Chapter 30 "...Welcome To The Supernatural Side Of The NHL!"

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Toews spins around his heels, facing who just called him.
John walks cautiously into the room, awe-stricken. "What betided hereabouts?"
Toews blinks for a moment in shock since his mind is able to comprehend John's extensive vocabulary; he chuckles nervously. "Uh, me...I did it..."
"'re actually obtained the ability to bestow that?" He extends his hand out towards the paused societies.
"Yea, 'cause you know, I do have the powers of the NHL."
John saunters up to him. "Are you well?"
"Yea, I'm fine." Toews nods his head, happy that he is actually back to regular reality.
"Alright, good, now let's go." He nods his head towards the entrance; he grabs Toews's wrist and beings pulling him along with him.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Stop!" Toews teleports out of John's grasp in a flash of yellow energy and appears on the other side of the Islander. "What about them?" He points to the stuck battlers. "We can't leave 'em there! I came here to save Patrick in the first place."
"Ohhhh..." John nods his head meaningfully. "Thank you for the delayed forewarning." He darts his eyes to the left, staring at the societies with inquiring eyes; an insidious smirk creeps upon his face. "I fathom what to do with them." He extends his arm towards the entrance, which is to his left; wind begins filling the room, bringing along a pair of black gloves. John grabs them without looking at where they came from and slips them onto his own hands.
Toews's eyes widen. "Wait, are you--?"
"Going to fulfill my stratagem?" John cuts in with a hint of a villainous tone in his voice. "Why, yes, I am. Indefectible time to, eh?" He reaches his hand out straight at Patrick's direction; blue lightning immediately emits from his hand.
"NOOOO!!!" Toews feels a surge of energy brewing in him; he extends his hands at John.
John suddenly got thrown off his feet by what seemed like an invisible force, thrusting him onto the ground; the lightning also went along with the force, crashing onto the ground and disappearing into sparks.
The Islander groans for a moment, rocking himself on his stomach; he then pulls himself back to his feet. "What the heck is erroneous with you, Jonathan‽" he snaps harshly; he starts making his way back to to the Blackhawk.
"I am not gonna let you take away their powers!" Toews snaps, walking over to John. "There's a better way to do this!" He jabs a finger at them.
"Oh, there is?" He stops moving and crosses his arms with a smirk. "It seems like Jonathan here assumes that he is more ingenious than me, eh?"
"Knowledge wise, maybe not--wisdom wise, heck yea. Let the ruler of the NHL deal with this," Toews replies gravely, pointing to his chest with his thumb.
John narrows his eyes at him and steps backwards without saying a word, letting Toews do his thing.
Toews stands in front of the frozen power players; a plan to fix this pops up into his mind with ease. "Got it." He extends his hands out towards the fighters. A black space beings unfolding behind them, emitting screeches and howls and other horrific cacophony from it; he stretches it so that it is the size of a person. Then like controlling a hologram device, Toews got a ahold of the first bad guy he could grab with the force of his hand through his mind and pushes him into the hole; the person disappears into the darkness, not moving himself. He did this with the other guys in suit and ties until he gets to Kari. "You try to hurt Peeks...I'll hurt you." Then tosses a determined-looking Kari into the hold. He then immediately throws his right hand up in the air; the hole zips itself up into thin air, disappearing from sight. He turns around on his heels, facing John.
John is standing there in the shadows with a dark look on his face. "You should've done the populace."
"No, only the bad guys. These guys here don't deserve that type of punishment because they did what was right: to protect the NHL." He extends his arm towards the frozen GHP.
"I cannot posit you." He shakes his hand with arms crossed, strolling up to him. "You first were for me, and now you're completely in contrast to me--"
"That's because I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Now I have the wisdom of how to control the NHL and what's the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do. What I did was the best thing to do. I'm sorry John, but that's how it is. If I were you, trash your plan--these guys get to keep their powers."
"What if I presume they don't merit their powers--?"
"John, you know nothing, nothing of what's the best for the NHL. You can either respect me and my choosing or go to my bad side. And right now, you're doing a great job going to my bad side. So to save yourself from my destructive powers I get when I'm mad, I consider letting me do the right things or shutting up."
