Chapter 10 "Those Things Are Fun To Ring!"

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"I can't believe I'm here again, man...," Patrick mumbles to himself as he stares at his used-to-be friend's red front door.
"Hey, at least you're with Nathan and I!" Sidney exclaims happy from behind, holding Bubby Jr. with his left hand.
"Yea, but I don't wanna scare Jonathan man again, dude... I practically scared myself." He turns around, catching Sidney and Nathan exchanging awkward glances.
Nathan looked at Patrick, shaking his head first. "Well, um, you know what Antti said: we have to get him before the bad guys do!"
"But he doesn't wanna come with us, man, that's the problem!"
"Well he's gonna come with us whether he likes it or not!" Sidney storms up to the door and grabs Bubby Jr.'s arm with his right hand and knocks on the door with him, making it seem like Bubby Jr. is knocking on the door.
Sidney then stands back, staring at the door with excitement.
But nothing happened.
"I think you should knock harder," Nathan whispers to his friend.
" there a doorbell here? Those things are fun to ring!" Sidney asks, looking around his surroundings.
"No, just knock, man," Patrick tells him.
"Hmp, fine." The Penguin looks at Bubby Jr. "Knock hard, Bubby Jr.!" He then knocks harder on the door with his small gorilla.
Still, nothing happened.
"Maybe he's not home..." Nathan tilts his head to his left.
"But his car's still there, dude." Patrick points to Toews's red car, which is still sitting in the parking lot, which is on the right side of the house.
"Maybe he's sleeeeping," Sidney guesses, turing to his friends.
"Or taking a shower," Nathan guesses as well.
Patrick shoots him an odd look.
"Hey, I'm just thinking of the reasons why your friend's not responding," Nathan tells Patrick with a shrug.
"Maybe we should just go in," Sidney suggests, eyeing the door.
"Maybe we should just leave, man," Patrick mutters, shoving his hands into his cargo shorts.
They are wearing their regular clothes because it would just be awkward for them walking around in their spy clothes.
"No, we can't leave! Nemo would be really, really, really mad!" Sidney exclaims.
"Like as if he ever gets mad, dude! We got other stuff to do!"
"Like what?" Sidney crosses his arms.
"Like save the NHL, man."
"We are saving the NHL by getting Jonathan." He has his bottom lip stuck out at the Blackhawk.
"Ugh...that's true, dude..."
"Well, is the door locked?" Nathan asks.
"Bubby Jr.'ll check!" Sidney places Bubby Jr.'s small, brown hand on the golden door knob and turns it with his own hand, opening the door. "It's unlocked!" He exclaims. Then he strolls into the house with Patrick and Nathan following inside.
Patrick looked around the living room and kitchen anxiously. "Jonathan? Jonathan, man? Tazer? Tazer dude, where are ya? Please don't hide, I don't wanna hurt you, man... Can we talk, dude?" He sighs and plops onto the sofa.
Sidney looks at him. "You already gave up looking for him?"
"I got a feeling he's not here, man."
"He was ironing," Nathan points out, looking at the ironing table he was next to, meaning that he was blocking the entrance to the hallway.
"He was ironing, dude?" Patrick springs up to his feet and rushes over to Nathan, seeing the half-wrinkled jersey. "Oh man..." He lifts up the red jersey, looking at the unfinished job. "...there's one thing I know of Tazer dude does for sure and that's that he never leaves the house without finishing his ironing!"
"So that means he's in the house!" Sidney shouts.
"If he was in the house, he would've came out by now to see who was in his house," Nathan says.
"Unless he's sleeeeeping," the Penguins' captain adds in.
"I bet we would've waken him up by now, though."
"Or maybe he's knocked out...or dead, man! Oh dude, I killed him!" Patrick pushes Nathan out of the way towards the kitchen and rushes into the hallway where Toews's bedroom is in.
"Oh man, he's going crazy!" Sidney says.
"I bet he misses his friend," Nathan tells him.
"I know, I mean I missed Jonny a lot when he turn evil."
"But I made up for that sadness, right?"
"Yea!" They high-five each other just when Patrick approaches between them, panicking.
"You guys, he's not in his bedroom or in the bathroom, man!"
"He's not?" Sidney looks at Patrick. "Maybe he's out in his backyard."
"He would've came in by now to see what was going on," Nathan reminded him.
"Oh, right."
Silence hovers over them for a moment.
Patrick voice drops into seriousness. "Wait, dudes, if he's not here...his ironing is not done, and his car is still here...and the door is unlocked...there can only be one thing that could've happened to Tazer."
"And what's that?" Sidney eyes are now filled with trepidation.
"He got kidnapped, man. And there's only one group who would want to kidnap him..."

