White Vans (I promise this chapter is serious)

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Do you guys prefer the chapters to be long or short? Just wondering how I can improve my writing to make my readers happy with my work. I couldn't think of a good song for this chapter so you have been blessed with this work of art.^^ Wish I could take credit for it but my screams aren't that beautiful.

     (Y/n) slowly turned the doorknob and entered her home. She looked around for a hint that maybe, by some off chance, her parents were still alive, or at least still in the house, but there was nothing. She walked into the kitchen to find that the cabinets were still stocked with croissants. She took a croissant and hunted for some watermelon to give to Zirea.

     After she retrieved the bowl of her kwami's favorite treat, she made her way to her room. Whilst doing so, she began to hear a dripping noise, getting louder the closer she was to her destination. What in God's name is that? She began to walk more quickly to her room, determined to get out of there as soon as possible. She made it to her room and the door creaked open on its own. A hand grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and yanked her into the room, closing the door the second she made it inside.

"What the he-"

"Shh!" The owner of the hand shushed her as they made their way to the window, peeking through the curtains. "He's not found us yet," the voice whispered. This is when (Y/n) realized who it was.



"What are you doing in my house?" She asked him.

"I've been waiting for you here for the past week. Since your parents were killed I've been waiting. I knew you would be back, and I knew that when you did come back I would have to take care of you."

"But I've been doing just fine. Nath's been taking care of me, and things are great."

     "But are they? Are things really great? You know he killed your parents, right? And his own parents."

    "Yes, I'm aware, and whilst I don't condone the behavior, I know he can't control it. There's two sides to him, Adrien. You've got to understand that it's not him that's in control, it's some other version of-"

    "You don't understand anything, (Y/n)! He's crazy! He could kill you at any time!"

"But he won't. You've not been around him; you don't understand him like I do. I've seen his innocent soul. He's not himself when he's doing those things."

"How do you know his innocence isn't an act?"

"He's told me himself that he feels like he has two sides. I know it's probably stupid of me, but I'm not afraid of him."

     Adrien looked at the girl as if she were, in fact, incredibly stupid. "You're not afraid of him," Adrien whispered. "You're really stupid."

    "I know! It's not like I can just make myself afraid of him because I think it's the rational thing to do, though."

    "Argh! Why do I have a crush on such an idiot?!" Adrien yelled.

     (Y/n) looked at him in shock, her eyes large. "You...you have a crush on me?"

     "Oh god. Oh god I just said that."

"And rather loudly, I might add."

"Oh god I'm so stupid!" He said to himself. "Stupid, stupid Adrien!"

"I can't believe it...I'm not saying you're a liar or anything, I just...I thought you liked Marinette."

"I-I...I don't know...I thought so too. I mean, we went to the dance together and that was nice, but I'm not sure. And of course you're with Nathanaël...I could never ask you to leave him. You love him. You're happy and that's all that matters."

     "Wow. I don't know what to say."

"Say we're going to forget this ever happened."



Nathanaël had gotten what he needed and was making his way to (Y/n)'s house when suddenly someone tapped his shoulder. "Hm?" It didn't bother him much, though.

"Nath, how are you so calm right now? Your parents were killed! And not to mention your girlfriend's parents have been killed, too, as well as that girl that got akumatized. Sawyer, was it? Anyway, I need your help finding out who did it."


"Duh! Can you help me?" She said.

"I don't know, Mari," he told her. "I've got a lot to do..."

She hugged him. "Please?"

He sighed. "Fine," he said. He knew he wouldn't be around to help her much (or at all), but he felt like he had to agree with her. He would feel bad otherwise (and yet it didn't bother him to kill people).

She hugged him tighter. "Oh, thank you so much! I can't do this without you!"

He blushed as she hugged him, unsure as to why this was happening. "Uh, yeah. No problem..." There's no way I still like Marinette, even a little. Even if I do, I don't love her. I like her. I love (Y/n).

     She released him and ran back towards her house. "I expect you to meet me at my place tomorrow to talk about this!" She yelled to him. He gave her a thumbs up and continued walking to (Y/n)'s house. Would he kill for Marinette? No. Would he die for her? No. But did he still have a hint of a crush on her? Yes. And if (Y/n) found out, he would be in some deep trouble.

But it wasn't a big deal, so it would be easy to keep just this one thing from her. So he thought.


Finally, Nath arrived at (Y/n)'s home. He opened the door to see her sleeping on the couch, curled up like a kitten. He smiled down at her as he walked over to her and sat next to her in the floor. He kissed her forehead, and he could've sworn he'd seen her smile in her sleep. He picked her up and carried her all the way back to their house. He smiled at the thought. Their house. Not his, not hers. Theirs. When he thought of this, all the things he felt for Marinette melted away for a moment. Just for this one moment, carrying (Y/n), thinking of the life they lived together.

     The life he hoped they would continue to live together. Forever.

     When (Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open, the first thing she saw was Nathanaël watching her. She noticed that she wasn't on the couch in her home like she had been when she had fallen asleep, but rather in bed at the house where she stayed with Nath. He was sitting next to her, watching her sleep, breathe, live. "Hi," she said sleepily, then yawned.


    "How did I get back here?"

    "I carried you," he said. She nodded and he gently twisted a bit of her hair between his fingers. "I couldn't find Zirea," he told her.

    "What? But she should've been there. What could've happened to her?" (Y/n) was in shock.

     "I'm not sure, but it can't be good. It means someone else has been in your house. Did you see anyone there last night or hear anything out of the ordinary?"

     She looked at him for the longest time, torn on what to say. What if she told him the truth and he went after Adrien? "No," she said emotionlessly.

     "Strange...I could've sworn I'd seen Adrien running from your house when we left," Nath said with a lopsided smile.

     (Y/n) blushed profusely. "Huh. That is strange."

    "Why did you lie to me?" He asked, with his head tilted in confusion. "You're afraid I'll kill him?"

     (Y/n) said nothing.

     "I understand."

     "Why didn't you kill him in the first place? I thought you killed my friends and family..."

     "I knew they wouldn't be any trouble, so I didn't bother. I'm not so sure now, though. Did he know anything?"

     (Y/n) thought for a moment. What should I say now?

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