John blinks for a moment. "Alright, alright then..." He shakes his head while looking down. "I apologize, It's just a inclination put myself up to obtain the topmost stature, that's all..." He gazes back up. "I have to admit that you are more supreme than me and that it's what you declare is correct, not me... It's going to take transiently to adjust to this, though, I surmise."
Toews raises his eyebrows. "So you're sticking around with me?"
"Definitely, kid." He pats his shoulder, looking down at the ruler. "I see you upgraded your wardrobe there, eh?"
"What?" Toews looks down at himself, finding that he still has his royal robe draped on him. "I still have this‽"
"I guess it's part of the NHL ruler attire!" John chuckles.
"It's actually pretty warm and comfortable." He strokes the fluffy edge of the robe.
"Well--" John extends his hand towards the frozen GHP. "--what are you going to bestow on them, Tazer boy?"
Toews just looks at them.
Immediately, the GHP drops onto the ground, groaning and breathing heavily.
"I've never been in the air for so long!" Sidney groans, getting up.
"Aw, I'm sore!" Jonathan rubs his upper arm.
All the others comment and mumble while gaining their composure.
While that is going on, the setting and everyone else gains their colour back, like a 40s movie turning into a 21st century movie; their spy clothes formed back to their regular street clothes they were wearing before their transformation happened; their powers twists back to their assigned team powers, except for Jonas's fire, that stayed; the HQs turns much brighter with sunlight coming in as huge rays.
Patrick snaps his eyes up, which land on Toews. "Tazer, man?" He jumps up to his feet and rushes over to him, engulfing him into a huge hug. "Oh, dude, you're here, you're here!" He lets go, looking at him. "This is so radical, man, I would've never had thought you'd be here!"
"Yea, I was the one who saved you guys!"
"But how?"
"By my powers!" Toews lifts a hand up, letting soft streaks of yellow energy flow from the palm.
Patrick gasps excitedly. "You found your powers, man!"
"Yea, and accepted 'em!" He rolls his eyes, turning his hand into a fist and dropping it a side. "It was a crazy adventure I had to take in order to use them! But now I'm here!"
"So you're now the Master of the NHL?" Sidney asks with awe in his eyes.
"Yup! More like ruler...or how I remember Tommy saying it, 'right hand ruler of the NHL.'"
"You met Gorman, dude?" Patrick asks.
"Yup!" Toews replies with a smile.
"Did he scare you at first, man? Like how he looks like a hologram? Dude, I thought he was a zombie when I first heard of him!" The Blackhawk chuckles a bit.
"Hologram? Zombie?" The ruler makes a disgusted look. "No! He was human! I meet him when the NHL first started!"
Everyone's eyes go wide.
"It's a long story, trust me. But I'll tell it to you when I get the chance to."
"Yay, story time!" Sidney claps happily.
"Not right now, later!" Nathan tells him.
"Oh yea..." The Penguin's eyes wonder around the surroundings. "I wonder where Bubby's at..." Footsteps echo through the hallway and into the room; everyone faces the entrance of the hallway to see who is coming.
Antti enters the room and stops as he sees his group.
"NEMO!!!!" All the GHP rushes over to him and covers him in hugs; they are all happy to see that their Master returns.
"Wow, their attention could alter focus facilely," John comments, "especially to Niemi." He said 'Niemi' in a disgusted tone.
"John." Toews faces the Islander.
John faces the Blackhawk. "Yes?"
"Do me one favour: please be nice to Niemi. What he did wasn't his fault and he didn't do it tensionally to hurt you. Just converse with him and you'll see that he's a great person."
He makes a sour look. "Why do you get to call the shots?"
"Fine. I'll try to extinguish my disdain towards Niemi. For you, smalls." He forces a small smile on his face.
"Not for me, for yourself." Toews pats his shoulder. "Do it when you get the chance to."
"Will do." John smiles bigger.
Tommy then enters the headquarters in his hologram-self; he stops to look at the hugging good guys. "Wow, that's a lot of hugs in one! Bobrovsky would be jealous!"
"Nemo's alive!!" Sidney exclaims, looking at the hologram-like human.
"Well, we hope he's alive!"
"But he was gone for a while!"
"That's because him himself, Gorman, he was gone for a while," Jonathan tells Sidney.
They all pull apart, gazing at the founder of the NHL.