"You gotta be kidding me." Antti looks up at Sidney, Patrick, and Nathan while sitting on his chair.
"Yup..." Nathan nods his head.
"You mean he's gone‽"
"Yup..." Sidney nods his head.
"He's not there‽"
", that's what we said," Patrick tells him.
"But his can't be!" The Master stands up from his chair abruptly. "He can't be taken away! He has to be there!"
"We looked at every nook and canny."
"It's nook and cranny, Sid," Nathan corrects him.
"No, it's nook and canny."
"Enough, enough, enough, enough!" Antti waves his heads in the air, motioning the two stop fighting.
The two friends stare at their Master with wide eyes.
Antti sighs. "Thank you. Now, I believe that you guys are telling the truth--"
"Cross my heart and hope to die!" Sidney exclaims, making the hand movement with the sentence.
"Okay, thank you there, Sidney. Like what I was saying, since now you guys claimed that Jonathan has been captured--"
"I'm not captured, I'm right here!" Jonathan shouts from behind the three skaters with his mouth full. He is sitting on the main table, with a pizza in his hand and a box of pizza on the table with his feet prop on the table.
"Jonathan, get your feet off the table and don't talk with your mouth full! That's bad manners!" Antti snaps at him.
Jonathan slowly slides his feet off from the table and sits up straight; he swallows. "Better?"
"Yes, thank you." Antti turned back to the three skaters. "Now like what I was saying, since Jonathan Toews has been captured, we're gonna have to go to the EHP headquarters and fight there to get Toews into our possession. We can't leave him there."
"So that means we're gonna go to the EHP headquarters?" Sidney asks.
"Yup. It's the only way to get Toews back." Antti sits back down on this chair and turns around swiftly, facing the huge computer. He types in a few things into a blue screen and a map pulls up with a yellow dot showing the location of a place. "And I found out that the EHP headquarters have moved to Ottawa."
"They're no longer in Detroit, man?" Patrick asks.
"Nope." Antti turns around, facing them. "They're in Ottawa."
"And where are we at?" Sidney asks.
"In Ottawa as well."
Sidney gasps happily. "We're in Canada! Yay!" He bounces up and down happily, then high-fives Nathan.
"Yes, so we go confront the EHP tomorrow morning. But not all of us should go since there's many of us, so..." Antti turns back around towards the computer, typing on the keyboard.
The screen pulls down the map and pulls up a list of names.
"...I made a list of who's going to the headquarters and who's gonna stay behind to guard our headquarters." Antti turns back around. "So you three are going--"
"Am I going?" Jonathan asks with his free hand raised.
"No, you're gonna stay behind and guard this place."
"Aw, okay." He continues eating his pizza.
"And Brad's also going to come with us."
"What, why him?" Nathan asks.
"Because I got this!" Brad shouts from behind them.
The three skaters turn around and look down at Brad.
Brad is proudly holding a black and orange gun twice his size.
"Dude, who in the right mind would give Marchand a gun?" Patrick shouts with fear.
"Him." Brad has a huge, closed smile on his face as he points his gun towards Antti.
Patrick looks at Antti, who is giving him a bored look with his arms crossed. "Oh whoops, man... Heheheheh..."
"Don't worry, you guys'll also receive weapons as well to enhance your combat skills." Antti rises up and walks down the right side of the room, exiting it. A few moments later, he comes back with a medium-sized black box and a long, black box that looked like a skateboard could fit in there.
"Here are your weapons." He sets them on the end of the table Jonathan is eating on.
The three rush over to their Master.
"Nathan, for you." Antti hands Nathan the medium-sized box. "And Sidney, this is for you." He pushes the long box over to Sid.
Nathan opens his box and pulls out two silver and blue discs with a huge hole in both of them. "Discs?"
"They're like boomerangs: you throw 'em and they come back to you. And they can also slice through objects," Antti explains.
"Sweet, thanks!"
Sidney opens up his box and peers inside it; his eyes light up. "Oh my Bubbys, I didn't know these things existed!" He lifts up a cool gray-coloured glider with neon blue designs and engines on it.
"Is that a hover board?" Nathan asks excited.
"Yup! And I got it! Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh! Thanks, Nemo!"
"No problem." Antti faces Patrick.
"Uhhh...what about mine, Nemo man?"
"You get none."
"What, dude?"
"But, you get to be in charge of what's going on in the 'battlefield' since I'll also be staying here. Anyways, with your powers, a weapon for you might be useless."
"Oh, okay, man, I understand."
Sidney looks at Jonathan, who just finished eating his slice of pizza. "Look what I got, Jonny!" He raises his board in the air. "Now I can go super duper fast on it with my powers!"
"Well let's see if you can outrun my guns!" Jonathan holds up two, thin, long black guns.
Sidney gasps. "You're gonna shoot me?"
"I'm only kidding, Sid, I'll never do that!"
"Only if you're evil!"
Jonathan shoots him a grave look.
"Okay, I won't bring that up again!"
"So you guys should go practice your fight skills with your weapons down in the training room, okay?" Antti tells them.
"Alright, will do!" Nathan says, saluting his Master. "C'mon, Sid, let's go!" He grabs his friend's wrist and drags him out of the room.
Antti looks at Patrick. "You should go practice, too."
"Okay, man." Patrick exits the room.

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