chapter 40

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Sahil was dancing with akshara  twirling her around and then doing some funny steps with her and both were laughing...

Abhimanyu  was watching this with a scowl look and turned away taking a deep breath while smiling at keerti but his eyes kept moving back to them making something burn inside him

The next song that played was Hawaayein .... sahil twirled akshara  and she landed in Abhimanyu 's arm with his hands around her waist and her hand on his chest...both looked at each other for a moment.. akshara  was about to move her hand away from his chest when Abhimanyu  held it and moved it up to his shoulder without even moving his gaze from her ..

Abhimanyu  turned akshara  around while placing his hand around her stomach and hers on top of his... akshara  turned sideways to look at Abhimanyu..  their face was close with their nose touching as they  stared deep into each others eyes..

Abhimanyu  twirled akshara  twice and then as he twirled her again he was about to grab hold of her when sahil came and pulled away akshara  and danced with her in circles....

akshara  laughed as sahil was trying to do a ball dance where they were moving around in circles..Abhimanyu clenched his fist controlling his frustration.. he was not liking the way akshara  was laughing freely with sahil and the way sahil came and took akshara  when he was dancing with her as the song hadn't changed

Abhimanyu  came out of his jealousy thought when manjari pulled him for a dance

After the dance which was still going on some were dancing while vidyut and juhi moved back to the stage as People wanted to congratulate them while some were  eating and some were at the bar... the gang decided to go and eat

Abhimanyu   was at the bar with neil, rohan, kairav, vansh,shefali, parth and arohi when he saw akshara  walking towards them... he was glad to see her alone and a smile came on his face  which only lasted for few secs as he saw sahil come behind akshara  placing his hand around her shoulder and both smiling looking at each other.. he saw how akshara  pushed sahil laughing about something... he looked away taking a deep breath as if trying not to be effected and gulped his drink

Arohi :where were u?

Akshara :this guy wanted to continue dancing when I said im leaving that's when he came 

Neil:man sahil u should actually come with us when we meet up ...u will surely have fun .

Abhimanyu  looked at neil as if he has grown another head

Akshara :dont worry we will make sure he enjoys as much as he can 

Arohi :how long do u plan to stay here she asked.. at that question Abhimanyu  looked at sahil and then at akshara  ...before sahil can speak Abhimanyu  spoke

Abhimanyu :I guess it wont be for long as he probably has to go back to London for work....sahil smiled

Sahil :no no I'm in no rush to go back to work and my boss even knows that...

Abhimanyu  nodded but from Inside he was annoyed as hell and was imagining sahil actually here for the rest of his life...he took that thought away from his mind and took a sip of his drink as if to calm it down.

Soon all started to take picture with vidyut and juhi.. the gang took pics last with the couple making sure to take few funny ones... even though Abhimanyu  was standing with akshara  he was not that happy as sahil was on the other side of akshara . Sahil had his hand on her hack while Abhimanyu  was looking their now and then.. so he placed his hand on her arm 

Few hours later birla and goenka family were the only people to stay back

After an hour or so they all decided to leave while the Pandit family thanked each one of them for the elders were looking akshara  turned to sahil

Akshara :I'm going back to the birla mansion u will be comfortable right?

Abhimanyu  raised his eyebrows when akshara  said that

Arohi:dont worry akshara  I'll give him company

Sahil: exactly beside your family is friendly and caring so dont worry 

Abhimanyu  in his head: at least she will be away from sahil sometime.

Mahima: sahil do come for breakfast tommrow ok 

As soon as mahima said that Abhimanyu  gave a look as if someone said the most shocking thing..bechara thought he could get away from sahil but Mahima invited him to  birla mansion for breakfast

Sahil:ji aunty he said smiling

Akshara  moved to hug sahil while Abhimanyu  rolled his eyes..sahil moved to hug all and then lastly Abhimanyu ... who smiled back as he was happy that sahil will be away from akshara  be it for the night.

the birla family had arrived and sat in the hall for sometime

Manjari:the reception went so nicely na

Mahima:haan it did and also vidyut and juhi looked amazing 

Harshvardhan: yes I'm glad the guest enjoyed too 

Abhimanyu :I guess we all should go and sleep now.