"Where's the EHP? This is their HQs," Antti comments, looking around the room.
"They're gone," Toews answers, stepping up to them in a royal manner.
Tommy's eyes go wide. "The ruler! My right hand ruler has arrived!"
The ruler eyes the founder awkwardly. "Tommy?"
"Yes, that's my name," he replies.
"See, man, he's a hologram!" Patrick tells him. "Gnarly, huh?"
"Well, at least he's alive!" Toews comments.
"Wait, wait, wait--" Antti cuts in. "--the EHP is gone?" He looks at Toews.
"Yea! I locked them up in a nightmare...Nightmare Imprisonment--" He shakes his head. "Ugh, it's the weirdest thing to have knowledge that randomly comes to your mind!" He looks at them normally. "But yea, they're all gone!"
"That's it?" Pekka asks. "So you just did all the work for us?"
"Well, he was the only way to save the NHL, right?" Nathan points out.
"Ohhhhh!!!" everyone awes out.
"So if other mean people wanna take over the NHL, we just call you and you can take care of them?" Sidney asks Toews.
He shrugs. "I guess..." He turns to Tommy. "Right, Tommy?"
"Yup!" Tommy smiles. "I'm so glad you now have access to your powers as my right hand ruler!"
"They're pretty sweet...and quite dangerous...," the ruler comments.
"Because you are the ultimate protecter of the NHL...when things go from bad to worse. But you'll do'll just take some time to control and use the major powers." The founder of the NHL pats his shoulder.
"Now we can practice fighting with each other!" Patrick exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. "How radical would that be, man‽"
"That would be cool..." Toews's voice fades off as his thoughts trail over to when John was trying to make him able to use his powers back at his home. "Wait." He turns around, looking at the Islander, who is just standing behind the group silently. "John!"
John perks up at him.
"Come here!" Toews nods towards the group's direction.
He looks to his right, then to his left, then saunters over to the group, stopping next to the Blackhawk.
"You guys, this is John, you know, John Tavares, captain of the Islanders." Toews places a hand on his shoulder. "He was the one who saved me from the EHP and did his best to try to make me realize that I have powers and that I had to use them to save the NHL. He played a big role in bringing me to this position. He helped a lot, making my powers surface so that I could use them; he also made his house an asylum so that I wouldn't get captured..." He turns to look at him. "Thanks, John."
John dips his head, turning a bit red. "I'm not worthy of this one bit, smalls," he says in a low voice.
"I'm not done yet." He gazes back at the group. "I was wondering if John here can have a second chance and would be able to work with us here in the Good Hockey Players' Society."
The Islander's head snaps back up. "What?" he asks with wide eyes.
"Yea. You wanted to, right?"
John looks around the society, his eyes landing on Antti; Antti eyes him back with an uncertain look. "Look, it's accpetable if you guys don't want to acquire me, I very much apprehend the cause..." he says with sorrow. "...I know I am aware that I don't attain the expectations of the society...that I need to gain control of my powers..." He makes a confused look. "...whereabouts that news came from..."
"Tavares," Antti speaks up, "You are a great fighter. But I need to know why you wanted to take away everyone's powers."
John's stomach drops. "It was a doltish plan, I threw it away, accredit me."
He sighs. "But did that lightning...was it actually capable of erasing a power player's power out of existence?" Antti asks.
"Yes. I devised it, actualized it, and confirmed it out myself."
"You made those gloves? How?" The Finn's eyes go wide.
"I just--"
"He's a mad scientist guys," Toews cuts in, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Jonathan!" John hisses.
"It's true!" He shrugs.
"So you can create a robot that can do my homework?" Sidney asks with hope in his eyes.
"Homework?" Nathan makes a confused look at his friend. "Since when did you go back to school?"
"Oh, that was what I wanted when I was little!" He smacks his forehead a bit. "Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!"
"Well, I actually did assembled a robot to do my homework in my youth," John replies.
"Wow, that's cool!" The Penguin says with awe.
"So you can make a bunch of army robots like what the EHP had?" Brad asks; Cam, who is wearing his NHL Police uniform, comes into the room, carrying a dead, dark green robot over his shoulder. "Like that?" He points behind his shoulder to the goalie with his thumb.
John shrugs, scrutinizing at it. "I can put an attempt to it!"
