2: New Home

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"Alright, You seem like someone who knows about fashion." I say as i turn to wally.

"How do I look?" I ask as i do a full 360.

"Like you're from here." He says as he scans me with his eyes and i smile.

I've taken a shower which was really needed. Dressed up in my new clothes and styled my (h/l) up.

"Alright, Follow me." He says and i do as I'm told. Following him through his cute little home. Everything was organized nicely but something caught my eye.

Some posters hang on the wall, They all looked old but in nice condition. I stop and stare, Wally was in the center. Painting on a canvas and a whole array of colorful characters were surrounding him.

I turn to wally and he looks at the poster with a frown.

"What's this?"

"We can talk about that later. There's something i want to show you." He takes my hand and i jump.

"I'm sorry! L-lets go." He takes his hand back and i immediately felt bad. I wasn't used to physical contact much.

I take one last look at the poster, A weird feeling consumes me.

Why, Why do i feel connected to this somehow?

I follow wally outside and look at his house.

"What the!" I fall backwards on the ground.

"Neighbor?" Wally looks over at me confused then looks up.

"Oh! That's home!" He says cheerfully.

"I-its alive?" I ask and wally chuckles.

"Yes, I should have told you sooner."

Homes eyes moved between me and Wally's interaction.

Squeak. Squeak.

"Oh, Home says hello. They are happy to meet you."

"O-Oh, Hello home." I get up and dust myself off.

So, that's who wally was talking to.

"We'll, See you later home!" Wally walks off and i wave my goodbye to the house. It's windows waving goodbye back.

Wow, This has to be a fever dream.

"It's so colorful and bright here." I mutter.

Everything looked out of a children's coloring book.

Wally kept walking until i see... A big red bird?

"Poppy, How are you?" Wally stops to conversate with her.

"Is this our new neighbor?" She looks over at me like an excited mother.

"Indeed, Isn't she darling?" Wally says and i blush.

"She's adorable, I'm poppy!" Her feathers ruffle in excitement and i couldn't help but smile.

"I'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you."

She nods and i look at her take out something from the basket she was holding.

"Here sweetheart. I hope you like it. I just made a batch." She hands me a cookie and hands wally one.

Wally's eyes brightened up.

"These are my favorite!" He says and i take a bite of the cookie.

I think i just found out the way to heaven.

"These are incredible!"

Poppy smiles and i look at wally.

He was standing there like he didn't just have a cookie. No crumbs and his mouth didn't even move.

"Did you eat it already? That was quick." Wally turns slightly pink.

"Anyways, It was nice to finally meet you! I'll see you around." Poppy says as she waves goodbye.

I follow wally until we arrive to a small (f/c) home. The roof was dark grey and there was flower bushes around the sides.

Wally walks up to the door and looks back at me with a smile.

"Welcome Home, (y/n)." He opens the door and i gasp.

Walking in, It was almost like my childhood home.

Except, less depressing.

Anyways, The furniture looked new. All adorning the color red, Even the walls and floor were colorful.

"This is...." I turn towards wally.


Wally blushes.

"It wasn't all me, Home made sure it would look like something you might like..." He trails off as he looks around.

"Since, You'll be here for quite awhile I'm guessing, You deserve a proper home."

"Oh, Hey wally!" A bright voice comes from my front door and i see a tall mailman.

He looks over at me and whistles.

"A new neighbor? So, You're real. Nice to meet you! I'm Eddie, Eddie Dear!" He smiles brightly at me. Wally looks between me and Eddie and finally his stare ends on me.

"That's a cute name. I'm (y/n)!"

I can feel Wally's gaze turn more intense and i look over at him, Raising an eyebrow.

Eddie blushes slightly at the compliment.

"T-thanks, I'm the mailman in this small town so if you need help with anything mail related. I'm your guy!" He takes out an envelope and hands it to wally. Soon he walks out and waves goodbye.

"You stare a lot." I tell wally.

Wally looks away from me and walks towards the door.

"I'll let you get settled in. If you need me, I'll be at home." He begins to leave but i stop him.

"Wait! I don't know where you live exactly." I exclaim.

He looks over at me.

"All roads lead to home." He said simply.

Is he annoyed?

"B-but-" he interrupts me.

"My home is in the middle of this town. So, all roads always lead to home." He leaves without a goodbye.

Leaving me alone in my new home and slightly dejected.

I sigh and look around once more. It was a fairly simple home.

Walking to my own room, I look around.

It looked like my childhood bedroom.

"Is decorating even needed if it's already colorful?" I mutter.

A tap at my door knocks me out of my thoughts and i go towards the front door.

Opening it up, I see a person with a star shaped head and overalls.

"Wally's right, You're different from us!" She looks shocked and i strain my eyes against the brightness she brings.

"Pardon?" I ask.

"O-oh, Im sorry. We haven't gotten a neighbor in forever! I forget my manors." She looks embarrassed.

"I'm Sally starlet!"

"I'm (y/n)." I strain my eyes and she notices.

"Oh! Sorry," the brightness went down and i sigh in relief.

"When i get excited, I tend to shine a lot of light." She explains and i nod.

"Well, It was nice to finally meet you! I'll see you around." She walks off and i wave goodbye. Shutting my door, I lean against it.

Why do i have a feeling, I wont be getting out of here anytime soon.

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