Anand:haan let's go... chalo Good night everyone.

All said goodnight and retired to their room

Harshvardhan:Abhimanyu  beta chal we will go and see if all the window and door is locked properly

Abhimanyu  nodded and went with Harshvardhan ...after 10 mins when he came to his room he saw the washroom lights on and took of his suit and rolled up his shirt sleeves while sitting on the bed 

As akshara  came out after few mins she saw Abhimanyu  sitting on the bed.

Abhimanyu : akshuuu ...can we talk please... that day whatever  I said.. but before he could continue akshara  interrupted him

Akshara :its ok Abhi I totally understand... we r friends and it will stay like that.. so relax I'm not angry on u just leave that topic

Abhimanyu :u dont know how relieved I feel after u said this he said moving to her and held her shoulder..

Akshara  gave a small smile

Akshara :u can go and change now.

Abhimanyu  nodded and went to change glad that akshara  spoke to him at least

As he came out he saw akshara  brushing her hair

Abhimanyu :akshuuu ?

Akshara :hmm she said looking at him through the mirror

Abhimanyu : how do u know sahil...  I mean how did u meet him and all

Akshara  smiled and turned around while Abhimanyu  saw the wide smile on her face

Akshara :sahil is the best friend anyone would love to have.. I mean I had met him few times at college and we clicked instantly... then we became really good friends and after college it was sahil who helped me with the orphanage that I run.. do u know Abhimanyu  it was sahil who actually motivated and supported me.. like this guy is truley amazing... we would actually meet daily and go for coffee or eat ice cream with few of our college friends.. then I got to know he found a job at the same place where keerti bua works and despite working we still made sure to take out time for each other.. u know Abhimanyu  if sahil wasnt there in London god knows what I would have done..

While listening to akshara  talk about sahil..Abhimanyu  was getting jealous again

Abhimanyu :thars great..I guess it's quite late let's sleep

Akshara :yup

Abhimanyu  slept  on the couch while akshara  slept on the bed

They both said goodnight to each other and akshara  switched off the lights

It had been 5 mins and Abhimanyu  was just staring at the ceiling

Abhimanyu  in his head: Whenever I hear akshara  speak about sahil...she is happy like it can be seen on her face on the mention of sahil... yes they r friends but  y do I feel so hurt and not like it especially when she was telling me how she and sahil spent their time in London....y?...Y dont I like it especially  whenever i see akshara  and sahil together... my heart starts beating fast as if she will go away from me... as if I will loose her forever ... no no I guess I'm over thinking as I'm akshara  best friend   and before she use to give me her full attention but now since sahil is here she is giving her full attention to him so maybe because of that I'm feeling like this and it will get better sometime... he tried to assure himself and looked towards the bed to see akshara  asleep..  he laid down again and closed his eyes to try and sleep.

The next day...akshara  had gone to get ready and after coming out she told Abhimanyu  to get ready as she will go and help manjari make breakfast..

2o mins later Abhimanyu  was ready and brushed his hair... he put his phone in his pocket while walking down the stairs but suddenly  l slowed down seeing sahil at the door... his eyes landed on how akshara  had her hand around sahil arm who was talking to his family...

Manjari: abhi what r u doing up there come down

Abhimanyu  slowly walked down and plastered a smile on his face  as he saw everyone look at him wheras in his mind he was making new names for sahil.

Sahil:hey Abhimanyu  he said giving a manly hug

Abhimanyu :hey...

Manjari: I'll  get breakfast ready till then

Mahima:chalo sahil let me give u a tour of birla Mansion as this is the first time u r here 

Akshara :enjoy she said smiling at sahil and left to help manjari while Abhimanyu  was relaxed that akshara  didnt take sahil to show the mansion

20 mins later all came to sit for breakfast while talking

Akshara  had sat between sahil and Abhimanyu  while opposite them was Harshvardhan and manjari

Abhimanyu  saw how akshara  had served sahil full plate of breakfast... he was getting jealous seeing how she was keep on telling sahil that if he need anything else then he should tell her.. not even once akshara  turned to him and asked if he needed anything as all her attention was on sahil

He saw how his family was also interested in knowing what sahil does in London and rolled his eyes as all were giving sahil special importance

Mahima :akshara   y dont u do one thing.. in fact u and sahil both.