Bernier comes rushing into the room with Mike following him. "We're here! We're here! Where are those evil people?" He stands next to Tommy, placing his hands on his hips.
"They're gone! You're late!" Sidney tells him matter-of-factly.
"What police force we have!" Jonathan mutters, rolling his eyes.
"Awwww! I had to cut my maple leaf cookie break short for this!" the sheriff pouts a bit.
"But at least you know they're gone!" Toews tells them.
"And that there're cool robots here!" Cam exclaims, rising the robot in the air with his aerokinetic powers.
"Are there any more of those cyborgs hereabouts? John asks.
"Plenty more over there to the left!" The Hurricane goalie points to the entrance. "They're in a secret storage room embedded in the wall."
"I'll then aquire an exiguous amount to experiment on, for you guys." The Islander smiles a bit.
"Yes!" Brad pumps his fist in the air.
"Wait, how did you even find us?" Jonas asks the police, eating from a bag of chips.
"By these guys!" Mike holds up Tatu and Ari, who are held up with one in each hand.
"Tatu!" Pekka exclaims.
The black orb wedges itself out of Mike's grasp and flies slowly over to Pekka; it lands on his shoulder with a huge, "Whew!"
Ari floats over next to Antti. Kaikki on hieno. (All is fine.)
"Että on erittäin hienoa tietää," Antti replies happily (That is very nice to know!)
"Hyvä, nyt pitää sen sellaisena!" Pekka chuckles a bit. (Good, now keep it that way!)
Toews goes pale. "I can understand you guys..."
The Finns eye him weirdly.
"You can?" Pekka asks. "What did I just say?
"'Good, now keep it that way,'" the ruler replies blankly.
"Since when did you know Finnish, man?" Patrick asks his friend.
"I have no idea, like what I said--"
"Can you say something in Finnish?" Pekka asks.
"Fiński, prawda?" Toews asks (Finnish, right?)
"Nie, głupi, mówisz po polsku," John replies with a grave look. (No, silly, you speak Polish).
"Omnilingualism," Tommy informs the others, "the ability to understand and speak a language fluently. Can be pretty hard at first, apparently."
"Spreche ich jetzt Finnisch?" Toews asks, extending his arms out. (Now can I speak Finnish)
Jonas's eyes light up, stopping his chip eating. "Jemand kann tatsächlich Deutsch sprechen!" (Someone can actually speak German!)
Toews smacks his forehead in response.
"Nicht aufgeben, Sie werden sich bald sprechen Finnisch." John pats Toews's back. (Don't give up, you will soon speak Finnish).
Toews sighs. "It's gonna take some practice, that's for sure!"
"Sure thing!" Tommy backs up.
" that the bad guys are gone, can we celebrate?" Sidney asks. "We can go to Papa Crosby's!"
Nathan nods vehemently in agreement.
"Why not? We do need to have a proper welcome for John going into the GHP, right?" Antti asks.
John's eyes go wide. "I'm in the GHP?"
"Oh of course! You'll be a huge benefit with your scientific knowledge and powers!" he tells him.
"Well, thank you!" The Islander tugs at his collar a bit. "So you're okay with me being in your society?"
"Yes, why would there be a problem--?"
"Piiiiiiiizzzzzzza...!" Sidney whispers impatiently.
"Oh, right, we can talk about this over pizza." Antti looks at his society. "Shall we all go now?"
"Can we come as well?" Bernier asks.
"Sure! Why not all of us go have pizza all together?"
"Yay!" Sidney and Nathan exclaims together.
"I'm gonna have to go back to the basement," Tommy tells them. "I don't want to be scaring people now, eh?"
Everyone chuckles a bit, imagining Tommy walking down the street the way he is.
"But before I leave--" The founder of the NHL places his hand on Toews's shoulder. "--Jonathan Toews, captain of the Blackhawks, from Winnipeg, Manitoba--I name you right hand ruler of the NHL. May your presence and powers help those who are in dire need. May you use your position not for your own advantage, but for the benefit of others. May your future give you wisdom to bring out your task assigned to your position." He slips his hand off from his shoulder and straightens up. "We had not had this position taken for decades. But Jonathan...welcome to the supernatural side of the NHL!"

The End.

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