Chapter 21

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"What are you doing here? Who told you to come here?" infuriated Smita asked to Akshay who came for her bail.

"I am doing what I suppose to do. Now cooperate." he said sternly.

"I don't need your help so get lost."

"My child need you." Akshay said and his sentence fueled the fury of Smita.

"Listen Mister, she is my child not yours. "

"Really Smita, you are getting dumber with each passing day. I said you earlier and again saying a woman can't conceive alone so shut up ."he said with equal rage.

" Hey, you two stop quarreling like street goons in my police station. "ACP Arjun interrupted." Mr. Ranawat you are well known business please behave like that and Mrs. Ranawat are on bail so please leave. "

Smita is not vindictive or untamed distructive force but his behaviour shocked her. She didn't expected this from him and didn't knew how to comprehend the fact so acted just like him. He use taunt and insults to safeguard his walls and she did it too.

"Mummy, where you have been. I searched you everywhere. I was so disturbed and he promised me that you will be here till evening." Akshita engulfed her. There is lines of dried tears on her face. She is exhausted by absence of her mother.

"I am sorry shona. Some emergency came and I forgot to tell you. Next time Mumma won't go anywhere without informing you." Smita lift her in her arms. She caressed her back to ease the tension in her daughter.

"Have you ate anything or not? Smita asked and answer is obvious. She immediately headed into kitchen to prepare grilled cheese capsicum sandwich which is Akshita's favourite. She feed sandwich to her daughter and prepare one plate for herself. Smita placed plate of sandwich on centre table of their room and went into washroom for fresh n up.
Aroma of the food is irresistible for Akshay and he searched the source. One plate of sandwich placed in the mid of table. He picked the sandwich and...

"Don't you dare Akshay" Smita shouted from the door step.
He raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders and ate one bite. Smita ran towards him to grab her hard worked sandwich. Sandwich is not the big deal and can be prepared within minutes but something is in the time and situation. He is interfering in everything she does. He accuses her of that unfateful tragic incident and when she went for punishment he dismissed everything. She knew Akshita's need but she didn't want to deal with him at the moment. All she wants is to eat and sleep and his actions infuriate her.

"Akshay return back my sandwich." She stomped her feet.

He tries to eat but she ran towards him and tries to snatch the piece. In that process his feet stumbled and they fall on the bed. Their eyes locked. It could be most romantic moments for a couple but they are not lucky enough.Akshay wants to get away but didn't, she can feel rejected again. Smita doesn't get away to see his actions. They didn't know what is the equation between them.
Is love alive in hearts or it was a facade which fade away with time.

Their story is twisted in a way that neither Smita nor Akshay know what will be their next step.
They don't know this ship will sail or doomed.
Its so much mess and chaos both internally and externally.
It seems they were not meant for each other but caught up in the trap of arrange marriage.

Why love can't be simple?


Court room

The advocate narrated whole case in brief to the judge.

"My lord,the case is crystal clear Mrs Smita Surana planned this whole scenario very cleverly and killed everyone for her own benefit. I request you to punish her so no one will dare to do such heinous crime again." one lawyer said.

"I object my client Smita Surana is innocent and I can prove it."

"My lord I want to ask few questions to Mr. Akshay Ranawat."

"You may ask." judge grant his plea.

"Thank you my lord."

"So Mr. Ranawat your whole family died in that incident, right.

" Right. "Akshay replied.

" Your whole family died and any sane person wants justice but my lord this man withdraw the case after knowing Mrs. Ranawat is the suspect. They both planned this incident to grab control on the whole property "

" This is not true. She was expecting at that time my lord and I didn't want to stressed her. "Akshay said in his defence which shocked Smita. She didn't knew he cared for her at that time too.

" My lord, Mr. Ranawat is lying. He denied being father of that child in another case. "

" Yes, I denied because we have some conflict but Akshita is my daughter and I don't have any doubts regarding that." Akshay stressed each words.

"Okay, we expected that she is your child and you hadn't want to stressed your wife but that doesn't eliminate the fact that you two are beneficial of their death." the lawyer counter attack.

"I object my lord, my colleague is terming them criminal while nothing is proved." defence lawyer interrupted

"Objection sustain." judge said.

"Thank you my lord. My lord this is will of Mr. Ranawat who transferred 90% of his shares in the name of my client Smita." he presented property papers to judge. "Smita was caretaker of maximum of their property and after her its supposed to be distributed equally among family members so she hadn't need to kill anyone for property."

"My lord, I want to ask few questions to Smita."

"You may ask"

"Thank you my lord." lawyer turned towards Smita.

"So Mrs Smita I'll ask you some questions. You are ready." Lawyer asked and Smita nodded.

"You went to Ranawat vila on that day."



"There was some tension going on in our family. I wanted to solve everything between us and returned to my in law's place. I was expecting at that time and I went to share this good news with everyone."

"And what is the reaction of everyone? "

"We were planning to surprise my husband Akshay. We divided our work my mother in law and sister in law decided to bake a cake.My brother in law decided to decorate house and I went to buy couple T-shirt and some other goodies."

"so you must had took your driver with you."

"No, I took a cab as car isn't there."

"Who took it."

"I didn't know. I was so excited that I didn't enquire."

"My lord, I want to show you cctv footage of different places. One is from the streets at the side and one is from Mr. Mehta's balcony." Her lawyer gave the hard disc. "Like you see there is no tension between family members and no malicious intention of my client is visible. My lord its just an accident. My client was present there but she didn't planned it." Her lawyer concluded.

"I object my lord, Mrs Smita said there was tension between the families. Can you tell me the reason behind it." other lawyer asked.

"Akshay's father is not happy with the property distribution thing. He said nasty words towards me and my father lost his temper."

"My lord I told you there was issue of property and that's why this brutal incident happened."

"I object my lord, my colleague is threatening my client. She said she wanted to reconcile and I can prove that. Mr Dixit please come in" He called and another lawyer came in the court.

"So Mr. Dixit tell the court what you told me." Her lawyer asked.

"My lord Mrs Smita came to consult me in 2012.

" and how you remember it till today"

"because she was in so much hurry to gave the property. I prepared whole paper in one night but there is one mistake and she lectured me to behave like professional ." he concluded.

After that more witnesses were called to narrate the incident and no one said that Smita caused the blast.

"Is there anything which can prove her guilty or innocent." judge asked and there is pin drop silence.

"Court has seen evidence and listen all witnesses and nothing proved Mrs Smita guilty. Her behaviour was not suspicious infact she tried to mend things so court declare Mrs Smita innocent. It was an unfortunate incident nothing else."

Smita sighed. After years burden from her shoulder is lift up. She knew she didn't caused that horrific incident and today court proved her innocent. She is free from guilt and regret. It was just an accident, unfortunate one. She sat on the floor, eyes filled with tears.

"Take me where my heart can receive some peace." Smita said when she sensed Akshay besides her.

"Despite knowing my sins."

"Yes" she sighed.

First I want to thank everyone who read last chapter, voted and share their opinion.
I am not expert in legal matter but I tried my best I hope you will like it.

Thanks for reading.

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