Abhimanyu  was about to take a sip of his coffee when he stopped as mahima said that and looked at her

Akshara :what tai ji

Mahima:I know someone who has an orphanage and they r looking for someone who can run the orphanage London u handle your own orphanage very well and also sahil has helped u too so y not both of u join over there...or do you plan to join the hospital

Abhimanyu  tai ji... before he could speak sahil spoke

Sahil:that's actually an Amazing idea.. it will be fun isnt it akshara but its ok if you want to join the hospital

Akshara: i think orphange is good for now she said 

Abhimanyu :sahil u should relax I mean u r on holiday and akshara  can manage on her own

Akshara :no no sahil is here na Abhimanyu  he will help me he wont have any problem..even during his holiday in London he would come and help me over there so dont worry we will do that

Now Abhimanyu  couldnt  say anything as akshara  agreed  with sahil working with her.

Mahima:great here is the address y dont u go and meet her today

Akshara :, will defo do

Abhimanyu  ate his food forcefully not happy with this latest news 

After breakfast

Abhimanyu :akshara  I can drop u on the way to the orphanage come.

Akshara :no Abhimanyu  u need to reach to work early u go I'll go with sahil ...Abhimanyu  didn't like how akshara  said this but he knew he couldnt say anything to her about this

An hour later

Abhimanyu  was busy in the cabin alone as vidyut wasnt there.. however his mind wasnt allowing him to concentrate thanks to sahil... he rubbed his forehead and turned on his laptop while loading a report he decided to call akshara 

Akshara :hey Abhi

Abhimanyu :hey what r u doing

Akshara :I'm at neils cafe with sahil we r actually eating ice cream 

Abhimanyu I'll call u in a bit ok

Akshara :ok she said while Abhimanyu  was able to hear sahil call akshara  in the background

As Abhimanyu  cut the hall he slammed   the laptop so hardly  and starts speaking to himself.

Abhimanyu :  gosh always sahil sahil sahil..sahil this sahil that ...this sahil is everywhere . Life ka toh shunny ban gaya hai sahil....Jab dekho akshara  ke aagien peechien gumtha hai .. fine they r friends but y is he sticking to my wife he said annoyingly but then suddenly frowned and repeated ...

Abhimanyu : my wife ? Abhimanyu  what is wrong with're seriously going crazy now ...

At that time rohan came into Abhimanyu  cabin when he saw Abhimanyu  muttering...

Rohan: Abhimanyu  sir y r u talking to yourself? ..sir?...sir?...what happened to u sir l r u ok? ...

Abhimanyu  turned to rohan and was thinking of what to say to him when he thought of an excuse

Abhimanyu :  nothing has happened i was just  thinking about a patient.. what happend did u want anything

Rohan :yes.. I just need to show u the improvement the patient in the icu is making

Abhimanyu  scanned through it

Abhimanyu :its lower the medicine dose and continue checking the progress he said looking at rohan who was giving him weird looks

Abhimanyu  raised his eyebrows gesturing "what"

Rohan:sir l r u sure u r ok ?

Abhimanyu :rohannn he said sternly

Rohan:I'll just go  he said

Once rohan left Abhimanyu  walked towards vidyut table

Abhimanyu :I cant stay here like this.. until I dont go to the cafe I wont be at peace he thought

as Abhimanyu   reached  there  he looked around when he spotted how akshara  was chasing sahil....he pouted slightly  seen how both were laughing making Abhimanyu  burn in jealousy even more

Akshara  actually picked up a sauce bottle to hit at sahil but by  accident she squeezed it so hard that sahil had some sauce on his shirt

Akshara :sahil I.. look i didnt mean to do that ...i just aimed to throw the bottle at u she said but she stopped speaking and started to run as sahil chased her...

