5. Grocery Shopping

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I wake up from sleep and drag myself out of bed. Pulling the curtains apart, My heart skips a beat as i remember everything from the day before.

I'm in Welcome Home....

I pinch myself and feel pain.

So, It isn't a dream.

Sighing, I walk towards the bathroom and start to take a shower.

The water runs down my back and i think about everyone here. They are exactly as how they were on the show. My mind stops at wally and i frown.

He seems especially sad about the fact the show disappeared. It must have affected him a lot.

I step out and wrap a towel around me.

"Is everything so colorful here?" I whisper as i look into the closet.

As someone who usually wears dark colors... This was new to me but i take out simple red overalls with cute flowers on it. Pulling on a simple white shirt under, I put slip on some regular black shoes and sigh.

My hair was still damp so i decided to leave it down.

Walking towards the kitchen, I stop.

"Shit, I don't have food." I mumble and i groan.

Was kind of money do they even use here?

"Maybe.... I should ask wally for help." I mumble as i walk towards my front door and open it.

I felt something hit my chest and i see Wally's fist hitting my chest.

"O-oh!" He exclaims as he steps back quickly. His cheeks turning red.

"What horrible timing..." He mutters and i turn pink.

"I'm sorry, I just came to see how your first night alone in the neighborhood went." He says as he rubs his arm embarrassed.

"Actually, I was about to go look for you.." i admit and he brightens at that.

"Is there anything you need?"

I close my door and stand beside him. His eyes follow me.

"What kind of money do you use here? I need to buy groceries..." I say and wally smiles.

"Don't worry about money. I'll pay for it." He offers and my eyes went wide.

"No! That's alright-" He shushes me.

"It's the least i could do. After all, What kind of neighbor would i be if i can't help you out?" He started to walk ahead and motions me to follow.


"Don't fight back." He looks at me and i freeze at his stare.

"You won't win." He says simply and my heart races.

I don't remember him being so... Dominating before.

We walk in comfortable silence until wally speaks up.

"You look delightful today." He looks me up and down. His smile reaching his eyes.

"I.. Thank you... But out of the two of us, You look the best." I glance at his outfit.

Wearing a simple rainbow sweater, His red necktie was gone and his white collar shirt was unbuttoned at the top. Wearing simple light brown pants and white shoes with rainbow edges. His iconic pompadour perfectly in place.

"You look handsome..." I say out loud without thinking and he stops walking.

"O-oh, Thank you.... Everyone is so used to what i wear. It's been forever since I've been complimented." He admits and his eyes shined of something sweet.

"That's a shame. You're something to behold." I mutter as i continue walking.

He doesn't say anything, Looking dumbfounded. He catches up beside me and we walk in silence.

Arriving at howdy's, We walk in and i smile at seeing Barnaby.

"Hey, guys!" He greets and i smile back at him.

Wally starts a conversation with him and i start to add simple things into the basket i picked up from the front of the store.

"These prices are insane." I mutter as i see how low they are.

"Everything doesn't need to be expensive here." Wally says behind me and i turn to look at him.

"Barnaby?" I asked and his head nods towards the front of the store. I look and see Barnaby telling jokes to Frank who's just trying to look at the fruit.

I giggle and walk towards the cash register.

Wally quickly sets down a weird looking piece of paper. It was colorful and contained the simple number 10.

"What a gentleman!" Barnaby fans himself and wally rolls his eyes.

"Since when do you pay for people?" Frank asks and wally chuckles.

"Be as cute as (y/n) and i just might pay everything for you."

I turn red at his compliment and i cover my face with my hair.

Frank rolls his eyes as he continues to pick up some grapes.

Howdy sets everything in bags and i take the bags but i feel wally stop me.

"Let me, A lady shouldn't carry her own bags." Wally says as he takes the bags from my hands.

"Maybe i should start wearing skirts for that kind of treatment." Barnaby teases and Frank sighs.

"Don't you have to be annoying somewhere else?" Frank asks and Barnaby looks at him.

"Not until 4." Barnaby replies and Frank looked at him with a dumbfounded look.

I burst out laughing.

"You have that scheduled?" I ask and Barnaby winks at me.

"Only on Mondays."

I hear wally sigh but clearly he's enjoying this silly conversation.

Soon, We walk back to my home and wally sets everything on the dinner table.

"Thank you for everything." I look at him with a grateful smile and he shakes his head.

"Anything for you. I'm always here to help, Darling." He says and my breath catches in my throat.

I shake my head, Trying to concentrate on putting everything away.

An apple falls out of the bag but i catch it before it hits the ground.

I look at the bright red apple and remembered something.

Turning to wally, I hold out the apple.

"Here, I know you love these."

He looks at me and his eyes widen.

"You remember that?" He asks and i smile proudly.

"I did. Believe it or not, they became my favorite fruit ever since i saw your love for them in the show." I say and he takes the apple. Looking at it with bright eyes.


I jump as suddenly bites were taken out of the apple until only the core was left.

"You... Eat with your eyes.." i mumble.

He looks at me and blushes.

"You didn't notice last night?" He asks and i shake my head.

"If I'm being honest. I wasn't really paying attention to anything other than the fact I'm in this world." I say and he chuckles.

"Maybe, I just might take a bite out of you." He mumbles but goosebumps cover my skin at his words.

"You... You can do that?" I ask and he looks over at my frightened face.

His eyes crinkle then he bursts out laughing.

"N-no! I can control it but i wouldn't ever bite anyone...." His laughter dies down and i relax.

He looks at me, Mischief gleaming in his dark eyes.

"Unless you ask me to." His voice was low and my stomach flips at meaning behind his words.

"I.... Isn't this supposed to be a kids show?" I say breathless and he hums.

"Indeed but just because it used to be a kids show doesn't mean everything has to be child friendly." He says simply as he leans against the wall. His head tilts to the side and he stares at me with amusement.

"I'm just teasing..." He says and i shake my head.

I don't remember him being this intense before but it would make sense why kid me became obsessed.

"Besides, After so many boring years of being forgotten. Those strict rules of being little kid friendly sort of...." His eye lids lowers as he looks towards the window.

"Become useless."

He shakes his head and his charming smile comes back.

"But that's the past. Let's make breakfast!" He walks towards my cupboards.

"O-oh, Alright." I stutter as i follow him.

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