Chapter 22

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Akshay drive Smita to farm house. Here he have all equipment plus privacy. She can shout here and no one will hear. She can be herself and no one is going to judge her.

He let her do whatever she want. She breaks the glass table, television, mobile phone whatever came in her way . Smita was continuously hitting the punching bag, unleashing pent up frustration and anger. Anger of being wronged for so long. Pain of heartbreak, misery of losing loved one, burden of blame. Everything take a toll on her mental and emotional health. Akshay followed her silently.

"I hate it Akshay, I hate everything. I hate this life. I hate this misery. I was wronged for so long. What I have done to deserve all this."

" I was very young when I lost Ma(mother). There was no one waiting for me in the house when I returned from school. No one was there to feed me,comb my hair, dressed me up, cheer for me. Papa tried his level best but he failed to fill the void. "

"Why my life has that emptiness?" Smita fall on the floor.

"When I met your mother I was so afraid of facing mother in law. I thought she will judge me, harrass me but she filled the void of my heart."

"Jab mai maa se mili na Akshay tab mujhe pata chala ma kaisi hoti hai (When I met your mother Akshay than I realised what is mother, her love). I have blurry image of my mother but if my mother would be alive she must be similar to her."

"Anuj and Avni were my soul siblings. Their teasing, chatting, blabbering are still fresh in my mind. They were innocent and notorious at the same time."

"Avni dreamt to go Paris. Paris fashion week was her dream. Anuj my silly monkey, Avni my barbie doll never able to experience their dreams."

"You were right on blaming me for their death. I am unlucky one. Whoever I loved faced the brutal fate. I loved my mother she died. I loved your family they also died. My father died. Everyone whom I loved left me. You know, you and Akshita should leave me otherwise you will also die. "

" You are not responsible for their death. I was wrong in blaming you. It was bitter pill for me to swallow. I wasn't able to handle the loss and it turned into anger which I directed towards you. " Akshay sighed.

" I lost everything Akshay. I have nothing to hold on. Please go away and take Akshita with you. I don't want to be with anyone. I can't take it anymore Akshay. "she gave up at the point where it can be new beginning. Sometimes pain is too much for the heart to endure. Sometimes pain changes you for the lifetime.

" You can't do this Smita. Your daughter needs you. Don't let history repeat itself. You were grown up without your mother don't inflict same pain to her" Akshay took her hand in his hands.

"If you wish I'll go away from your life and will never come back. I'll give you monthly maintainance and child care fund."

"but I don't want anything. I can't do this anymore."

"We shall talk about that when you are more composed and if you still want to go, I won't stop you."


"Smita I am going to Haridwar." Akshay said

"For their last rights." she guessed the obvious.

(In Hinduism body is burned after death and ashes were left in river after some time.)

"I want to come with you Akshay." she requested and he didn't denied.


Ashay clutches the mortal remains of his mother to his heart. Smita tried to loosen up his grip but his body stiffened. Tears were flowing from his eyes and she is relaxed by seeing it. Pain which was buried in his heart for five long years finally coming out. One event and everything is changed forever for them.

She knew how it felt to all on your own. She knew how it felt to be left alone in the see of billions of humans.She knew how difficult it is to eat alone on the the festival when whole world is celebrating, you are on your own. There is no one whom you can relay. You have no one to celebrate your victory or sharing your sorrow. Its all empty inside.

First its too hard and as the time passes you start loving the loneliness. May be its come from accepting the obvious that your whining is worthless. No one is going to come to share the burden.

She understands that its far more difficult for him as he is a billionaire. Thousands of them are ready to listen him but are they trustworthy. May be no. She at least has few genuine friends with whom she can share everything. He has none besides him.

"Let it go Akshay." she whispered in his ear. She caressed his arms and encourage him to let go the past. His grip loosen and ashes of Ma, Dad Anuj and Avni fall in the river Ganga. Stream of river carried it far away from them. Akshay keep looking in that direction with moist eyes. This scene is not new for the locals. Smita is glad that no one judges him for crying.

After that Akshay and Smita donated all things belongs to the deceased like clothes, accessories etc. With each distribution they are helping the poors while letting go memories which connects them. Akshay didn't have much stuff as many things were destroyed in that blast. Few things which were kept in farm house and one other holiday house were left. He donated abstract painting to a school. His mother painted it with great enthusiasm. Anuj's Barcelona T-shirt, Avni's collection of Zara were given to an orphanage.

They returned to the bay of river. The sun was setting, birds were returning to their nest but they has no nest. He just sat there without saying anything. He kept looking towards the sky. Smita sat besides him. She is quiet too. Is there anything to talk? Probably this moment has nothing to talk. The loss is big and can't be filled by anything. Is there anything in the world which can replace family.

Smita looked towards him and he gave a faint smile. They lost so much in past few years. They endure so much for no fault. Sometimes you don't know why you are centre of misery.

This is very sad and depressing chapter. This is most challenging chapter so far. I don't know how it turned out. I hope you like it and share your opinion with me.

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