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Akshara's POV

"Sir, may I inquire as to why my name, along with Abhimanyu Birla from B section, is conspicuously absent from the final merit list?" I addressed our Principal with a mixture of confusion and concern, having just discovered that our names had been inexplicably removed from the list despite our top-ranking performance in the recent merit exam.

The merit test had been a monumental achievement for us, marking the first time in our school's history that two students had secured a perfect score. Not only did our performance promise us scholarships, but it also opened doors to prestigious institutions like the Sharma Institute, the Bhosale Institute of Excellence, or even FITE, allowing us to pursue our dreams of higher education.

As I stood before the Principal, the weight of our hard-earned accomplishment hung in the air, overshadowed by the uncertainty of our sudden exclusion. It was a perplexing turn of events, one that threatened to derail our dreams and cast doubt upon the integrity of the merit evaluation process.

"Don't argue," the Principal retorted sternly, his tone laced with dismissiveness. "You've been a scholarship student here for years, benefiting from the free education provided by this school. Be grateful for what you've received thus far. As for the merit list, rest assured, you'll still gain admission to a good college based on your impressive board exam results. And as for your scholarship funds, if needed, Aarohi's father has graciously offered to provide separate funding."

His words hit me like a blow to the gut, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with sickening clarity. So, this was why Aarohi's name had miraculously appeared on the list, despite her mediocre academic performance. It wasn't about merit; it was about privilege and influence—about ensuring that the offspring of the affluent elite could effortlessly secure coveted spots in prestigious institutions, regardless of their actual abilities.

Anger simmered within me as I realized the extent of the corruption and injustice permeating the system. Talented students like Abhi and myself were being sidelined, our hard work and achievements overshadowed by the unchecked influence of wealth and power.

Despite my best efforts to reason with the principal, he remained steadfast in his decision. It seemed futile to fight against the entrenched system of privilege and corruption that governed our school's affairs. Defeated and disheartened, I made my way towards the secluded backyard of the school, seeking solace amidst the whispering leaves and rustling bushes.

There, amidst the shadows cast by overhanging branches, I found Abhi—a solitary figure kneeling beside the bushes, tenderly offering bread crumbs to the stray cats that sought refuge in the school grounds. My heart ached at the sight of him, knowing the burden he carried—the recent loss of his mother to a long battle with cancer, a secret she had kept from him to shield him from their financial struggles.

He had made a promise to his late mother—a promise to carve out a better life for himself, to rise above their circumstances and find success against all odds. Abhi had poured his heart and soul into his studies, striving to excel and secure a promising future for himself. The merit list, with its promise of scholarships and prestigious college admissions, had been a beacon of hope for both of us—a chance to fulfill our dreams and honor the sacrifices of those we loved.

But now, that hope lay shattered, stolen by the manipulative machinations of the privileged few. As I stood there, witnessing the injustice that had befallen us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of profound despair. The realization dawned upon me that our dreams had been callously snatched away by the machinations of the privileged few, leaving us stranded in a sea of uncertainty.

Approaching Abhi with a heavy heart, I gently placed my hand upon his shoulder, silently conveying my presence and the weight of our shared disappointment. In that moment, words failed me, for how could I begin to articulate the depth of our sorrow and the injustice that had robbed us of our dreams?

"I know everything," Abhi's voice broke the silence, his words carrying a weight of understanding that cut through the air like a knife.

"Abhi, why us?" I managed to choke out, my voice trembling with emotion. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

Without a word, Abhi rose to his feet and enveloped me in a comforting embrace, his arms a sanctuary against the storm of emotions raging within me. His soothing words offered a balm to my wounded spirit, easing the ache in my heart even as tears continued to fall.

As the tears subsided and a heavy silence settled between us, we remained seated on the soft grass, our thoughts weighed down by the unfairness of life's cruel hand.

"It seems being poor is a sin," he murmured, his voice heavy with resignation. "Life is determined to play unfair with us, again and again."

In the days that followed, we found ourselves adrift in a sea of sorrow, unable to shake the sense of betrayal that gnawed at our hearts. While the students who had stolen our rightful places reveled in their undeserved victories, we could do nothing but bear witness to the inequity that plagued our world.

It had been nearly a week since our dreams were shattered, but one day, Abhi approached me with a genuine smile on his face, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.

"I have a way to get justice," he announced, his words tinged with determination.

His words took me by surprise, and for a moment, I hesitated, unsure of the path he was proposing. Yet, as he explained that he had stumbled upon evidence of our principal's extramarital affair—a potential leverage to compel him to reinstate us—I felt a surge of conviction coursing through me.

Though the idea of resorting to blackmail was unsettling, the prospect of reclaiming our rightful place outweighed any moral qualms. In that moment, we made a silent pact, vowing not to let injustice prevail any longer.

With a silent nod, we made a silent pact to stand together and fight for what was rightfully ours. No longer would we be passive victims of injustice; instead, we would take control of our own destiny and walk boldly towards the success that was rightfully ours.


At 14, I secured admission to Morning Shine School on a scholarship, a tribute to my relentless dedication and academic excellence. Later at 15, fate paired me with Abhimanyu, my 16-year-old classmate from another section, who shared my scholarship status.

While I hailed from an orphaned background, Abhi bore the anguish of losing his mother at seventeen.

Though others may have overlooked us, we proved to be a formidable duo, fueled by our joint resolve to shatter expectations and thrive in the face of adversity.

Through the turbulence of adolescence, our bond matured into an unbreakable friendship, blooming into a love that transcended all boundaries. Together, we charted a course towards our aspirations, propelled by our unyielding connection and the promise of an expansive future awaiting us.

Motivated by our enduring battle against poverty, Abhi and I made a fateful choice to break free from our constrained circumstances.

Leveraging information about our school principal's extramarital affair, we negotiated our admission into the esteemed Sharma Institute, a beacon of opportunity in the academic landscape. While this maneuver represented our gateway to a brighter future, it was a decision tinged with moral ambiguity—a compromise we made in pursuit of liberation from adversity. It was our first step towards darkness.

Then, determined to seize our chance at wealth, we concocted a scheme to ensnare a wealthy classmate, Abhinav. With careful planning and calculated moves, I became the bait in our trap, aiming to captivate Abhinav's affections.

Every step we took felt like a gamble, but the allure of a better life drove us forward. As we delved deeper into our plan, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at me. Yet, the promise of prosperity overshadowed any doubts, pushing me to play my part in our risky game of deceit and manipulation. Now, it appears that the consequences of our past actions have returned to haunt us once more.


Thank you all for reading my story! If you enjoyed this chapter, please click the vote button and share your thoughts in the comments. I truly appreciate everyone who voted and commented on the previous chapter, thank you so much.

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