3. Neighborhood Fun

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"All roads lead to home..." I mumble as i step outside.

After looking at every nook and cranny of my new home. I had nothing else to do except go outside. Though the box tv in the living room is interesting since it reminds me of my childhood but i wonder what year this place is in.

It's has to be before the 1990's....

I go behind my home and see a small patch of dirt.

"I could plant stuff..." I mumble as i look around the fenced area.

It wasn't huge but big enough to plant a few things and maybe set up an outdoor seating area.

Walking back to the front, I decided that maybe walking around this place will give me answers.


So, Wally wasn't lying.

I somehow walked for half an hour and now i found myself infront of Wally's home again. Yet, I don't remember how to get back.

I turn to leave but i bump into something.

"Ow!" A female voice whined as we both fell to the ground.

I rub my head and look over, She might be the most normal looking person here... If you exclude the horns.

Her blond hair shined in the sunlight and she was wearing a pretty red dress. Green and blue ombre tights. She looks up and smiles.

"That's one way to meet you!" She giggles.

She gets up and dusts herself off, Holding her hand out for me to take. I gladly took her hand and got up. Dusting myself off and she speaks.

"I'm Julie Joyful! You must be (y/n), Wally has talked a little about you." She muses and i blush at wally talking about me.

"Oh, Yes that's me! I didn't know wally talked about me...." I say and she giggles.

"Well, I never seen him so alive before. Oh, Were you going somewhere important?" She asks and i feel someone staring at me so i turn but all i see is home with their eyes closed. The window on the side was open slightly but i couldn't see anything.

I turn back to Julie and shake my head.

"No, I'm just walking around... I somehow got lost." I admit.

"It happens to the best of us. I'm currently going to meet my best friend, Would you like to come?" She asks and i agreed.

I have nothing else to do.

She takes my hand and my eyes widen. Was everyone this friendly?

She starts to run towards the opposite direction of Wally's home and i almost tripped by trying to catch up to her pace.

Soon, He came upon a regular looking home with flowers around it. Julie walks up and knocks on the door and soon a grumpy guy opened up the door.

"Frank! Look who I bumped into!" Julie exclaims as she steps aside and he looks over to me. His eyebrows raise up and he looks at my sweater.

"So, You liked my gift?" He says.

"T-This is from you?" I asked surprised and he nods.

"The sweater was a gift. Everything else, Wally got it for you." He leans against the door, His arms folded.

"That explains the butterflies." Julie says looking at me.

"I was with wally when he went to howdy's. He was looking at clothes for this mysterious new neighbor. I picked that one out and he ran with it." Frank speaks like he's bored of this conversation already.

"It's wonderful. Thank you." I thank him and he nods. He steps aside, Julie grabs my arm and we go inside.

"I'm (y/n) by the way." I tell him as i walk past him. He shuts the door and looks at me.

"I'm Frank Frankly. It's ab- Julie!" He walks past me towards Julie. She was currently trying to catch a butterfly that was flying freely.

"Careful! Her wings are delicate!" Frank says as he holds his hand out and the butterfly lands on his finger.

I look around and notice the amount of books. It's a whole library, Among that, He had paintings and diagrams of butterflies. Some jars on a table holding a couple of live butterflies.

"I caught them this morning... They are new around here since I've never seen their color patterns before..." He trails off and Julie awes at him.

"That's a cute hobby actually." I mutter.

A knock on the door catches the butterfly on franks hand off guard and it flies off. Making frank sigh.

"Now, Who would interrupt me now." He mumbles and walks towards the door.

I scan the books he has. Remembering i used to read so much when i was younger.

"No, Barnaby, I will NOT catch my running refrigerator." Frank says agitated and i snicker at the joke. Walking towards the front door. I see a huge blue dog with polkadot all over him.

"Oh, Come on. You know that was fu- Oh! Is this the new neighbor? Why are you harboring her?" Barnaby teases and Frank rolls his eyes.

"I'm Barnaby! If you need a good laugh. Im your pup!"

"I would hardly call you a pup." Frank says and i giggle.

"I'm (y/n)-"

"Oh, I know! Wally told me a lot about you. Honestly, He wouldn't stop yapping. Apparently, You snore a little in your sleep." Barnaby chuckles as my cheeks turn red.

Damn you wally.

"Anyways, I'm going to howdy's! I think you haven't met him yet." Barnaby looks at me and i shake my head no.

"I'll take you to him, I'm sure he would love to meet you!"

Frank looks at me and speaks.

"Please go with him before he starts making more jokes." He says and i give in. Saying my goodbyes to Julie and Frank. Barnaby leads the way to a small store in a corner of the neighborhood.

The bell rang as we open the door and i freeze.

A giant caterpillar with two sets of arms stands by the cash register.

"Barnaby! Back again?"

"I bring company this time." He says as he walks to the side so the caterpillar can see me.

"Oh wow. Hello there! I'm howdy, The owner of this store." He greets and i smile at him.

"I'm (y/n)." I say and his smile grows.

"No wonder wally came this morning to buy fruits and pancakes. He usually only buys here once a week." He says and imagine wally trying to plan and prepare a breakfast for me.

"That's sweet of him..." I mutter.

"I'm glad you think so..."

I spin and see wally standing there. A smile on his face and a basket in his hands.

Howdy quickly goes to the back of the store and Barnaby laughs.

"I see you basically met everyone in the neighborhood...." He walks to Barnaby and smacks him lightly on the arm.

"Everyone is saying i talked nonstop about her!"

Barnaby laughs harder at Wally's irritated tone.

"Sometimes, I wonder how you became my best friend." Wally mutters and Barnaby looks over me.

"Because I'm the apple of his eye, But it looks like i might be getting replaced." He teases and my cheeks feel warm.

Wally rolls his eyes and turns to me.

"I came to apologize for my rudeness earlier. I wasn't feeling well...." He says looking a little ashamed.

"It's alright..."

He clears his throat and steps closer to me.

"I was wondering, Would you like to have dinner at my home tonight? I would like to get to know you better." His smooth voice makes it hard to even say no.

"That would be nice." I say and he smiles cheerfully at me.

"oOoOO, Dinner." Barnaby teases and wally gives him a side glare making me choke on his own spit. Coughing, He turns and mutters a 'nevermind'

I couldn't help but giggle making Wally's shoulders less tense.

"Shall we then?"

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