off anyone who tries to stop me, okay man?"
"Alright, that sounds---"
"AHHHH HAAAA!!! WHAT DID I BRING ALONG‽" Brad yells as he is running back to his sidekicks.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whatcha talkin' about, dude?" Patrick asks in confusion as the honey badger grabs onto his leg with fright.
"Look!" Brad points at the HQs with a shaky claw.
The three look at the HQs, where people-shaped robots begin marching out of the building; jets begin to lift off into the air from the roof of the building; jet-skis begin to zip away from behind the HQs and onto the river, which is behind the HQs.
"What the, man?" Patrick just gawks at this huge army that is spilling out from the HQs.
"Oh my Bubbys, are those...?" Sidney just stares at the army with eyes as big as a dinner plate.
"Yikes," was all Nathan had to say.
"Okay, guys, change of plan!" Patrick shouts hastily. "You guys have to fight those army dudes--" He points to the army on land that was getting closer to them. "--while I save Toews and I'll have to fight whoever's in there by myself."
"But there's so many!!!" Brad shrieks.
"Not if you divide the labour up, dudes! Sid--" The leader looks at the Penguins' captain. "--take on the army who went into the river. Nathan--" He turns to the Avalanche player. "--you take on the army that went up into the air. And Brad--" He looks down at the honey badger. "--you take on the army that are approaching us right now!"
"What, but I--"
"Just use your gun, Marchand! Now, go, go, go!!!" Patrick shakes Brad off from his legs and speeds off to the right, to get around the army; Sidney puts on a pair of spy-like goggles and flies off into the air with his glider forming underneath him; Nathan forms a force field around him and floats off the ground.
Brad just stood there are the army with wide eyes.
They remind him of the storm troopers from Star Wars, except they aren't white and black with that pointy thing on their helmet--they are dark green with golden designs with a dark golden visor on their helmet. And they have matching coloured guns that are clutch to their chest.
They then stop in front of the honey badger and point their guns at him, cocking them loudly.
"Well, this is nice..." Brad looks around them, starting to gain his courage. "...because I know just what to do." A sly smile grows on his face.
Just as the army pull all their triggers, Brad quickly leaps out from his spot, seeing the now empty space being shot by bright green bullets, turning the dirt into dust.
The army men just look at the spot in confusion since their victim seem to disappear.
"Are you guys looking for moi?" Brad asks in a mockingly voice from behind.
They all turn around, seeing Brad perch on top of a lonely palm tree.
"Well, catch me if you can!" The honey badger zips away just as the army fires at the tree.
He begins racing down the dead grass area towards the HQs with the army rushing from behind him. "Hehehe, I wonder how else I can trick 'em!" Brad abruptly stops and turns around, pulling out his gun and pointing it straight at them. "Get a load of this, weirdos!" He beings shooting wildly, emitting glowing blue bullets out from his over-sized gun.
Many army men got shot; the result is them just turning into nothing, so there wasn't gonna be any clean up to do after this small battle.
But of course, the army begins to shoot back at Brad, and the honey badger is a bit out-numbered, of course.
"Ooh là là, they're firing back at me!" He speeds away, climbing up the gutter of the side of the HQs and climbing to the top of the roof. "Let's see how high you can shoot, you peoples!"
The leftover army men take the challenge and begin firing at the honey badger.
Brad put on his supernatural turbo and began racing across the edge of the roof, hearing the blasts ricocheting off from the gutter that lined the perimeter of the roof. He laughs then climbs onto an empty, metal flag pole and points his gun down at the army. "Say good bye to your little lives!" And he began shooting crazily at the army men, watching them disappear.
Sidney looks behind his shoulder, seeing Brad wiping out his army. "Oh my Bubbys, don't mess with Brad when he has a gun!" He looks down, seeing the water streaking below him and his glider, shining in the dim sunlight. He looks up, seeing a blue and silver coloured army robot man on a jet-ski going straight towards him.
"Uh-oh!" He pushes his left heel down, shooting into the sky just as glowing blue bullets from the jet-ski begin shooting at the water Sidney was hovering above seconds ago.
He goes behind the now confused army man and presses on a button on his right glove, making glowing blue bullets shooting out from his glider, destroying the jet-ski.
"Ya-hoo!" Sidney leans forward and begins speeding down the river in high speeds; his hair was streaking from behind him like as if someone made a wacky hair-do on him with gel. He then sees three jet-skis with an army man in each other them, already firing at the Penguins.
"Noooo!!!" Sidney screams. Then he put on his absolute speed, pausing every that was going on around him: the clouds moving, the birds flying, the river flowing, the bullets streaking towards him...
With regular speed, Sidney hovers over to the now floating bullets and grabs them with his gloved-hands. "Ow, these are hot!" he exclaims, shaking his hand. He takes in a deep breath and quickly turns them around to the army; he also puts the bullets close to each other, since they are scattered. He then zooms over to the army men and pushes them close to each other, so that they could just get shot together. He then continues on, leaving the scene behind him, reverting time back to normal.
A huge explosion echoes from behind Sidney, notifying him that his plan has worked.
"Yes!" Sidney fist pumps his hand into the air.
But he wasn't done.
Five more jet-skis with men begins to approach him, aiming to shoot at him.
"I know what else to do!" Sidney's designs on his suit begins to glow light blue and a huge glowing blue disc emits from him, flying towards the army.
The army didn't see it coming and only three of them got slice horizontally.
"Aw, man!" Sidney creates another disc and shoots it at one of the jet-skis since the two army men left are the ones on the each side of the river.
The jet-ski gets sliced, but the other army man on the other jet-ski takes that opportunity of his enemy being distracted and shot at Sidney.
"AH, NOOO!" In just the last second, Sidney throws himself into the river with the four bullets coming from the one jet-ski, barely missing him.
Sidney is floating up-side down in the water with the bottom of his glider on the surface. He pushes himself out of the water and slowly straightens up, all soaked. He sees that the army man that shot at him is gone. He looks behind his shoulder and sees him racing away. "You think I'm done? Nuh-uh, not today," he mutters to himself.
He turns around and emits a perfect-sized energy disc, slicing the army man and the jet-ski diagonally, making him fall into the river with a scream.
"Is that all the water army peoples I need to deal with?" Sidney asks, looking around his surroundings.
"AHHHHHH!!!" someone screams from above.
Sidney looks up, seeing his friend getting lured into a jet from the air by someone in the aircraft pulling on a rope that is attached to his ankle. "Nathan!"
"SID, HELP!!!" Nathan yells trying to create a force field in his hand; it keeps on flickering and disappearing and being up-side down in mid-air isn't helping him create his force field.
"Don't worry, I'll!" Sidney begins to build up turbo in himself so that he grab Nathan in seconds.
But before he is able to, Nathan screams something else: "SID, NO!!! LOOK BEHIND--" And he disappears into the helicopter.
"Wait, what?" Before Sidney is able to do anything, he sees his surrounds have a light, sparkling purple tint. It looks like the same exact thing he saw when he was in Jonathan's force field one time while going to New York City in pick up Martin Brodeur from the gas station with the rest of the GHP.
He beings to float, feeling like as if someone had control of his direction. "What's going on?" He turns around, seeing a familiar face.
There no doubt that he is in a force field.
And that person who has him locked up in the force field is the only EHP member who has the ability to do that: Henrik...Lundqvist.

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