Whatcha speak'n?

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Two down, three to go!
Aphmau-"Who wants to fight now?"
Guards One, Two, and Four look frightened. Wow, Ivy really needs to find better guards, but I guess this helps me out with killing them, so, really, I can't complain.
Guard Four-"We'll release the people with us, if you let us go." His voice sounded as if he's pleading. Instead I'm going to have a little fun with this.
Aphmau-"Line up, you three!" With that command they get into a line, which is sad that they are now following me, but oh well. I summon a sword and walk right up to Guard Four.
Aphmau-"Did you tell me that these people, who are currently behind me, are free to go if I let you go?"
Guard Four-"Y-Yes." With that I stab him in the heart, with my sword, killing him.
Guard One-"You said t-that if we l-let the people go w-we would be a-able to go."
Guard One-"Y-You killed him."
Aphmau-"And now I shall kill you too." I stab him, with the sword I kill Guard Four with, killing him.
Aphmau-"Now, what's your name?"
Guard One-"J-James."
Aphmau-"Ok, James, you will be coming with me. If you try to escape I'll kill you with absolute no hesitation involved. Are we good so far?"
Aphmau-"Good. Everyone else where is everyone from?!"
A man about in his 20s responds,"Nous ne parlons pas anglais, désolé." Oh... He must only speak French and mustn't understand what I'm saying.
Aphmau-"D'où êtes-vous?"
The same man as before replies,"P-Pheniox Drop. Aussi, tu vas nous blesser? Ne faites pas."
Aphmau-"Non, je viens vous aider d'un des cinq gars derrière moi. Je promets."
The same man replies,"Merci."
Aphmau-"Allons-y!" And with that everyone, including James and I, walk to Pheniox Drop.

Once we get there I am greeted by Aaron, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Dante.
Aaron-"Do they live here?"
Aphmau-"Yes. Just a second." Once I'm finished I turn to face the group I rescued, and James.
Aphmau-"James! Go with Dante to the cell which you will be held in, you will be given food and water, don't push it." I finish, glaring at him,"Got that Dante?"
Dante-"Yes, Lord." He then takes James to the cells.
Aphmau-"Tout le monde est licencié!"
The whole group responds with,"Merci!" Then goes their separate ways.
Aphmau-"Pas de problème." I turn back to Aaron and the rest to see them wide-eyed.
Aphmau-"Quelle? I mean what?"
Aaron-"Y-You can speak French?"
Kawaii~Chan-"Why didn't Kawaii~Chan know about this, Aphmau~Senpai?!"
Aphmau-"Sorry, Kawaii~Chan."
Kawaii~Chan-"Just say sorry in French and Kawaii~Chan will be fine, Aphmau~Senpai."
Aphmau-"Désolé, Kawaii~Chan."
Kawaii~Chan screams and runs away, while I laugh.
Aaron-"Can you speak multiple languages?"
Aaron-"How many?"
Aphmau-"Relmente no sé, es como un poder, supongo."
Aaron-"English, please."
Aphmau-"Oh, sorry. What I said was,'I really don't know, it's like a power, I suppose.'"
Aaron-"Oh, can you speak German?"
Aphmau-"Whatcha will mich sagen?"
I take a deep breathe and say,"Jeg elsker deg." And walk away, leaving Aaron confused.
(Do you know what she said? Type whatcha think in the comments!
Hint: It's not German, French, or Spanish! Stay Rossome!!!)

I open my door to my house. Where three kids come running out.
Malachi and Levin-"Mommy! You're back!" They say, while hugging me. I laugh and ask,"Hey... Where's Jacob?"
Jacob-"Right here!" He says, while walking around a corner."Where's Dad?" He continues.
Aphmau-"Outsi-" I begin but get cut off by Aaron saying,"Right here!"
I sigh and ask,"Where's Ezra and Chris?"
Vylad-"In your room."
Vylad-"Pas de problème."
Aaron-"Wait! You know French?!"
Vylad shakes his and says,"No, I just picked it up after living with her for so long."
Aaron tenses beside me and says,"Oh..."
Aphmau-"I'll be with Chris and Ezra. Au revoir!" And I walk to my room.
When I open my door I am very surprised on what I see.

Rossome Lover-"What do you think she saw? Will Chris, Ezra, or both be plotting something? Will there be someone else there? Reason to find out!! Have a Rossome day and stay Rossome!!!" \(^W^)/
(Made James up, too.)

765 Words!

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