Chapter 29 "I Think This is Some Type Of Alternative Reality."

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A knock echoes from the white door, making Toews snap his eyes up from the desk he is sitting in front of. He stares at the door. "Come in..."
The door opens with gentleness and Patrick strolls into the room Toews is in; the room reminds the Blackhawk captain of the president's room in the White House with the way it is designed and set up.
"Here are some more paper needing your approval of the trades they regard," Patrick tells him, holding out a stack of paper with the width of a notebook out in front of him.
"Uhhh...okay?" Toews tentatively takes the papers and sets them on his desk, staring at the typed documents. He read the top paper with uncertainty; the paper is proposing a trade of Chris Kunitz for Joe Thornton.
"Is there something wrong?" Patrick's voice comes into Toews's thoughts.
"Huh?" Toews gazes up at the blond with confusion. "Oh, no, no, no, it's fine, everything's...everything's fine..." He turns away from him, trying to not show him his anxiety.
After he left the church, Toews was driven to a large white mansion that was close by, which reminded him of the White House. He was told by his teammates, who are dressed in suit and ties, that they would help him out with being the ruler of the NHL by being his servants. Toews wanted to question them since it seemed like they had no recognition of him being their captain of the team, but he decided to let it go and see where this 'alternative reality' was heading to. And so far, it has been bothering him because he hated to see his teammates so loyal to him and the paperwork would come in like a tidal wave, paper stack after paper stack; and all he did all day is sit at his royal desk, signing papers that would alter the NHL in some way such as rule changes, playing changes, and trades. And if one saw Toews, they would immediately know he is royalty due to the king-like red robe and the king-style golden crown he has on his head. Toews wants this realty to revert to the original version, but he didn't know how--he tried, but it seemed too advance with the amount of concentration needed and anyways, the a Blackhawk servant would pop into his room asking if he is doing fine.
So everything wasn't fine. Not one bit.
"Are you sure?" Patrick asks. "Is there anything I could do for you?"
It is so weird for Toews to hear his best buddy talking to him like as if he was the Queen of England with royal concern in his voice. And he wasn't even saying the usual words he would usually say in the beginnging or the ending of a sentence with.
I have to tell him... Should I? No! Yes! He cares for me...way too much, so he go along with what I say... Toews turns back to him with wide eyes. "Patrick, can I ask you something?"
"Yes, what is it?" Patrick clasps his hands behind his back.
"Do you know...who I am?"
The blond man makes a confused look. "Yes, of course I do! You're Jonathan Toews, ruler of the NHL!"
"No, no, no, no, no!" Toews shakes his head while crossing his arms back and forth like a referee denying a goal during a game numerous times. "I'm Jonathan Toews, captain of the Blackhawks."
"You're the ruler of--"
"No, I'm just captain, that's it."
"But--!" Patrick extends his hands out at the desk he is next to. "You are the ruler--"
"Patrick, everything's not as it seems," Toews says with a serious tone. "I think this is some type of alternative reality because I am not suppose to be here... This--" He extends his arms out away from himself and makes circles with them. "--is not suppose to be here."
"What are you trying to say?" The servant makes a confused look.
The ruler drops his arms. "Look, I know I have the powers of the NHL, but I think I messed up with them. I time travelled unintentionally with them to nineteen-eighteen, then I ended up here-- This environment is something new for me--I've never been here before! That's why I'm saying I altered reality in a weird way!" Tommy told Toews before he started his time travelling adventures to nineteen-seventeen that he had the ability to warp reality; this power though is hard to unleash.
"So all that's happening is not...true?" He tilts his head to one side.
"It is, but it's not what's actually suppose to happen in the future."
"So, what are you trying to tell me?"
Toews placed the palms of his hands flat on the desk top and crouched down towards Patrick. "I need to get outta here," he says in a low tone.
Patrick's eyes widen. "But we need you here! You're ruler--"
"This...all of this! This isn't suppose to happen!" His fingers tensed. "I am suppose to play hockey for a living in the Chicago Blackhawks as captain and you, Peeks, are my best friend...!" He takes in a shaky breath. "But then I got notified that I got powers by you. And then, then I got myself in the middle of this tug-a-war with me being the knot between the GHP and EHP..." He softens his stance, leaning back gradually. "Then I had visions, random thoughts...and I tried to save you... But instead I got thrown into this mind-boggling situation!" He angrily slams his hand against the pile of papers that is perched on top of his desk; Patrick startles a bit; the papers explode into the air and slowly drift back down.
Patrick blinks at the papers then back at Toews. "You were my best friend...and you tried to save me?"
Toews gazes at him with meaning in his eyes. "Yes! You know that, right?"
"That you saved me?" He places his hand on his chest.
"No, you wouldn't know that." The ruler chuckles a bit. "'re my best friend. You know that, right?"
Patrick forms a bewildered look. "I'm your best friend?"
"Yea! You would come to my house, I could come to your house, we would practice together, we messed around with each...we won the Cup two times together..." His voice fades away as he saw Patrick's blank facial expression.
"When did that happen?" He asks puzzlingly. "I could never be friends with you, not with the ruler of the NHL--no hockey player can be friends with you or else that'll be viewed as bribery."
"What are you talking about‽" Toews abruptly stands up. "We did all those things!" He beings shaking the servant's shoulders. "Peeks, don't you remember‽"
" I suppose to?"
The ruler lets go of his shoulders. "You don' don't remember..." He sinks low into his chair. "You're not kidding."
"I'm not suppose to be kidding: I'm suppose to be loyal and honest," Patrick replies firmly.
"Patrick, this is not you!" Toews shrieks; he sits up straight. "This is not right! This has to be fixed!"
"You need any help in fixing this?" Patrick asks.
Toews thinks for a moment. "I actually do. Since I'm not allowed outside do to safety reasons--" He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "--I need you to sneak me out at night so that I can go back to actual reality."
"What about doing that here instead of outside?" The blond extends his hands out towards the front door.
"No, I need to do it outside-- It might make too much noise." Toews gazes at Patrick. "Can you do that for me? Is it a plan?"
He raises his eyebrows with a shrug. "If you say so."
Close to midnight, Toews and Patrick are standing in the middle of a moonlit forest that is located behind the White House look-a-like.
"So what would you like me to do?" Patrick asks him.
"I need you to stand over there as guard while I try to get outta here." Toews turns around and points to the edge of the forest.
"But what would happen after you leave? Everything will be chaotic!" He exclaims with wide eyes.
"No, all of this would leave and the actual reality would come back," the ruler says matter-of-factly, turning back around; he gazes up at the navy blue skies where were scattered with stars and jabbed by the silhouettes of the pine trees. I need to change this back, I need to change this back...but how? How? He then thought of how he got here in the first place: the emotions he felt, the powerful he experienced... I need that...I just gotta think about something...something that'll get me mad...very mad...and fed up.
His mind took him back to when he had to time travel back in time to hide the Stanley Cup from those evil French people. The frustration he felt when he couldn't get things right, the panic that swept him when he lost his powers, the ire that energized his powers to put him in this situation when he realized that he did have the powers of the NHL and that he was able to do anything...which brought him here.
In a few hard moments, Toews feels the power spiralling inside him, seeing the sky fading into a concrete wall. He gazes down, finding that he is now standing on concrete flooring. He snaps his eyes up, seeing the frozen battle scene that is a few feet in front of him, just like how he left the place.
He is back in the EHP HQs, back in real reality.

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