He somehow caught her from the back and spinned her around while akshara  laughter echoed in the cafe... Abhimanyu  had his jaws clenched not liking the scene

Abhimanyu :God knows when this sahil will leave for good he muttered under his breath

Abhimanyu   slowly started to walk ahead...sahil placed akshara  down while akshara  didnt notice Abhimanyu  come as her back was facing Abhimanyu .. she smacked sahil on the arm and  as she took few steps backwards her heels broke and she was about to loose her balance when suddenly Abhimanyu  got a hold of her.... his one hand was around her waist while the the other held her hand ...for a sec they  had an eye lock in that  position when akshara  cames out of her staring session feeling a pain on her ankle...  sahil and neil come forward

Sahil:akshara  r u ok ...  Abhimanyu  looked at sahil seriously

Akshara :I dont know I feel that I have  twisted my ankle..she said standing straight

As sahil was about to see ...Abhimanyu  carried her in his arms and made her sit on the chair

Abhimanyu : u r  so careless.. y were u running so much in heels he said while checking her ankle...

akshara :  Abhimanyu   what r u doing over here ...and  that too at this  time..Abhimanyu  for a sec felt like he will get caught and tried to think of an excuse

Akshara :Abhimanyu  r u listening

Abhimanyu :I'll get the spray from the car he said  getting up and was about to go

Sahil:Abhimanyu  dont worry ... I can fix it

Abhimanyu :its best if i spray her ankle first and then to lessen the pain  he said and took few steps to walk away

Sahil examined akshara  ankle and  then after few secs twisted it so quickly

Akshara :ahhhhhh she shouted in pain ... Abhimanyu  looked at akshara  and then at sahil

Abhimanyu :sahil I told u na let me handle it... see she is in more pain he said annoyingly

Sahil:relax Abhimanyu  nothing has happened

Abhimanyu :what do u mean nothing has ... he stopped speaking  and turned to akshara  as she spoke

Akshara :I'm actually not feeling any pain any more she  said moving her feet but there were no sign of pain near her ankle

Neil:that's amazing sahil.  You were faster than us doctors he said smilong

Akshara :sahil u r actually my life saver she said and got up and hugged him

Abhimanyu  looked at akshara  when she said that.. he was not happy as it felt  like akshara  is giving his place  to sahil as she had told him many times how he is her life saver and will always be but now she just said that to someone else and recalled a time when akshara  had called Abhimanyu  her life saver


During their early days of college Abhimanyu  and Akshara  were alone at home as juhi vidyut and neil went to buy some things for the house

Abhimanyu  was downstairs while akshara  was in the kitchen

She was first time going to try and make an omelette.. she somehow added eggs and others things in the pan...God knows what she was making but for her it looked like an omelette... she wiped her hands with a napkin  and placed it on the platform without looking  as the edge of the napkin was near the gas and since it was on high flame it caught fire in few secs...akshara  had closed the fridge and turned around when her eyes widend seen the fire expanding slightly...

Akshara :Abhimanyu  she screamed and went near the platform to remove the other end of the cloth but she couldnt as it was slowly spreading the fire more

Abhimanyu  came down and was shocked

Abhimanyu :akshuuu move he said and quickly got water and started pouring until the fire was put down

Akshara :gosh I'm sorry

Abhimanyu  turned to her and examined her

Abhimanyu :u ok na chatterbox u r not hurt right he asked

Akshara  smiled and hugged Abhimanyu  while he hugged her back

Akshara :I'm fine Abhi.. afterall I have my life saver with me so nothing can happen to me

Abhimanyu  smiled and kissed the top of her head

Abhimanyu :I'll always be your life saver 

End of flashback

Abhimanyu :I thought I was your life saver but now u just made sahil your life saver...y does it feel like sahil is slowly trying to take my place he thought to himself

Precrap: none !

Phew as promised i am back with another chapter

Thanks a ton for the response you all gave for the previous chapter

Lots of love

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