The new people, and a new relationship?

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Aphmau-"WHO'S THERE!?"
Chris-"I'm Chris." He looks cute
Aphmau-"And why are you here?! Where are you from?!" I say with as much power and authority I have in my voice as possible.
Chris-"I-I'm from Pheniox Drop and I found Ezra about two, three weeks ago, on the run from O'kasis."
Ezra-"I-I'm from O'kasis. I ran when I found out what O'kasis is doing to people. I ran into Chris and we stuck together ever since..."
Chris-"A-And who are y-you?"
Aphmau-"I'm Red Reaper."
Aaron-"I'm Aaron."
Kawaii~Chan-"And Kawaii~Chan is Kawaii~Chan! Nice to meet Chris~Kun and Ezra~Kun."
Chris and Ezra look at me and Aaron with puzzled expressions on.
Aphmau-"Kawaii~Chan talks in third-person." I said, nodding over to Kawaii~Chan. Then, realization comes over Chris and Ezra on what I said on who I am.
Chris-"W-Wait. Y-Y-You're t-the Red R-Reaper?!"
Ezra-"T-The most wanted C-Criminal?!"
I chuckle and say,"No as in the happy kitty that purrs when it eats and sleeps." I say with sarcasm laced in my voice, and end with a smirk. Whereas, Aaron besides me, chuckles and rolls his eyes, and Kawaii~Chan laughs.
Chris-"Wow! Really?" He says with sarcasm.
Aphmau-"Totally... I wish..." I say with honesty in the end.
Ezra chuckles and says,"Me too... Me too..." Chris nods in agreement.
Then Kawaii~Chan leans over to me and whispers,"They look so Kawaii together!"
I look down and shake my head.
Kawaii~Chan whispers next to me again, and says,"Chrizra? Kawaii~Chan ships it!"
(I'm bad at ship names. >~<)
I just say,'No,' in my head over and over until Aaron speaks.
Aaron-"Hey Red Reaper?" As he says the name he rolls his eyes.
I chuckle and say,"Yes?"
Aaron-"Can these two stay with us for awhile?" I scoff,"Hey, be nice for a change."
Aphmau-"I let you stay over." I say, a smirk at the end.
Aaron smirks and responds,"You said it was because I had a kid with me."
Aphmau-"And, because Garroth and Zane's mom and younger brother was with us, and they have the right to meet them, again!"
Aphmau-"But... I'll let them stay for awhile." I say, turn my head towards Chris and Ezra as I speak.
Chris-"Thank y-you."
Aphmau-"Let's go! Kawaii~Chan lead the way!"
I let everyone go in front of me, so I am last. As we are walking, all I think about is how Aaron thinks of me now, and where that puts us in relationship wise. Will we become a thing? What will happen when he has to leave? Or will he want to stay with us? Or... W-Will he want me to be t-the Lord of Pheniox Drop again? I also wonder what going on with O'kasis, we haven't seen them since this morning. Mmmm.... I wonder, are they planing something? Gosh! I hate O'kasis!
Aaron-"Hey! Aph! You ok?!" I hear Aaron yelling at me.
Aphmau-"W-What? Oh, hi Aaron. Whatcha need?"
Aaron-"You look deep in thought. What are you thinking?"
Aaron-"Suuuure!" As he rolls his eyes.
I, lightly, push him forward, rolling my eyes, and walking forwards saying,"Let's go! Aaron!"
Aaron-"Yea, Red Reaper, let's go!"
I smirk and say,"Gladly, Ender! Come!"
Chris and Ezra-"Who's Ender?"
Kawaii~Chan-"Kawaii~Chan's ship!"
I just roll my eyes to that.
Aphmau-"Take me home."
Ender-"Ok, anyone else?"
Ezra-"M-May I-I come? I-If I c-can."
Aphmau-"Of course. Hop on."
I hop on but I see Ezra having some trouble so I stretch out a hand for him, which he takes. Once we are on I whisper to Ender,"Call me Red Reaper for now, ok? Just to conceal my identity."
Ender-"Ok, Red Reaper."
Aphmau-"Let's go!" And with that Ender starts flying towards our house with Aaron, Kawaii~Chan, and Chris behind us.
Aphmau-"Run, Aaron, run!"
Aaron-"I don't see you running!"
Aphmau-"I already did all lot of running! So shut up!"

After awhile I see the familiar house I have lived in for a couple years.
Ender-"We're here, Red Reaper!"
Once Ezra and I get off, Ender turns in to a Galaxy cat. It's purrfect.
(Puns! ;))
Aaron then come running into my field of vision. Along with Kawaii~Chan and Chris.
Aphmau-"Wow, what toke you so long?"
Aaron-"Sush!" I roll my eyes.
Aphmau-"Remember who's in charge."
Aaron-"In which group?"
Aphmau-"The Criminals."
Aaron-"Oh, right."
Aphmau-"Chris, Ezra follow me. You will be staying in my room because the other rooms are filled at the moment."
Chris-"It's fine."
Ezra-"Yea, it's fine."
Aphmau-"Ok then. Follow me."
Chris and Ezra follows me to my room. I'm still thinking if Aaron and I are a thing when Galaxy runs into me.
Galaxy-"People! O'kasis! Help!"
Aphmau-"I'll be right back! Galaxy let's go!"
While we are running, Galaxy turns into Ender. I hop on Ender and we fly towards where the people in trouble are. Once we see them, I jump off of Ender, grabbing a branch, swaying down, branch to branch, till I'm on the ground.
Aphmau-"BACK AWAY!" I summon a sword in my right and use my left to, also, grab the handle of the sword. There's about five guards and two people.
Guard Three-"Why? Whatcha going to do about it?"
I draw the sword over my head, still with both hands wrapped around the handle, and fling it towards the third guard, striking him in the heart, killing him instantly.
Guard One-"Who are you?!"
I smirk and respond,"Red Reaper!"
Guard Five-"Liar." With that I summon a bow and arrow, I put the arrow into the shaft and I bring the end of the arrow to my chin, while its connected to the bow.
I smirk and and say,"Who's a liar now?" And I release the arrow, hitting him right between the eyes, killing him.
Two down, three to go!

Rossome Lover-"Will Aphmau get hurt? While someone come and help? What about Chris and Ezra, what will happen with them? Read on to find out! Hope you have a Rossome day and to stay Rossome!!" \(^W^)/

1092 Words!

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